Research Associates & Visiting Profs
Yann Allard-Tremblay is an Assistant Professor of Political Science. McGill University, who has collaborated with ACEPS on ACEPS NIHSS grant, ‘Philosophy through Indigenous Knowledge in the Global South’. His research interests in Political Science and Social Justice complement and contribute to ACEPS African Philosophy and Decolonisation research. Appointed Senior RA: Sep 2024-Aug 2027.
Glenn Anderau is a Doctoral Research Fellow at Zurich Epistemology Group on Rationality (Zegra) at Zurich University. Glenn’s research interests of Virtue Epistemology and Social Epistemology, Experimental Philosophy and Philosophy of Science and especially his PhD Project:‘Fake News’:Understanding and Navigating the ‘Post-Truth Age’ through Virtue and Social Epistemology align with ACEPS. Appointed: Mar 2023-Apr 2026.
Eric Bayruns García is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy, McMaster University after completing a Fellow in Residence at Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University. He specializes in the Philosophy of Race and Latin American Philosophy, two areas that complement ACEPS’s current strengths in epistemic injustice and the decolonization of knowledge and future collaboration will be on these and related topics such as white ignorance. Appointed: Nov 2022-Oct 2025.
Miloud Belkoniene is a research associate at University of Glasgow within the SNSF project “Evidence: Knowledge and Understanding”. Previously he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Zürich Epistemology Group on Rationality (Zegra), University of Zürich, which ACEPS has collaborated with for a number of years. Appointed: Jun 2023-Jun 2026.
Sven Bernecker is the Alexander von Humboltd Professor in Philosophy at University of Cologne and Professor of Philosophy at School of Humanities and Co-Director, Minor in Medical Humanities at UC Irvine. Appointed Senior RA: Nov 2022-Oct 2025.
Magali Bessone is Professor of Political Philosophy and the Senior Chair of Institut Universitaire de France, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Prof Bessone has collaborated with ACEPS on the Epistemic Oppression and Decolonization Conference co-organised with the Canada Research Chair on Epistemic Injustice and Agency. Her research interests in Political philosophy, Social philosophy and Reparative justice, are all areas which complement and contribute to ACEPS African Philosophy and Decolonisation research. Appointed Senior RA: Sep 2024-Aug 2027.
Nathan Biebel is a postdoctoral fellow at the Philosophy Department, University of Vienna. Dr Biebel has expertise in the philosophy of ignorance and related issues in epistemic responsibility, and the effects of artificial intelligence on attributions of responsibility, areas which are closely related to ACEPS epistemic injustice and decolonisation and 4IR areas of focus and promises to be a fruitful collaboration. Appointed: Nov 2022-Dec 2025.
Sayid Bnefsi is a SNF Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Neuchâtel working on the Defense-First Approach to Responsibility project. As a law and philosophy scholar, Sayid’s research involves blending philosophical and legal inquiry to approach moral and epistemological questions about culpability, ignorance, agency, and punishment. His inter-disciplinary research spanning law and philosophy will help boost ACEPS research reach. Dr Bnefsi is planning a 2025 research visit to ACEPS. Appointed: Nov 2024-Oct 2027.
Cameron Boult is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Brandon University in Canada. Cameron’s research explores epistemic blame, testimonial injustice, and political ignorance (and the intersection of these topics) – he is the principle investigator on a two-year BURC-SSHRC Research Grant titled “Blame for Testimonial Injustice”. Cameron’s research visit Nov-Dec 2021 to UJ has led to fruitful areas of collaboration with ACEPS, particularly relating to epistemic decolonisation and epistemic injustice. Appointed: Dec 2024-Nov 2027.
Amandine Catala is chair of Canada Research Chair on Epistemic Injustice and Agency and a Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM). Her current research focuses on epistemic injustice and agency in relation to various themes such as colonialism, indigenous issues, multiculturalism, racism, deliberative democracy, linguistic justice, think tanks, cognitive disability, neurodiversity, and the underrepresentation of women and other minorities in certain fields. Appointed Senior RA: Nov 2022-Nov 2025.
Aviva de Groot is a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the Global Data Justice Project at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) which is affiliated with Digital Legal Studies. She has been collaborating with ACEPS Epistemology of the 4th Industrial Revolution Project. Appointed: Jun 2023-Jun 2026.
Niels de Haan is a Lecturer at the Philosophy Department of the University of Vienna. His research focuses primarily on normative ethics and social ontology. He works on topics such as collective duties, collective responsibility, collective moral agency, moral responsibility, and normative reasons. Appointed: Nov 2022-Dec 2025.
Peter Ronald de Souza was a Visiting Professor Goa University until 2022 and is a member of various International Advisory and Indian Governing Boards. He is a collaborator on a new ACEPS NIHSS grant, ‘Philosophy through Indigenous Knowledge in the Global South’ and a British Academy grant exploring the theme ‘Time and a Just Transitions’. Appointed Senior RA: Apr 2023-Apr 2026.
Siddharth de Sousa is an Assistant Professor in AI and Society at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM) and prevously a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the Global Data Justice Project at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT). Siddharth is the founder of Justice Adda, a law and design social venture which seeks to build legal literacy and awareness in India. He has been collaborating with ACEPS Epistemology of the 4th Industrial Revolution Project. Appointed: May 2023-Apr 2026.
Davide Fassio is an Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Zhejiang University and a ZJU 100 Young Professor in Humanities and Social Science. His work in epistemology, coupled with the BRICS and the Global South link fits extremely well with ACEPS research focus. Appointed Senior RA: Dec 2023-Dec 2026.
Amy Flowerree is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Texas Tech University and Visiting Assistant Research Professor at the University of Notre Dame, Center for Philosophy of Religion. She works in social epistemology and 4IR research. We have presented and collaborated together at the Zanzibar Episteme 2023 conference and a collaboration will benefit both the work of the numerous social epistemologists and 4IR philosophers working at ACEPS. Appointed: Oct 2023-Oct 2026.
Prof Greg Frost-Arnold is a Professor from Hobart and William Smith Colleges whose research focuses on Philosophy of Science, History of Philosophy and Philosophy of Logic, areas of research which align and augment ACEPS own research interests. Appointed Senior RA: Sep 2024-Aug 2027.
Karen Frost-Arnold is a Professor from Hobart and William Smith Colleges whose research focuses on the epistemology and ethics of trust and the role of trust in knowledge, science, and the internet. Appointed Visiting Professor: Jun 2022-Jul 2025.
Corrado Fumagalli is a Lecturer in Political Philosophy at the University of Genova. He is also one of the founders of A-id:Agenda for International Development. Prior to joining the University of Genova, Corrado was a Fulbright Research Scholar in the Political Science Department of Brown University and a Postdoctoral Researcher at LUISS-Guido Carli. He has held positions as a consultant and as a research associate with international organizations and UN agencies working on migration policy, such as IOM-China, IOM-Ethiopia, IOM-Gambia, and UNICEF-Bolivia. Appointed Senior RA: Jun 2024-Jun 2026.
Rosinah Mmannana Gabaitse is Head of Department in Philosophy and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Botswana, a recipient of the Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow at Bamberg University, and a collaborator on the recent ACEPS NIHSS grant, ‘Philosophy through Indigenous Knowledge in the Global South’. Appointed Senior RA: Sep 2024-Aug 2027.
Jie Gao is an Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Zhejiang University and a ZJU 100 Young Professor in Humanities and Social Science. Her work in epistemology, coupled with the BRICS and the Global South link fits extremely well with ACEPS research focus. Appointed Senior RA: Dec 2023-Dec 2026.
Sandy Goldberg is the Chester D. Tripp Professor in the Humanities, Professor of Philosophy, Northwestern University and a Professorial Fellow, Arché Research Center, University of St. Andrews. He is one of the most famous names in social epistemology today. Appointed Senior RA: Aug 2023-Aug 2026.
Heather Gordon is an affiliate Assistant Professor of Indigenous Studies, University of Alaska Fairbanks with significant experience working and consulting with Arctic Indigenous Communities. She consults for the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is the Co-chair for International Conferences on Arctic Research Planning and has experience in health and wellbeing research with minority and vulnerable populations. Appointed Senior RA: Sep 2024-Aug 2027.
Igor Grossmann is a Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo, Canada. He has been collaborating on the Templeton-funded project ‘The Geography of Philosophy’ since 2017, and is looking at further ways to collaborate in the future. Appointed Senior RA: Apr 2023-Apr 2026.
Allan Hazlett is Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Washington University in St. Louis. He has been discussing a MOU related to postgraduate exchange visits between ACEPS and Washington University Department of Philosophy. Appointed Senior RA: Jun 2023-Jun 2026.
Peter Ikhane is a lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and a collaborator on an ACEPS NIHSS grant, ‘Philosophy through Indigenous Knowledge in the Global South’. Dr Ikhane’s area of research is on African Epistemology, one of ACEPS main research foci. Appointed: Mar 2023-Mar 2026.
Elvis Imafidon is a Lecturer in Philosophy and Chair of Centre for Global and Comparative Philosophies, SOAS, University of London. Dr Imafidon’s expertise in African Philosophy, his strong pan-African links, and his decolonial outlook on education at SOAS make him a perfect fit for the research work done at ACEPS. Appointed: Apr 2023-Apr 2026.
Paul Irikefe is a President and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Irvine. Dr Irikefe’s expertise in African Philosophy, and his Research project, “Embedding Intellectual Virtues in the University Curriculum”, makes him an excellent fit for the research work done at ACEPS. Appointed: Aug 2023-Aug 2026.
Nancy Jecker is the Professor of Bioethics & Humanities at University of Washington School of Medicine, author (with Lawrence Schneiderman) of Wrong Medicine:Doctors, Patients and Futile Treatment, and the editor (with Albert Jonsen and Robert Pearlman) of Bioethics:An Introduction to the History, Methods, and Practice. Appointed Visiting Professor: Jan 2021-Dec 2025.
Fiona Jenkins is Professor in the School of Philosophy, RSSS, Australian National University. Her current research covers two projects, one on Judith Butler, which focuses on questions of political legitimacy, violence and non-violence, in post-national frameworks; the other on gender equity and ideas of ‘excellence’ in academic disciplines. She teaches on the Philosophy of Gender, on contemporary French philosophy, and on Nietzsche. She is the Convenor of the ANU Gender Institute. Appointed Senior RA: Jan 2023-Dec 2025.
Dimitris Kilakos (Dimitrios Koilakos) is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Primary Education of the University of Athens (Greece) and a research associate of its Didactics & Epistemology of Science and Educational Technology Lab. Dr Kilakos areas of research are the Philosophy of Science and Social Studies of Science and Technology, both of which are a good fit for ACEPS. Appointed: Apr 2023-Apr 2026.
Elias Konyana is Associate Professor and senior lecturer in Philosophy and Chairperson of Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Great Zimbabwe University. Prof Konyana is a collaborator on an ACEPS NIHSS grant, ‘Philosophy through Indigenous Knowledge in the Global South’ and currently setting up an ACEPS-GZU MOA. Appointed Senior RA: Aug 2023-Aug 2026.
Quill Kukla is Professor of Philosophy and Disability Studies at Georgetown University. They are also the Editor-in-Chief of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal and the 2025..2026 Visiting Fellow at the SOCRATES Institute at Leibniz Universität Hannover. Their work in philosophy of science, philosophy of language, social epistemology, and anti-oppression philosophy are all areas which complement and enhance ACEPS’s strengths. Appointed Senior RA: Sep 2024-Aug 2027.
Jennifer Lackey is the Wayne and Elizabeth Jones Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Law at Northwestern University (US) who specializes in epistemology, with a particular emphasis on a broad range of issues in social epistemology. Her recent work focuses on false confessions, the criminal justice system, the duty to object, norms of credibility, the epistemic status of punishment, the epistemology of groups, expertise, and the distribution of epistemic goods. Professor Lackey is collaborating with ACEPS on a three-year project on Epistemic Reparations, Epistemic Wrongs and Epistemic Injustice. Appointed Senior RA: Nov 2022-Oct 2025.
Karl Landström is a Research Fellow at the Responsible and Sustainable Business Centre, Nottingham Trent University and has expertise in epistemic injustice with a particular focus on just practices in the social sciences. This area of research complements ACEPS focus on epistemic injustice and decolonisation. Appointed: Feb 2023-Mar 2026.
Clayton Littlejohn is a Professor at Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University, and has collaborated with ACEPS for nearly a decade. Appointed Senior RA: Aug 2023-Aug 2026.
Arturs Logins is a lecturer at Faculté de philosophie , Université Laval in Canada. Dr Logins was a postdoctoral researcher at the Zürich Epistemology Group on Rationality (Zegra), University of Zürich, and has collaborated with ACEPS for a number of years. Appointed: Apr 2023-Apr 2026.
Huaping Lu-Adler is a Professor of Philosophy, Georgetown University. Prof Lu-Adler’s research on critical philosophy of race, social epistemology, linguistic-epistemic injustice and the politics of (un)knowing all contribute towards ACEPS main research areas. Appointed Senior RA: Jan 2025-Dec 2027.
Edouard Machery is a Distinguished Professor and the Director of the largest Centre of Philosophy of Science in the world, the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh. He has been collaborating with ACEPS on the Templeton-funded project The Geography of Philosophy since 2017. Appointed Senior RA: Nov 2022-Sep 2025.
Aidan McGlynn is a Senior Lecturer at the Philosophy Department, University of Edinburgh and a Co-Editor in Chief of Hypatia: a Journal of Feminist Philosophy. Dr McGlynn has collaborated with ACEPS in the past while future collaborations will continue in his research interests of epistemology of philosophies of language and mind and social and feminist philosophy. Appointed Senior RA: Jun 2024-May 2027.
Robin McKenna is a Lecturer at the University of Liverpool Philosophy Department and on the Steering Committee of the Political Epistemology Network. Dr McKenna has collaborated with ACEPS since 2017 on edited collections and special issues. Future collaboration will continue on epistemic injustice and related areas in feminist epistemology. Appointed Senior RA: Oct 2023-Sep 2026.
José Medina is the Walter Dill Scott Professor of Philosophy with affiliations in the Department of African American Studies and the Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies at Northwestern University. His work focuses on the intersections of race, gender, and sexuality and his primary fields of expertise are critical race theory, gender/queer theory, Black and Latinx feminisms, communication theory, applied philosophy of language, social epistemology, and political philosophy. Appointed Visiting Professor: Jun 2022-Jul 2025.
Anne Meylan is Chair of Theoretical Philosophy, University of Zürich and head of the Zurich Epistemology Group on Rationality (Zegra). She has expertise in normative epistemology, with a particular focus on issues of epistemic blame and responsibility, areas closely related to existing strengths of ACEPS such as epistemic injustice and reasons. Zegra has collaborated extensively for over a decade with ACEPS, through visits, invited talks and co-authored papers. Appointed Senior RA: Oct 2023-Oct 2026.
Boaz Miller is a Senior Lecturer, Zefat Academic College (Israel), the Department of Management Information Systems. Dr Miller’s research area in social epistemology, with his focus on the epistemology of the internet, is especially relevant to UJ’s strategic focus on 4IR. Appointed Senior RA: Oct 2022-Nov 2025.
Zinhle Mncube is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Practical Ethics University of California, San Diego, moving into a tenure-track post as Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dr Mncube’s research areas are in the philosophy of race and the philosophy of biology. Appointed: Feb 2023-Jan 2026.
Maru Mormina is a senior researcher at the Ethox Centre and Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford. Dr Mormina’s research concerns the relationship between strategic ignorance and epistemic injustice, making her an excellent fit with ACEPS’s research foci. Appointed Senior RA: Aug 2023-Aug 2026.
Rukmini Bhaya Nair is Honorary Professor Emerita of Liguistics and English at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and Global Professorial Fellow in the Department of Language, Linguistics and Film at Queen Mary University of London. She has been collaborating on the Templeton-funded project ‘The Geography of Philosophy’ since 2017, and she has agreed to continue to do so on a new ACEPS NIHSS grant, ‘Philosophy through Indigenous Knowledge in the Global South’. Appointed Senior RA: Apr 2023-Apr 2026.
Jesús Navarro is a Professor of Philosophy at University of Seville (Spain) who has published extensively on the ongoing debates of epistemic luck and epistemic risk which are closely aligned to epistemic injustice — one of ACEPS’s research foci. Appointed Senior RA: Mar 2023-Apr 2026.
Jeanine Ntihirageza is the Director of the Center for Genocide and Human Rights Research in Africa and the Diaspora, and Professor in the Department Anthropology, English Language Program, Philosophy, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages at the Northeastern Illinois University. Prof Ntihirageza has research interests in Ubuntu, Decolonial, and Human Rights research, areas which complement and contribute to ACEPS African Philosophy and Decolonisation research. Appointed Senior RA: Sep 2024-Aug 2027.
Ovett Nwosimiri was a UJ PostDoctoral Research Fellow at ACEPS until 2022, conducting research on African Philosophy, African Epistemology, and Philosophy of Race, all important research areas at ACEPS. Appointed: May 2023-May 2026.
Michael Omoge is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Alberta, whose research interests are in African Philosophy, and Epistemic Injustice which makes Dr Omoge an excellent fit with the research done at ACEPS. Appointed: May 2023-May 2026.
Herlinde Pauer-Studer is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Vienna, specializing in practical philosophy. Her current research focuses on rationality, practical reasoning, and normativity. She is the principal investigator of the ERC Advanced Grant Project The Normative and Moral Foundations of Group Agency (2017—2023). From 2010 to 2015 she was PI of the ERC Advanced Research Grant Distortions of Normativity. Appointed Senior RA: Dec 2022-Dec 2025.
Henric Peels (Rik) is an Associate Professor of Department of Philosophy and the Beliefs and Practises Department at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research interests in Epistemology and Philosophy of Science fit well with ACEPS core areas of research. Appointed Senior RA: May 2023-May 2026.
Oscar Piedrahita Rivera is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Glasgow, working on the AHRC ‘Expanding Autonomy’ Project with extensive contacts with a number of ACEPS RAs. Oscar’s research in social and political epistemology, with a particular focus on issues of active ignorance, are important areas of research for ACEPS. Appointed RA: Sep 2024-Aug 2027.
Manuela Fernández Pinto is an Associate Professor of Philosophy Department and Center of Applied Ethics, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Manuela is involved with a number of areas of research relevant to ACEPS. Appointed RA: Sep 2023-Sep 2026.
Gaile Pohlhaus is a Professor of Philosophy at Miami University (US) and one of the most famous names on the topic of epistemic injustice — one of ACEPS’s research foci. Her research will be a boon for ACEPS’s numerous social epistemologists working at ACEPS and the Centre’s international standing. Appointed Senior RA: Mar 2023-Mar 2026.
Lerato Posholi is a post-doctoral fellow on the SNSF project Reversing the gaze:Towards Post-Comparative Area Studies at the Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel, Switzerland. Her PhD research looked at the relationship between knowledge and power in the context of curriculum theory. Her current research interests are broadly in social epistemology and decolonial theory. She has a growing interest in the field of conceptual engineering. Appointed: May 2022-Apr 2025.
Duncan Pritchard is a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Irvine and Director of the Center for Knowledge, Technology & Society and one of the most eminent epistemologists in the world. Appointed Senior RA: Oct 2022-Nov 2025.
Pablo Quintanilla is a Professor at Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He collaborated on the Templeton-funded project ‘The Geography of Philosophy’ and is doing so again on a new ACEPS NIHSS grant, ‘Philosophy through Indigenous Knowledge in the Global South’. Appointed Senior RA: Apr 2023-Apr 2026.
Jan-Willem Romeijn is a Professor of Philosophy of science at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. His research revolves around probability theory and scientific method. Topics of specific interest are statistical inference, inductive logic, model selection, logical and probabilistic reasoning, causal and probabilistic modelling, and experimentation. In 2010 he won a VIDI grant from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) for a research project on single-case chance. Appointed: Jul 2022-Jun 2025.
Sebastian Schmidt is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Zurich Epistemology Group on Rationality (Zegra) at Zurich University. Zegra’s research lies at the intersection of epistemology, metaethics and the philosophy of action and is, thereby, intended to bridge theoretical and practical philosophy. ACEPS has co-operated with ZEGRA members and welcomes Sebastian whose research interests span Epistemology, (Meta)Ethics, Moral Psychology and Animal ethics. Appointed: Sep 2024-Aug 2027.
Mongane Wally Serote is an Honorary Professor at UJ. Mongane is a veteran and stalwart of the African struggle; he is a writer, South Africa’s Poet Laureate and a Fullbright scholar who is also an African intellectual. Appointed Senior RA: May 2023-Apr 2026.
Andreas Sorger is a Lecturer of Philosophy in Political Theory at the Sciences Po, Paris, France and who has collaborated with ACEPS for a number of years including ACEPS NIHSS grant, ‘Philosophy through Indigenous Knowledge in the Global South’. Appointed: Sep 2024-Aug 2027.
Abel Tabalaka is a Lecturer in Philosophy at the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Botswana and has collaborated with ACEPS on a NIHSS grant, ‘Philosophy through Indigenous Knowledge in the Global South’. Appointed: Sep 2024-Aug 2027.
Linnet Taylor is Professor of International Data Governance at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT). She has been collaborating with ACEPS Epistemology of the 4th Industrial Revolution Project as well as looking at future collaborations. Appointed Senior RA: Apr 2023-Apr 2026.
Abe Tejiri Tobi is a postdoctoral fellow at Canada Research Chair on Epistemic Injustice and Agency (C1RC-IAE) and the Centre for Research in Ethics (CRE) at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) for his project “Marginal Epistemic Injustice”. He completed his PhD titled “Knowledge in an Online World”, funded by the University of Johannesburg’s Commonwealth Scholarship under the supervision of Veli Mitova. Appointed: Feb 2024-Jan 2027.
Ralph Weber is an Associated Professor at the Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel, Switzerland and PI of the SNSF project “Reversing the Gaze”. His project collaboration with ACEPS has resulted in two workshops held at the University of Basel and at ACEPS. Appointed Senior RA: May 2023-May 2026.
Shay Welch is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Spelman College and Scholar-in-Residence for Atlanta Art on the Beltline. Shay’s research interests are in Social and Political Philosophy, Feminist Ethics and Epistemology, Native American Philosophy, and Critical Race Theory. Appointed Senior RA: Dec 2024-Nov 2027.
Rob Wilson is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Western Australia. Rob is involved with a number of projects which are relevant to ACEPS research. In addition, he is planning to visit ACEPS during his sabbatical later this year. Appointed Senior RA: Feb 2024-Jun 2026.
Sarah Wright is a Professor of Philosophy at University of Georgia (US). Sarah has published extensively on normative aspects of epistemology as well as human reasoning about probability and preferences, and the limits that we as humans might face in such reasoning. Appointed Senior RA: Nov 2022-Oct 2025.