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Senior Lecturer
Name: Lee-Ann Sade Modley
Location: D2 Lab 344B Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Geography Environmental Management Energy Studies Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3928
About Dr Lee-Ann Sade Modley
PhD (Environmental Management) (UJ)
MSc (Environmental Management) (UJ)
Bsc Honours: General Zoology (UJ)
BSc: Natural Sciences (Zoology and Human Physiology) (UJ)
MSc (Environmental Management) (UJ)
Bsc Honours: General Zoology (UJ)
BSc: Natural Sciences (Zoology and Human Physiology) (UJ)
Dr. L.S Modley has an Aquatic Science and Environmental Management background. Currently, she teaches Environmental Management at second-year level and third-year level as well as Strategic Environmental Managementat honours level. She also supervises student research projects at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and is the Local Director of the SteDe international masters degree ( Her research interests are in Environmental Management issues, different aspects of sustainability and Water Resource topics.
Successfully supervised research projects include:
- Water pollution and water quality studies;
- Integrated water resource management
- Environmental assessment
- Environmental management and monitoring
- Environmental and social sustainability
- Sustainable Finance
Recent Publications
- Lee-Ann S. Modley, Isaac T. Rampedi, Annemariè Avenant-Oldewage, Vimbai Mhuka, Mathew Nindi, Cobus Van Dyk. Oreochromis mossambicus from three impacted rivers flowing into a hypereutrophic freshwater system: A pilot study. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. Volume 71, October 2019, 10322.
- T. P. Mashazi ; M. S. Morole ; L. S. Modley. 2019. Evaluating public perceptions, attitudes and participation in water resource management: The case of an urban township in South Africa. Water Practice and Technology- Volume 14 – Issue 3: 726-731.
- Mabaso, Thembeka & Topkin, James & Rampedi, Isaac & Modley, Lee-Ann. 2020. The Potential of Generating Electrical Energy from Digester Carbon Waste Sources at Erwat Wastewater Treatment Facilities, South Africa. The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management. 46. 148-159. 10.5276/JSWTM/2020.148.
- Lee-Ann S. Modley, Isaac T. Rampedi, Annemariè Avenant-Oldewage, Cobus Van Dyk. A comparative study on the biotic integrity of the rivers supplying a polluted, hyper-eutrophic freshwater system: A multi-indicator approach. Ecological Indicators. Volume 111, April 2020, 105940.
- Morole, Malebo & Yessoufou, KY & Bufo, Sabino & Rampedi, IT & Modley, Lee-Ann. (2022). The impact of informal settlements on the surface water quality: a baseline analysis of the Kaalspruit in Tembisa township, South Africa. Urban Water Journal. 1-10. 10.1080/1573062X.2022.2099289.
- Jabulile T. Sindane & Lee-Ann S. Modley (2023) The impacts of poor water quality on the residential areas of Emfuleni local municipality: a case study of perceptions in the Rietspruit River catchment in South Africa, Urban Water Journal, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2022.2030763
- VD Choji, IT Rampedi, LAS Modley, AP Ifegbesan 2022. An Evaluation of the Quality of Environmental Impact Assessment Reports in the Mobile Telecommunications Infrastructure Sector: The Case of Plateau State in Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (19), 12659
- AP Ifegbesan, IT Rampedi, B Ogunyemi, LA Modley.2022. Predicting Pro-Environmental Behaviour amongst Citizens in African Countries: A Cross-National Study amongst Six African Countries. Sustainability 14 (15), 9311
- TJ Kgomo & LS Modley. 2023. Do younger generations care more about environmental issues? A comparison of perceptions between Gen Z and Gen X in Johannesburg, South Africa. South African Geographical Journal, DOI: 10.1080/03736245.2022.2150283
- Bonomo MG, Scrano L, Mang SM, Scalese BE, Bufo SA, Modley L-A, Buongarzone E, Salzano G. 2023. Changes in the Bacterial Community Composition of Cultivated Soil after Digging up Operations for Laying a Pipeline. Agriculture.; 13(6):1189.
- K.Maruapula, KY Yessoufou , L. S. Modley. 2023. Community perceptions, participation and satisfaction with existing Water Resource Management Plans: A case study of a polluted water system in South Africa. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua
- T.Lekhanya, T. Musvuugwa, T. Mashifana, L. S. Modley. 2023. Measurement of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater: A case study of The Northern Cape, South Africa. Journal of Water science and technology.
- T.Mashazi, P.Jacobs, IT, Rampedi, LS Modley. 2024. Conveying Science Through Art: The Case Of A Polluted Urban Stream In Johannesburg, South Africa. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies.
- L. Mbokane. L. Modley. 2024. Green Consumerism in Young Adults: Attitudes and awareness in University Students in Johannesburg, South Africa. Sustainability.
- B. Tladi. N. Kambule. LS Modley. 2024. Justice for all? Assessing the social and environmental impacts of the Just Energy Transition in South Africa. Journal of Energy research and social science.