Submission Guidelines
Paper submission for oral presentation
- We invite scholars to submit academic papers that contribute to the conference theme.
- Papers for oral presentations must be written in English, and the selected ones must be presented at the conference in English. Submission of a full paper (in PDF) not exceeding 8,000 words (including notes, tables, appendices, list of references, etc.) should be made via the online submission form available on the Conference website.
- The submission should clearly outline the research questions, methodology, and relevance to the field of innovation and development.
- The selection of papers is based on a peer review process that focuses on relevance, academic quality and originality. Globelics reserves the right to use available software to control plagiarism and to take appropriate action in such cases.
- Top ranked papers submitted to the conference will be considered for two dedicated special issues in the leading Innovation & Development journals published by Taylor & Francis: Innovation and Development, and the African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development
Special sessions
- We have space for about 4 special sessions – we invite applications.
- Special sessions serve as dedicated platforms for panel discussions and showcasing specific projects, emerging research, and topical issues. These sessions allow in-depth exploration and lively debate about complex subjects, allowing for a more nuanced discussion than what might be possible in paper sessions.
- Organisers of the special sessions are expected to cover the costs related to the special session themselves (e.g. travel costs of panellists if these are not already participating in the conference as paper presenters or otherwise).
- Organisers of the special sessions need to submit a 2-page summary of the session topic, including motivation for a special session format, names of participants and confirmation of capacity to cover the costs of the participants. Preference will be given to submissions that have multi-stakeholder representation.
- Submissions for special sessions should be sent to, indicating in the subject “SUBMISSION FOR SPECIAL SESSION”.
Poster Presentations
- We have space for about 20 poster presentations.
- We invite interested participants to submit poster presentations. The poster presentations are an excellent opportunity to present work in progress, completed and published research, as well as projects, innovations, and initiatives. This is a unique supportive environment to share your work with a broader audience and a best practice to learn from others.
- Poster submissions should be aligned with the conference themes
- Please submit a title, a 500-word abstract in English, and a mock-up of the poster with keywords.
- The selection of papers is based on a peer review process that focuses on relevance, academic quality and originality. Globelics reserves the right to use available software to control plagiarism and to take appropriate action in such cases.
- Submissions for poster presentations should be sent to, indicating in the subject “SUBMISSION FOR POSTER PRESENTATION”.