Postgraduate Supervision Areas
Home » Faculties of Humanities » Departments » Department of History » History Programmes and Information for Postgraduates »If you are interested in a particular staff member, please find their contact details and individual research interests through the Staff page. You may contact them directly, but you will still need to follow the application process outlined here. Individual supervision and co-supervision arrangements are possible.
The department is extremely fortunate to have staff who are able to supervise across a range of key specialisations, listed below.
Areas of Postgraduate Supervision
Gender, Family and Sexuality in History
Natasha Erlank, Nafisa Essop Sheik, Catherine Burns
Nationalisms, Law and the State in South African History
Faeeza Ballim, Stephen Sparks, Juan Klee, Nafisa Essop Sheik, Thembisa Waetjen, Catherine Burns
Histories of Science, Technology and Medicine
Faeeza Ballim, Stephen Sparks, Thembisa Waetjen, Natasha Erlank, Catherine Burns
Sport, Urban Space and Institutions
Juan Klee, Louis Grundlingh, Stephen Sparks, Faeeza Ballim, Natasha Erlank
Environmental History
Stephen Sparks
Global Histories of Empire and Colonialism
Nafisa Essop Sheik
Culture and Religion in Southern Africa
Natasha Erlank, Nafisa Essop Sheik, Thembisa Waetjen
History of Ideas, Theory and Historiography
Nafisa Essop Sheik, Stephen Sparks, Catherine Burns
Economy, Infrastructure and Modernity
Faeeza Ballim, Stephen Sparks, Thembisa Waetjen, Catherine Burns
Public History
Juan Klee, Natasha Erlank, Thembisa Waetjen, Catherine Burns