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UJ Bus schedule

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During the exam

What time should I arrive at my exam?

Students are expected to arrive at least 30 minutes before the commencement of their exam.

What happens if I arrive late for an examination?

If you arrive late, you will not be given extra time. You will be allowed to write the examination if you arrive within 30 minutes after start of the examination. Should you arrive later than the timeframe indicated above, you are required to approach your College or Faculty where you will be advised further.

What should I do once I arrive at the exam venue?

You must abide by the rules of examinations as instructed by the invigilator. Ensure you’re your cellular phone is switched off and placed face down on your desk. Remove all watches. Normal watches may be placed on your desk faced up, smart watches faced down. Remove hoodie if you wearing one and if you wearing a cap turn cap around so that the cap faces backwards.

What items can I take into an examination venue?

You must take your student card with you to all your examination sittings. You are only permitted to take items as stipulated on the question paper, with you e.g. calculator, pens etc. You are not allowed to bring your bag into the venue. All bags must be taken to the safe keeping venues as the University will not be held responsible for the loss of belongings of bags kept outside the examination venues. Your stationary should be kept in a clear and transparent pencil case

Are Cell phones allowed in the examination venue?

You are not encouraged to bring cellular phones into the examination venue. However, should you have a cellular phone, ensure you’re your cellular phone is switched off and placed face down on your desk. The use of cellular phones is prohibited during the examination. If you touch your cell phone during an assessment session, it will be confiscated as evidence and disciplinary action will be taken.

What do I do if I need to use the toilet?

Raise your hand and inform the Invigilator. It is University policy that an Invigilator accompanies you to the toilet.

Can I leave the exam venue once I’ve completed my exam?

Depending on the requirements of the college/faculty, you may not leave the examination venue in the first 30 minutes or the final 15 minutes of the examination unless under special circumstances where you have fallen ill or found guilty of misconduct.

What should I do if I feel unwell during an examination?

Please notify the Invigilator on duty.

What should I do if the fire alarm goes off during the exam?

Remain calm and follow the Invigilators instructions and as you are still under examination conditions.

During the exam

What happens at the end of an examination?

Ensure that you have handed in all your examination answer books (scripts) and have completed the attendance register.

May I take examination material with me after writing and when I leave the venue?

You are not permitted to leave the venue with any examination answer books or attendance registers. Only certain College/Faculty allow students to retain their examination question paper.

Examination results

Students are requested to please consult with their respective Faculties/ College regarding any examination queries. This also applies to queries on remarking/ results etc. as the Faculty and College manage these aspects.

Deferred Exams

Deferred examinations are only considered for approval to those students who are unable to write their final exam due to illness or other acceptable reasons. Students should always be informed that applying for a deferred exam does not guarantee that it will be granted.


What happens if my subject/course does not appear on the time-table?

Report it immediately to your College/Faculty who will check your registration details.

Where and when do you publish the Examination Timetable?

At the beginning of the year and the final timetable is published 4 weeks prior to the start of the exam session. The published exam timetables can be found at: The Final timetable will be published 4 weeks prior to the start of the examination session.

What should I do if the timetable affects my travel plans?

Students are advised not to make any travel arrangements that will pose conflict with the examination sessions. The University cannot change examination dates that conflict with students’ travel arrangements. Students may also apply for a deferred in the event where travel arrangements conflict with the examination timetable. Please note that deferred applications are not an automatic approval and are assessed individually on a case by case.

Extra time and clashes

What should I do if I require Extra Time in an Emergency situation?

Should you require Extra Time on the day or a few days prior to the examination taking place, it will be your responsibility to inform your College/Faculty.

What should I do if I require Extra Time?

The application for Extra Time must be completed with PSYCAD. Students must go to PSYCAD for an assessment. They in turn will inform your College/Faculty of the outcome of the assessment and make necessary recommendations for Extra Time. The disability unit will provide a letter of approval to the student. You must keep a copy of this letter with you to present to your lecturer(s).

What happens if I have a clash?

Please note that writing two examinations – one in the morning and one in the afternoon – is NOT considered as a clash. A clash is when 2 examinations have been scheduled to be written on the same day and at the same time. It is your responsibility to notify your College/faculty should you have a clash

Will I get a break between examinations that are clashing?

Students are allowed half an hour (30 minutes) break in between

Supplementary and missed exams

What should I do if I miss an Examination?

Please report this immediately to your College/Faculty who will advise you.

Supplementary Exams

Students do not need to apply for a supplementary examination. The supplementary examination is awarded to students who achieve a result in the range of (40% – 49%) for their final assessment.


What is misconduct?

It is when a student tries to dishonestly gain an unfair advantage in an exam. For example, opening or writing in your answer book before the exam has started or after it has finished; using materials that are not allowed(such as notes or mobile phones);or trying to talk to other students and not adhering to the invigilator’s instructions

What if I’m suspected of misconduct?

The University diligently follows due policy on suspected misconduct The Invigilator who suspects the misconduct will report the matter to the Chief/Head Invigilator. The Invigilator will remove any items/documents supporting their suspicion. The matter will then be reported to Student Judicial Services for further investigation. You will be given a new exam answer book and be allowed to continue with the examination.

Religious commitments

The following assessment protocols for Muslim students during the month of Ramadan are established to facilitate the smooth and efficient administration of assessments for the University of Johannesburg. Please ensure that the protocols are read and that you are fully conversant with it.

  • Students who wish to break their fast during the 16:30 assessments in the month of Ramadan will be accommodated in the following manner:
  • Students will have to sit quietly at their desks and break their fast and not be a disruption to others.
  • Only clear, no label transparent water bottles are allowed inside of the exam venue.
  • Any food (e.g. dates) used to break the fast, must be in a clear transparent plastic bag.
  • No extra time will be allowed for completion of the paper if the Muslim students decide to extend the time for breaking their fast.
  • Students also have the option of applying to write the supplementary exam during July.

Where are the Safekeeping Venues situated?

Safekeeping venues are situated at:

  • APK: Under B Les 101.
  • APK: Behind D Les 101
  • APB: Study Centre (Old Franks Canteen ground floor).
  • DFC: John Orr building, ground floor Atrium C next to exit 5 and 6.
  • DFC: Samsung safekeeping, 3rd floor entrance, Q-K building (Perskor Building).
  • SWC: TW Kambule building at the back A1.

Supporting documents