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Home » Mrs Taryn Neuhaus
Taryn Neuhaus

Name: Taryn Neuhaus
Location: APK A-525 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
College of Business and Economics, Finance and Investment Management Staff, Property Valuation and Management Staff  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3970


About Mrs Taryn Neuhaus

I have taught in the Law Faculty as well as in the Business College on an undergraduate and postgraduate level. My field is in Economics and Law, as well as law in financial markets. I have studied Game Theoretic applications to the legal field as well as Tax law and hope to continue my research bringing these fields together. Profesional Web links

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  • Qualifications
    • BCom Law (UJ)
    • Honours in Financial and Monetary Economics (UJ)
    • LLB (UJ)
    • MEng – Modeling the Civil Litigation Process in South Africa using Game Theory (UJ)
    • LLM Tax Law – The Limitation of the Deduction of Interest in Order to Combat Tax Base Erosion and Profit Shifting in Light of Thin Capitalisation and Transfer Pricing (UJ)
  • Undergraduate Teaching
    • Business Law
    • Tax Law
    • Financial Market Regulations
  • Post Graduate Teaching
    • Financial Engineering and Derivatives
    • Hedging and Risk Management
    • Financial Market Transactions