Process, Energy & Environmental Technology Station (UJ PEETS)

The primary mandate of the University of Johannesburg’s Process, Energy and Environmental Technology Station (UJ PEETS) is to contribute towards improving the competitiveness of Industry in the green circular economy through the application of specialised knowledge and technology transfer. UJ PEETS facilitate the interaction between academia, industry (especially SMEs) and government. To achieve our mission, UJ PEETS supports various capacity building and policy influencing initiatives to grow the green circular economy, while providing engineering and technology development support to SMEs.

The Technology Station was established in 2010 under the support of the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) via the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) to provide access to world-class infrastructure and expertise that would otherwise not be available to stakeholders in the National System of Innovation (NSI). Our goal is to enable technology innovation in the green circular economy, aligned with UJ’s vision to inspire communities to transform and to serve humanity through innovation and the collaborative pursuit of knowledge.

There are close linkages between the production and usage of energy, water and air quality, and consequently the generation and disposal of waste. UJ PEETS promotes cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer that supports the development of the green economy by building relationships between SMEs and researchers. For the sustainable development, circular thinking in the energy-water-waste nexus is applied and fostered through the development of networks within UJ and the NSI.