Don't listen to us, hear it from the UJ Marketing graduates!

Anele Sikakana

“Securing my honours degree in marketing has had a profound impact on my career. The extensive knowledge and practical skills I acquired during my studies have empowered me to thrive both as an entrepreneur and in the diverse marketing positions I have held. From formulating effective marketing strategies to analysing consumer behaviour and trends, my degree has armed me with tools to make data-driven, consumer-centric decisions that foster business growth. Additionally, it has unlocked numerous doors to exciting personal and professional opportunities, instilling in me the confidence to assume leadership roles and make significant contributions to my organisation’s success. I am truly grateful for the expertise I obtained during my honours and subsequent master’s studies in marketing at the University of Johannesburg.”

Megan Moore |Retail Category Manager: Personal & Fabric Care

“Qualifying with an Honours Degree from a prestigious University such as UJ certainly provided many opportunities for me as an individual entering the working world. The skills provided in developing sound analytics to make data-driven decisions across different marketing facets truly aided my transition to the working world. One of the most memorable elements of the Honours Programme was the industry exposure our lecturers organised for us – be it guest speakers or the opportunity to present our projects to organisations that provided a project brief. One such organisation was Colgate-Palmolive leading me to pick my first position as a graduate in the Colgate Internship programme.

The knowledge of the UJ Marketing Department is vast and always entrenched with research – but what truly sets it apart is the structure of multiple group projects to address hands-on industry assignments, that enhances practical applications, closing the academic-to-industry gap.  A truly differentiating factor in a highly competitive job market.”

Miguel Martins| Customer Development Manager – Shoprite/Checkers, National Ok Foods, and Shoprite Wholesale

“The program opened doors for me to engage with industry leaders and experts, allowing me to gain firsthand insights into real world challenges and trends. These interactions allowed me to gain networking opportunities while broadening my perspective on various industries and their dynamics.

Overall, my BCom Marketing Honours journey has equipped me with a robust foundation for navigating the complexities of the business world, fostering a holistic and strategic outlook that continues to benefit me in my career.”

Patrick Mahlangu

Patrick Mahlangu Uj Marketing Graduate

“I hold a BCom (Hons) in Marketing Management and MCom in Business Management with specialisation in Marketing degrees. Obtaining the Mcom unlocked so many opportunities for me and allowed me to dab into both the academic and corporate fields.”

Employment: Founder of Lerato Agency and  PatonBrands , Social Media Manager at the Brave Group

Linkedin profile Patrick Mahlangu

Philip Hendry

Philip Hendry Uj Marketing Graduate 2

“I completed both my degrees, BCom Marketing Management and BCom Marketing Management (Honours) at the University of Johannesburg in 2017. These courses gave me the ability to fit seamlessly into the working world and operate at a level beyond what most people would have expected from me. I was taught to think practically to solve real-life marketing problems, developed the ability to work in large teams, present to a group of my peers and was given the opportunity to work hand in hand with large corporations, exposing me to the working world. These degrees continue to give me the upper-hand in the working world and the prestige of both the programme and the University have been major driving factors in me gaining employment in large organisations.” – Philip Hendry

Employment: Runs his own digital marketing agency – Co. Media Digital. Before this, he worked as an Assistant Brand manager at Tiger Brands

Linkedin profile Philip Hendry

Aobakwe Ledikwe

Aobakwe Ledikwe Uj Marketing Graduate

“I successfully completed a Masters degree in Marketing Management with a distinction, following my acceptance into the programme in 2016. This was a rewarding moment as I fulfilled one of personal goals of raising my family name higher through possessing such a prestigious qualification and I strongly believe this will magnify my future prospects of being an academic and therefore open doors for more in the near future.” – Aobakwe Ledikwe

Employment: Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Marketing Management, University of Johannesburg

Linkedin profile Aobakwe Ledikwe 

Lesego Mothwa

Lesego Mothwa Uj Marketing Graduate

“I completed the Advanced Diploma in Retailing in 2018. Completing this qualification prepared me to be ready for the outside world. I believe I have acquired very valuable knowledge that could be of great use once I start working. I am currently enrolled in the BCom Honours in Marketing Management at UJ.” – Lesogo Mothwa

Linkedin profile Lesogo Mothwa

Aobakwe Ledikwe

Aobakwe Ledikwe Uj Marketing Graduate

“I successfully completed a Masters degree in Marketing Management with a distinction, following my acceptance into the programme in 2016. This was a rewarding moment as I fulfilled one of personal goals of raising my family name higher through possessing such a prestigious qualification and I strongly believe this will magnify my future prospects of being an academic and therefore open doors for more in the near future.” – Aobakwe Ledikwe

Employment: Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Marketing Management, University of Johannesburg

Linkedin profile Aobakwe Ledikwe 

Rebecca Mosoma

Rebecca Mosoma Uj Marketing

The start of my success story emerged at the University of Johannesburg.  A journey I am tremendously proud to share with the world because, for me, this was the standard-setter, the game-changer, the difference maker! It all began in 2014 when Professor Denial Maduku summoned me to his office to discuss my semester test results. He said, regretfully “it is heart rendering to watch a talented student operate beneath their capabilities. I am saying because the manner in which you articulate yourself and apply your logic in class does not translate into your examination results” At this instant, this brief interaction with someone who believed in me a little more than I did in myself, changed me, it changed my path forever!

Today, Rebecca Masoma is known as an enthusiastic, self-starter with numerous awards in both industry and the academic space. In 2015 I was awarded Top Student, Obtained 6 distinctions for my BCom Honours qualification, the highest marks for my empirical research dissertation (Highest in the history of the marketing department) This automatically gained me an entry into the research methodology Honours poster competition, which I won third prize. Lastly. I was part of the winning team of the Colgate Honours 2016 challenge.

My drive to operate at full capacity accelerated my professional career as well. Advancing from Graduate Trainee To CCSD Executive and recently promoted to Category Account Manager within a space of 5 years. In addition to my promotions, I received an award as one of the youngest top talents in the organisation. Furthermore, I led a special project which was identified as “Best in Class” by the Business transformation team in NESTLÉ Zone AOA (Africa, Oceania, and Asia) region.

In the 5 years that I have been in the industry, with all my accolades. I know for sure that NO other institution could have prepared me for the rigorous corporate environment. The Marketing Management Course from the University of Johannesburg set me apart from other graduates, it broaden my commercial understanding, my agility to operate in fast-paced environments, and to apply myself pragmatically. These are integral skills required in the dynamic business environment we operate in today. Above all things, the mentorships of the lectures at the institution make a world of difference. I believe we are all twinkly stars and sometimes the driving force to our success is seeing ourselves through the lenses of those who believe in us.

Jade Turner 

Jade Turner Uj Marketing
Jade Turner UJ Marketing

In 2007, I enrolled in the Marketing Management programme at the University of Johannesburg. I successfully completed my National Diploma in 2009 and in 2011, managed to complete my BTech Degree in Marketing Management. After some time in the working environment, I enrolled for my MCom Degree in 2014 and successfully completed it in 2017. I am currently a Doctorate student, registered at the University of Johannesburg.

Some of the key highlights during my study journey involved the DSA sales project, which challenged me to achieve a sales target in the first year of study. This set my passion for sales and marketing on fire, and as a result, I succeeded in the DSA project for three consecutive years. One of the proudest moments during my studies was being selected to compete for the Media24 National Junior Marketing Awards in 2009. With the help and inspiration of Professor Wait and Dr Makita, I was able to finish 3rd place. In my third year of studies, I was given the opportunity to do an internship at Rocla and this was the beginning of my work career in marketing.

Since 2009, I have been working within the business-to-business environment, thus gaining a lot of exposure and experience within strategic marketing planning and market research and analysis. I have a strong background in product and pricing strategic planning as well as market intelligence.  Over the years, I have been given the opportunity to work for some of the most reputable and successful brands such as Toyota, Mazda, Bridgestone, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Peugeot Citroën South Africa, and now Stellantis. Some of the key highlights in my working career involved the successful launch and introduction of key models like the Lexus ES, Lexus IS, Lexus RC, Mazda CX-5, and the Mazda BT-50. Recently, I was given the opportunity to re-launch the Citroën brand and product range for South Africa in 2019 and in 2020, promoted to Head of Training and Skills Development manager for Peugeot Citroën SA. My journey to success in my studies and career has been inspired by some of the great lecturers and mentors that I have met along this journey.

Tamara Francis

Tamara Francis Uj Marketing Graduate

Master of Commerce in Business Management, specialising in Marketing; University of Johannesburg, 2017, Honours in Corporate Communication; University of Johannesburg, 2011 and National Diploma in Public Relations Management; University of Johannesburg, 2007.

“Studying the MCom has awarded me progression with my career and opened a new world of opportunities. On a personal level, the journey of my MCom has taught me discipline, focus and helped me to gain confidence in my field of expertise, which is Marketing.” – Tamara Francis

Employment: Marketing Coordinator, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture

Linkedin profile Tamara Francis

Dr Reaan Immelman

Reaan Immelman Uj Marketing Graduate

Completed a PhD in Marketing Management, University of Johannesburg. “It almost seems impossible until it’s done. I learned to master the skill of time management, which is essential in my work environment and personal life, and I obtained crucial specialist skills that I require in my industry.” – Reaan Immelman

Employment: Absa: General Manager – Education and Skills

Linkedin profile Reaan Immelman

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More quotes from our Graduates

“The UJ Honours course and lecturers are world-class…”Divan Botha (Television presenter: KykNet(Winslyn) and owner of The Whippet)

“The honours degree prepared me to work well in​ a team within the workplace.” – Deidre Dekker (Marketing and Promotions Coordinator at Rooi Rose)

“The value added by doing an Honors degree at UJ to that of other institutions is far superior.” – Karel Viviers (Trade Executive at Reckitt Benckiser)

“The one-on-one attention received from my lecturers while completing my Masters degree is unrivalled. Their every endeavour and unwavering commitment to my personal development ultimately contributes to driving my success.” – Candice Burin (Marketing Specialist at the Kelly Group)

“The PhD degree distinguishes you from other graduates and develops your research skills and writing skills. My promotor’s contributed extensively to my personal development.” – Dr Bennie Fourie (Associate at Blue Platinum Consulting)