F5 WAF License Renewal for a Period of Three (3) Years

Home » Advertised Tenders » F5 WAF License Renewal for a Period of Three (3) Years

Tender Number: RFP UJ 62/2023

Tender Briefing:
Briefing Session Date:

Briefing Venue: Virtual tender briefing.

Tender Closing Date: August 8, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM

Download : F5 WAF License Renewal for a Period of Three (3) Years


Interested parties must send an email request to Ms Mojabeng Malebo at mojabengm@uj.ac.za; to be invited to the virtual tender briefing session.

Kindly take note the following:

  1. The Tender Pack will be released on the Oracle Cloud Application, Bidders are requested to register.
  2. Brief Scope: The university of Johannesburg would like to invite qualified and registered debt collection agencies for the collection of revenue on overdue accounts for a period of 3 years, on commission basis. The service provider must have capacity to handle the volume of work to be carried out.
  3. Attached on this email is information on how to register on Oracle ICloud, how to access, download and upload your tender submission.


How to access the tender pack and How to submit your proposal

If you are not registered on the UJ Supplier Database and would like to respond to the tender/RFP, you are required to register onto our system as a Prospective Supplier.

If you are already a UJ Supplier, click here to login to Cloud Supplier Portal to participate.

If you have forgotten your password/ want to reset your password, click to reset your password.