Learner Enrichment Program
Home » Faculties of Science » Soweto Science Centre » Learner Enrichment Program »The centre’s Leaner Enrichment Program provides learners with the following services:
- Extra tuition classes to learners every Saturday and school holidays in Pure mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and life sciences to grade 10, 11 and 12.
- Learner networks developed to structure and facilitate group learning sessions between students from different schools. Students are guided to work together (learning communities) to compare notes, discuss content, develop alternative study strategies, engage in problem-solving and prepare for tests and examinations.
- The centre serves as a science career guidance centre for the students whereby experts in the different scientific fields will be hosted on some certain days for the students to be exposed to the possible career options available for scientists for motivation and guidance purposes.
- Revision and preparation for tests and examinations; bridging school programme
- Conducting school outreach programmes to assist identified educationally disadvantaged schools (this depends on the availability of funds for travel costs). The extension of the centre’s activities to the outreach teaching and learning programmes into the schools are used to extend the work of the center to the remote areas.
Parental Involvement
Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in the learning process. Detailed reporting is undertaken and regular parents meetings are held. Mandatory parental involvement includes making a financial commitment to the centre for the year. There is an annual fee payment of R1 500 required form each learner for the year.