UJ Department of Sociology’s niche area:

“The department of sociology research examines social change and decolonisation of society. It does this through a sociological analyses of global and local shifts in capitalism, technology, and climate change; and how these shifts intersect and impact on social, gender, cultural, political, economic and environmental justice”

What drives the UJ Department of Sociology?​

Our vision

The vision of the department is to be a research-led department advancing critical, professional, policy and public sociology.

Our mission

  • Undertake high quality, socially relevant research and publication;
  • Continually strive to improve our teaching and supervision;
  • Cultivate an optimal learning experience that engenders critical engagement with a changing world;
  • Integrate teaching and social commitment with cutting-edge research;
  • Express academic citizenship through participation in professional activities.

Our core values

  • Academic freedom;
  • Diversity and social justice;
  • International cooperation;
  • Life-long learning;
  • Interdisciplinarity.
Our achievements