Access to campus, and complete compulsory screening process.
Collect cloth masks (during first time entering of campus).
Adhere to all guidelines related to:
- Social distancing;
- Hand hygiene and sanitation;
- Personal Protective Equipment; and
- Keeping of registers.
Inform Campus Health Services should you become symptomatic, in adherence to Departments of Health and Employment and Labour guidelines.
– Clinic Management on suspected cases
– Health Management Plan
Provide names of contact persons to Campus Health Services, should you become symptomatic, and assist with contact tracing, if required in adherence to Departments of Health and Employment and Labour guidelines.
Understand risk of COVID-19 at work and home, and subsequent required actions.
Participate in ongoing awareness and training related to the pandemic.
Adhere to guidelines for access of external stakeholders.
Applicable Human Resources protocols during Covid-19.
Adhere to residence protocols.
Schedule for intercampus transport.
UJ APB RTW Planning AW Muller Stadium Gate Henley Road Rev A
UJ APB RTW Planning Annet Street Gate Rev A
UJ APK RTW Planning Akademie Road Gate6 Rev A
UJ APK RTW Planning Kingsway Gate1 Rev A
UJ APK RTW Planning Kingsway Gate 1A Rev A
UJ DFC RTW Planning Beit Sherwell Gate Rev A
UJ DFC RTW Planning Gate House 2 Rev A
UJ DFC RTW Planning Saratoga Pedestrian Turnstile Gate Rev A