About Us
The Policy, Benchmarking, Monitoring and Research (PBMR) unit of the Postgraduate School (PGS) headed by Dr Vanishree Pillay, supports the management and governance of the PGS. The unit is mandated to perform the duties below:
- Benchmarking with other Higher Education Institutions (nationally and internationally)
- Monitoring of postgraduate enrolments and graduate output and reporting to Senate Higher Degrees (SHDC)
- Development and review of postgraduate policies
The unit embarks on every opportunity to meet with other national and international Higher Education Institutions to benchmark best practices. In 2023, the University of the Free State (UFS) requested a benchmarking session on specific postgraduate matters. This session provided a platform for an exchange of information and sharing of ideas around the postgraduate domain.
Development and Review of Postgraduate Policies
The unit is responsible for developing new policies where required and reviewing current policies as per the institutional review period. The development and review process involves the unit engaging with other stakeholders before the policy is submitted to the relevant statutory committees for ratification. The unit also forms part of the larger committee that oversees the annual review of the university’s academic regulations.
Policies applicable to PGS include:
- Higher Degrees Administration Policy
- Higher Degrees Policy
- Plagiarism Policy
- Research Data Management Policy
- Student-Supervisor Relationship Policy
Monitoring of Postgraduate Enrolment and Graduate Output and Reporting to the Senate Higher Degree Committee (SHDC).
The Division for Institutional Planning, Evaluation, and Monitoring (DIEPM) is mandated to oversee the enrolment planning for the institution at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. PBMR fulfills an important role in monitoring compliance with postgraduate enrolment targets and supporting initiatives to reach set institutional targets. The unit provides support to faculties where required, tracks progress against targets, and highlights areas where challenges present.
PBMR provides input during the development and finalisation of graduate targets. These graduation targets are monitored and reported by producing monthly reports to the Senate Higher Degrees Committee (SHDC). The report also contains information that pertains to research projects in the category of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and the percentage of black South Africans qualifying with doctorates. Reports are generated following engagement with Heads of Faculty (HFA) to ensure that the data presented is correctly reported to SHDC.
Faculty Support
Support to faculty administration and Vice-Deans Research, as well as Deans, is provided routinely by PBMR. This ranges from specific reporting, support in using data, guidance on processes, and guidance on policy matters. Data governance matters, PDRF concerns as well and PFM matters are discussed with the Vice-Deans, and faculty administration as needed as well as with supervisors with critical concerns.
PBMR Events 2023
PBMR Specialist
Auckland Park Kingsway Campus