Critical Reflections on Reliable and Trustworthy Data Engineering and Data Science approaches: The importance of Explainability, Ethics, Fairness, and Discrimination as aspects which inform Responsible Data Science

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Date 2 – 3 November 2022

Critical Reflections on Reliable and Trustworthy Data Engineering and Data Science approaches: The importance of Explainability, Ethics, Fairness, and Discrimination as aspects which inform Responsible Data Science.

It is with great pleasure that we announce a call for abstracts for submission to the 2nd conference on Ethics and Explainability for Responsible Data Science (EE-RDS 2022). This conference provides presenters with the opportunity to submit a final article for publication in IEEE Xplore, where we will also highlight the top performing projects submitted to the EE-RDS 2022 PG Challenge. Submissions are welcome from any disciplinary background, with a focus on scientific contributions, conceptual themes, and reflections within the areas of:

1. Responsible Data Science: Reliable and Trustworthy approaches for data engineering, data science and modern machine learning.
2. Algorithmic Fairness, Transparency, and Explainability.
3. Social and Ethical aspects of Responsible Data Science.
4. Use cases illustrating the cross-disciplinary nature of the field of Data Science.

This conference is being hosted by the Data Science Across Disciplines (DSAD) Research Group based at the University of Johannesburg’s Institute for the Future of Knowledge (South Africa), and the Perception Robotics and Intelligent Machines Research Group (PRIME) at the University of Moncton (Canada). Sponsorship is being provided by the National Integrated Cyberinfrastructure System (NICIS)

November 2, 2022

Disclaimer: The University of Johannesburg encourages academic debate and discussion that are conducted in a manner that upholds respectful interaction, safety of all involved, and freedom of association as enshrined in the law, the Constitution, and within the boundaries of the University policies. The views expressed during events are expressed in a personal capacity and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Johannesburg.

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