The College of Business and Economics Decolonisation Committee (CDC) at the University of Johannesburg invites you to a hybrid seminar.

Title of seminar: Underrepresentation of Black Professionals and Black Businesses in the market place – How do we level the playing field?

SPEAKER – Mr Jeff van Rooyen
DATE- 16 May 2023|TIME- 17:30-19:00
SESSION CHAIRPERSON – Ridwaan Roberts (CDC Member
LOCATION -Kingsway Campus Library: Nadine Gordimer (level 5) or

Jeff van Rooyen

BIO – Mr Jeff van Rooyen was born into poverty in Aexandra township in 1950. Despite being shackled by the physical and emotional constraints of apartheid, he refused to compromise his personal dignity and professional ambitions and subsequently graduated as a chartered accountant in 1981. He climbed the corporate ladder, working for some of the biggest insurance and advisory services firms in the world, opening his own practice, serving on oversight bodies and advising government officials and directorships on the boards of major JSE-listed companies. Mr Jeff van Rooyen currently serves as a lead independent director for Pick n Pay Stores Limited, is a member of the Audit and Risk Committee at UNISA, a member of the Remuneration Committee at UNISA and is a trustee of the UNISA Foundation.

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Disclaimer: The University of Johannesburg encourages academic debate and discussion that are conducted in a manner that upholds respectful interaction, safety of all involved, and freedom of association as enshrined in the law, the Constitution, and within the boundaries of the University policies. The views expressed during events are expressed in a personal capacity and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Johannesburg.

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