Senior Lecturer Life Skills Name: Eurika Jansen van Vuuren Staff Members
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About Dr Eurika Jansen van Vuuren
Siyabuswa Campus
Dr Eurika Jansen van Vuuren was appointed as senior lecturer for Life Skills in the Department of Childhood Development at the University of Johannesburg (Siyabuswa campus) in June 2013.
Her teaching career started in 1982. Her subject fields include Music (as subject), Life Skills, as well as Arts & Culture. She also taught Afrikaans 2nd Language and English. Eurika’s experience includes teaching at various levels, namely from Grade 1 to Grade 12.
In 2008 Eurika was appointed as Senior Education Specialist in the KwaZulu Natal Department of Education. This enabled her to get involved in educator development and training for Arts & Culture. During this time she also started a mentoring programme for Arts & Culture educators in a deep rural community in Zululand. In 2012 she reported her research findings about this mentoring programme at the ISME conference in Thessaloniki, Greece (Mentoring the Muse).
As part of community involvement she initiated a second language acquisition programme using the arts with Grade 4 learners. She is also an adjudicator for choir performances, as well as speech and performing arts competitions.
Dr Jansen van Vuuren is currently furthering her research about second language acquisition through the use of the arts, acculturation in music/dance and arts educator training.
D.Mus thesis: Subject music in rural South Africa: challenges and solutions within a comparative context (University of Pretoria)