Policy addressing poverty

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UJ Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA)

National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) – Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey (CRAM) Policy Briefs

UJ Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA) and South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) in Welfare and Social Development Research Reports and Publications

UJ Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA) Annual Report

Policy Engagement

“In 2021 the CSDA’s major policy contribution was to support the revision of the White Paper on Families (WPF). The CSDA is proud to have made a meaningful contribution to a policy framework that takes a more inclusive view of families in South Africa.

Following an extensive consultation process that included representatives from the national, provincial and district Departments of Social Development; representatives from other government departments; and civil society representatives, the revised White Paper provides a policy approach that promotes family well-being and strengthens and support families, no matter their formation.

The revised WPF celebrates the diversity of family types and makes recommendations that are suitable to promoting family well-being over the family life course regardless of family type. This is a major improvement as the previous version was criticised for over-emphasising the nuclear family, which is not the norm in South Africa.

The new WPF takes a much broader policy approach. Rather than focusing only on the social services required to support families in crisis as was done in the past, the new paper notes that all sectors need to take into account how policy and programming can support family well-being. This shift means a policy approach that takes a much broader view of what family well-being encompasses. As outlined in strategic priority 1, the economic empowerment of families is critical, families need basic resources and assets to function well.

The revised version also moves away from a family preservation approach to a family well-being approach and critically interrogates what needs to be done to promote family well-being. This is a departure from the previous version which placed a lot of emphasis on family dysfunction. This version moves towards considering what a promotive environment for family well-being and family strengthening looks like.

This new version also takes a family life-course approach noting that families need to be supported through multiple transitions in the family life course. While this may (but also may not) include raising children, it also includes caring for adult family members (in times of illness, or when family members have a disability that requires additional care, and as family members age), and choosing to enter into long-term partnerships or marriage.

Altogether the revision to the White Paper on Families provides a more holistic policy approach that takes into account South African family structures, available services and the economic climate to provide an approach that focused on supporting and promoting family well-being.”




UJ Gwakwani Village Project