Public access to libraries

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Public Access to Libraries

UJ Library Lending Services

UJ Library Lending Services

Q7. Do members of the public have access to the library?

Yes, members of the public do have access to the Library. Please note that Library tariffs are revised annually. See this guide to external membership types.

Please note: External members do not have remote access to UJ’s electronic resources. Please go to the Circulation Desk or Information Desk for assistance to create an on-campus PIN for the day.​​

Q1. Who may borrow and for how long?

Membership categoryGeneral collection
Number of itemsLoan period (days)
Permanent staff – academic3060
Permanent staff – non-academic1530
Temporary staff – academic614
Temporary staff – non-academic614
​Postdoctoral research fellows3060
Postgraduate students (Doctoral, Master’s, Honours, BTech and 4-year degree students) and UJenius club members1630
Prospective postgraduate students814
​Undergraduate students614
​Extracurricular (Board courses / APT) – undergraduates *​6​14
​Extracurricular (Board courses / APT) – postgraduates *​16​30
​Postgraduate students and lecturers from other SA Academic Institutions (CHELSA)614
Alumni members and occasional students414
​Honorary and former staff members10​​30
​Individual and corporate members414
Special agreement members (e.g., Ann Latsky Nursing College)414
Day visitors0NO Borrowing

* Extracurricular course students can only borrow library items from the library on the campus where the course is offered

UJ Open Access Journals and Publications

UJ Open Access Policy
UJ Open Journal System (OJS)

UJ Open Journal System (OJS) Journals

The UJ Library supports open access and is committed to making information more freely available to the public, to our students and to our academics.

The UJ Library and UJ Press support open access publishing and the dissemination of information through open access platforms.
Part of our mission at the UJ Library and UJ Press is to support research in any way that we can. We host journals for any institution and support editors in hosting and managing their journals. The UJ Library Open Journal System (OJS) is the digital platform on which these journals are hosted and managed by UJ Press.

UJ Press

UJ Press

History of the Press

UJ Press was established in October 2020 under the auspices of the UJ Library. The press started publishing Open Access journals on the Open Journal System (OJS). In October 2021, the Press set up an Open Monograph Press (OMP) and started publishing books in print, electronic and audio formats. 

Open Access Policy

UJ Press is committed to the goals of open research and open access (OA) publishing. We encourage full access to our publications on most international scholarly platforms.

Our OA policy helps our authors achieve a high level of openness with their research and supports them in meeting the OA requirements of their research funders and institutions.

We encourage authors to self-archive their works on the platforms of their choice. We provide a DOI link to their book and chapters which can be used to reference their contribution. 

UJ Press publish books and journals in both Gold and Diamond Open Access models