Assore Raman Laboratory
Home » Faculties of Science » Departments » Geology » Facilities »Raman spectroscopy is a very versatile tool in the Earth Sciences, as it allows for the identification and characterization of minerals and mineral inclusions, mineral phase transitions under varying temperatures and pressures, geological fluids enclosed in minerals, and geobiological materials, specifically permineralized organic matter.
The Department of Geology houses a WITec alpha300R Confocal Laser Raman Microscope. This instrument was purchased with the aid of ASSMANG, a leading South African mining company, and the UJ Research Committee. The instrument combines a 532 nm laser with an automated sample stage that allows 2D microraman mapping of sample specimens and a piezostage that allows 3D microraman mapping with a resolution down to 200 nm.
For further information and to book time on the instrument please contact Axel Hofmann (