Partnerships & Networks
Home » About UJ » Global Engagement »The principal function of AC is to lead and facilitate the internationalization project at home and abroad together with other units in IO. The Director: Academic Services supported by the Administrative Officer, acts as the liaison between the seven Faculties, College and the Post Graduate School. The larger part of AC’s portfolio is to advocate, establish and sustain strategic bilateral and multilateral partnerships in Africa, in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS), Association of Common Wealth Universities (ACU), Universitas 21 (U21) networks, as well as in the Global South, North and Asia Pacific regions. Several international platforms; American Internationalisation Education Association (AIEA), Association of International Scholars (NAFSA), European Association for International Education (EAIE), Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE), the South African – Nordic Centre (SANORD), and Going Global impacts on yield in all of the key performance areas. These opportunities support the notions of critical, comparative and global perspectives with theories that underpin the administration of the internationalization agenda.
The broad objective of int’l includes collaborative projects to promote the trajectory of students as global citizens in multi-cultural spaces. AC’s mandate is to lead and enable the administrative function necessary for the operation of postgraduate joint supervision, joint and double degrees, and co-badged degrees with partners in strategic networks and regions. The proposal for a Summer/Winter has been conceptualised for the rollout in 2020 – during the June /July recess period. The idea is to grow the inclusion of Short Learning Programmes and Continuing Education Programmes, (accredited and non-accredited), fully representing all the knowledge communities at UJ. AC also provides administrative support and an oversight function for the Confucius Institute, in the Faculty of Humanities, and for UJELP- an English Language Programme. Other special projects include a research project: The Internationalisation of Higher Education-Diversity, Innovation and Pan Africanism. This vision is to contribute to the growing body of knowledge as practitioners in IO and to engage in collaborative outputs to lead the national internationalization agenda.
Ms Anisa Khan
Director: Academic Services
Division for Internationalisation