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​Department of Business Management

The Department of Business Management at the University of Johannesburg is a dynamic department that aims at developing business leaders of the future; offering a number of exciting programmes and degrees that are guaranteed to add value to a students academic growth and stand them in excellent stead in the business environment.
The department of business management provides a good mix of industry and academic experts in developing future fit business managers and entrepreneurs.

Department of Finance and Investment Management

The Department of Finance and Investment Management offers market-relevant and challenging educational programmes that is required for leadership in a complex and rapidly changing world. The Department offers a variety of academic programmes that allow students the freedom to explore their intellectual and personal passions within the finance industry.
The Department has been recognised by both the Institute for Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) and the Institute for Chartered Alternative Investment Analysts (CAIA). This has made UJ the first university in Africa to be recognised by both the CFA and CAIA institutions.

Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management

Striving to be the learning centre of excellence in South Africa and Africa for people development and effectiveness in the workplace, the Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) offers an impressive and diverse product range. The Department’s engaged academic and support staff members are committed to quality teaching and learning practices and exceptional research outputs. Moreover, students value the Department’s open, inviting and innovative culture. National and international alliances strengthen its excellence and stature.

Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management

Since 1968, the Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management aims to provide a comprehensive range of world class education, training and research programmes for the domestic and international transport and supply chain community. The Department offers programmes that allow learners from diverse educational backgrounds to specialise in logistis, transport economics and transportation management. These programmes range from the undergraduate and postgraduate study opportunities where entry requirements are based on traditional selection criteria, to the certificate and diploma programmes where less formal prior educational qualifications are required. The programmes offered at the department are tailored to give learners a strong theoretical foundation enabling successful learners of all ages, groups and backgrounds to acquire highly regarded qualifications in transport and logistics management.