2021 Publications

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Type of publicationReference
Journal articleAvenyo, E. K., Tregenna, F., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2021). ‘Do Productive Capabilities Affect Export Performance? Evidence from African Firms.’ The European Journal of Development Research, 33(2), 304-329.
Journal articleAdesida, O., Karuri-Sebina, G., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2021). ‘Introduction: Can innovation address Africa’s challenges?’ African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, DOI:10.1080/20421338.2021.1958986
Journal articleAvenyo, E.K., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2021) ‘Innovation and the performance of informal enterprises in developing countries: a gender perspective.’ International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 13 (4), pp. 277-301. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJGE-11-2020-0174
Journal Article

Baker, L. (2021). Procurement, finance and the energy transition: Between global processes and territorial realities. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5(4), 1738-1764. https://doi.org/10.1177/2514848621991121


Journal Article

Baker, L. (2021). Everyday experiences of digital financial inclusion in India’s ‘micro-entrepreneur’ paratransit services. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 53(7), 1810-1827. https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518×211026320


Journal articleLema, R., Kraemer-Mbula, E., & Rakas, M. (2021): Innovation in developing countries: examining two decades of research. Innovation and Development, DOI: 10.1080/2157930X.2021.1989647.
Journal articleWalwyn, D.R., Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2021) ‘Captives of Capital? Exploring economic models as recursive performance agents’ Energy Research & Social Science 78, 102131
Journal articleAkon-Yamga, G., Daniels, C.U., Quaye, W.., Ting, B. M., Asante, AA. (2021). Transformative innovation policy approach to e-waste management in Ghana: Perspectives of the actors on transformative changes. Science and Public Policy 48(3), p387-397.
Journal articleTwiringiyimana, R., Daniels, C., & Chataway, J. (2021). STI policy and governance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Fostering actors’ interactions in research and innovation. Industry and Higher Education, 35(5), 609-624.
Journal articleDaniels, C., & Gebhardt, C. (2021). Higher education, science and research systems for transformative change in Africa–What role for innovation policy?. Industry and Higher Education, 35(5), 553-558.
Journal articleOckwell, D., Byrne, R., Atela, J., Chengo, V., Onsongo, E., Fodio Todd, Kasprowicz, V. & Ely, A. (2021). Transforming access to clean energy technologies in the Global South: Learning from lighting Africa in Kenya. Energies, 14(14), 4362.
Journal articleLorenz, E., & Pommet, S. (2021). ‘Mobile money, inclusive finance and enterprise innovativeness: an analysis of East African nations.’ Industry and Innovation, 28(2), 136-159.
Journal articleMartiskainen, M., Schot, J., & Sovacool, B. K. (2021). User innovation, niche construction and regime destabilization in heat pump transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 39, 119-140.
Journal articleMolas-Gallart, J., Boni, A., Giachi, S., & Schot, J. (2021). A formative approach to the evaluation of Transformative Innovation Policies. Research Evaluation, 30(4), 431-442.
Journal articleGhosh, B., Kivimaa, P., Ramirez, M., Schot, J., & Torrens, J. (2021). Transformative outcomes: assessing and reorienting experimentation with transformative innovation policy. Science and Public Policy, 48(5), 739-756.
Journal articleKanger, L., Schot, J., Sovacool, B.K., van der Vleuten, E., Ghosh, B., Keller, M., Kivimaa, P., Pahker, A.K. and Steinmueller, W.E. (2021). Research frontiers for multi-system dynamics and deep transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 41, pp.52-56.
Journal articleWandera, F. H., Andersen, M. H., & Lema, R. (2021). Learning from global suppliers: the diffusion of small wind in low-and middle-income countries. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 13(1), 24-49.
Journal articleAmendolagine, V., Lema, R., & Rabellotti, R. (2021). Green foreign direct investments and the deepening of capabilities for sustainable innovation in multinationals: Insights from renewable energy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 310, 127381.
Journal articleLema, R., Bhamidipati, P. L., Gregersen, C., Hansen, U. E., & Kirchherr, J. (2021). China’s investments in renewable energy in Africa: Creating co-benefits or just cashing-in?. World Development, 141, 105365.
Journal articleLema, R., Pietrobelli, C., Rabellotti, R., & Vezzani, A. (2021). Deepening or delinking? Innovative capacity and global value chain participation in the IT industry. Industrial and Corporate Change, 30(4), 1065-1083.
Journal articleJoseph, K. J., Cozzens, S., De Fuentes, C., Dutrénit, G., Kruss, G., & Lema, R. (2021). A decade of innovation and development. Innovation and Development, 11(2-3), 173-187.
Journal articleKonte, M., & Vincent, R. C. (2021). Mining and quality of public services: The role of local governance and decentralization. World Development, 140, 105350.
Journal articleAvenyo, E. K., Konte, M., & Mohnen, P. (2021). Product innovation and informal market competition in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 31(2), 605-637.
Journal articleKonte, M., & Ndubuisi, G. (2021). Financial constraint, trust, and export performances: firm-level evidence from Africa. Journal of Institutional Economics, 17(4), 583-605.
Journal articleKonte, M. (2021). How do education resources respond to the quality of local governance in Africa?. Review of Development Economics, 25(3), 1538-1557.
Journal articleBoly, A., Konte, M., & Shimeles, A. (2021). Corruption perception and attitude towards taxation in Africa. Journal of African Economies, 30(Supplement_1), i140-i157.
Journal articleBaker, L., Hook, A., & Sovacool, B. K. (2021). Power struggles: Governing renewable electricity in a time of technological disruption. Geoforum, 118, 93-105.
Journal articleMedase, S. K. (2021). Employees’ heterogeneous qualifications, internal R&D, formal training and innovation performance. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(01), 2150011.
Journal articleIm, B., Lee, K. (2021) ‘From Catching Up to Convergence of the Latecomer Firms: Comparing Behavior and Innovation Systems of Firms in Korea and the US’ J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 7 (3), 191. https://doi.org/10.3390/joitmc703019
Journal articleK. Lee, & Shin, H. (2021). ‘Varieties of capitalism and East Asia: Long-term evolution, structural change, and the end of East Asian capitalism’ Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 56, pp. 431 – 437.
Journal articleLee, J., & Lee, K. (2021). Is the fourth industrial revolution a continuation of the third industrial revolution or something new under the sun? Analyzing technological regimes using US patent data. Industrial and Corporate Change, 30(1), 137-159.
Journal articleLee, K., Qu, D. & Mao, Z. (2021). Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Industrial Upgrading: Automotive Sectors in Malaysia, Thailand, and China in Comparison with Korea. European Journal of Development Research 33, pp.275–303.
Journal articleMalerba, F., & Lee, K. (2021). ‘An evolutionary perspective on economic catch-up by latecomers.’ Industrial and Corporate Change, p1-25.
Journal articleLee, J. D., Lee, K., Meissner, D., Radosevic, S., & Vonortas, N. S. (2021). Local capacity, innovative entrepreneurial places and global connections: an overview. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 46, 563-573.
Journal articleLee, K., Lee, J., & Lee, J. (2021). Variety of national innovation systems (NIS) and alternative pathways to growth beyond the middle-income stage: Balanced, imbalanced, catching-up, and trapped NIS. World Development, 144, 105472.
Journal articleLee, S., & Lee, K. (2021). 3% rules the market: herding behavior of a group of investors, asset market volatility, and return to the group in an agent-based model. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 16(2), 359-380.
Journal articleLebdioui, A., Lee, K., & Pietrobelli, C. (2021). Local-foreign technology interface, resource-based development, and industrial policy: How Chile and Malaysia are escaping the middle-income trap. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 46(3), 660-685.
Journal articleLee, J., & Lee, K. (2021). Catching-up national innovations systems (NIS) in China and post-catching-up NIS in Korea and Taiwan: Verifying the detour hypothesis and policy implications. Innovation and Development, 11(2-3), 387-411.
Journal articleWehn, U., Vallejo, B., Seijger, C., Tlhagale, M., Amorsi,N.,  Sossou, SK., Genthe, B., & Onema, JNK. (2021). ‘Strengthening the knowledge base to face the impacts of climate change on water resources in Africa: A social innovation perspective’. Environmental Science & Policy, 116, 292-300.
Journal article, J. (2021) “Theorizing and learning from Kenya’s evolving solar energy enterprise development” Energy Research & Social Science, 81. 102254.
Journal articleChipango, E. F. (2021). Beyond utilitarian economics: A capability approach to energy poverty and social suffering. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 22(3), 446-467.
Journal articleChipango, E. F. (2021). Constructing, understanding and interpreting energy poverty in Zimbabwe: A postmodern perspective. Energy Research & Social Science, 75, 102026.
Journal articleGuei, K. M. (2021). Global Value Chains, Trade and Technology: Evidence from European Countries. Journal of International Logistics and Trade, 19(2), 83-94.
Book chapterKraemer-Mbula, E., & Maharajh, R. (2021). Innovation and technological change in South Africa in The Oxford Handbook of the South African Economy edited by Oqubay, A., Tregenna, F., & Valodia, I. Oxford University Press.
Book chapterKraemer-Mbula, E., (2021). The African Development Bank in Regional Development Banks in the World Economy edited by Clifton, J., Fuentes, DD., & Howarth, D. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Book chapterLorenz, E., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2021). The impact of adopting 4IR-related technologies on employment and skills: The cases of the automotive and mining equipment manufacturers in South Africa’ in LEAP 4.0: African perspectives on the Fourth Industrial Revolution Edited by Mazibuko-Makena, Z., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. Jacana Publishers
Book chapterDaniels, C., & Amadi-Echendu, J. (2021). Entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology commercialisation for transformative change in Africa: perspectives, policies and practices. In Entrepreneurship, Technology Commercialisation, and Innovation Policy in Africa (pp. 1-9). Springer, Cham.
Book chapterDaniels, C., & Dosso, M. (2021). Mapping the Potentials for Transformative Innovation Policies in Africa: Evidence from Cote d’Ivoire and Nigeria. In Entrepreneurship, Technology Commercialisation, and Innovation Policy in Africa (pp. 279-300). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Book chapterChengo, V., Mbeva, K., Atela, J., Byrne, R., Ockwell, D., & Tigabu, A. (2021). Kenya: Making mobile solar energy inclusive. In Transformative Pathways to Sustainability (pp. 109-124). Routledge.
Book chapterKhaemba, W., & Kingiri, A. (2021). Access to renewable energy resources: a gender and inclusivity perspective. In Affordable and Clean Energy (pp. 23-32). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Book chapterKingiri, A., & Okemwa, J. M. (2021). Local content and capabilities: Policy processes and stakeholders in Kenya. In Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation (pp. 224-248). Routledge.
Book chapterChristensen, J. L., Gregersen, B., Holm, J. R., & Lorenz, E. (2021). Globalisation, new and emerging technologies and sustainable development: the Danish innovation system in transition. In Globalisation, New and Emerging Technologies, and Sustainable Development, 1-10.
Book chapterHolm, J. R., Lorenz, E., & Stamhus, J. (2021). The impact of robots and AI/ML on skills and work organisation. In Globalisation, New and Emerging Technologies, and Sustainable Development (pp. 149-168). Routledge.
Book chapterNielsen, P., Holm, J. R., & Lorenz, E. (2021). Work policy and automation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In Globalisation, new and emerging technologies, and sustainable development (pp. 189-207). Routledge.
Book chapterLorenz, E., & Holm, J. R. (2021). Work organisation, innovation and the quality of working life in Denmark. In Globalisation, New and Emerging Technologies, and Sustainable Development (pp. 169-188). Routledge.
Book chapterLee, K. (2021). Economics of technological leapfrogging in The Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-up in Emerging Economies edited by Lee et al. Oxford University Press (pp123-159).
Book chapterLee, K. (2021). Technology upgrading and economic catch-up in The Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-up in Emerging Economies edited by Lee et al. Oxford University Press.
Book chapterAndreoni, A., Lee, K., & Torreggiani, S. Global Value Chains,‘In-Out-In’ Industrialization, and the Global Patterns of Sectoral Value Addition. In Structural transformation in South Africa: The challenges of inclusive industrial development in a middle-income country (pp 286-311). Oxford University Press.
Book chapterGastrow, M. (2021). Education and skills development in the South African 4IR: Confronting the dynamics of human capabilities, technological change and structural inequality in LEAP 4.0: African perspectives on the Fourth Industrial Revolution Edited by Mazibuko-Makena, Z., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. Jacana Publishers.
Book chapterTing, M.B. (2021). Inclusive energy transitions: An analysis of the potential digital revolution in South Africa’s electricity system in LEAP 4.0: African perspectives on the Fourth Industrial Revolution edited by Mazibuko-Makena, Z., Kraemer-Mbula, E. Jacana Publishers.
Book chapterVallejo, B., Ozor, N., Bolo, M., & Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, B. (2021). An Analysis of Experiences with PPPs in Africa in Building Science Systems in Africa: Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Foundations edited by Hanlin, R., Tigabu, AD., Sheikheldin, G. Routledge
Edited volumeMazibuko- Makena, Z., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2021). LEAP 4.0: African perspectives on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Jacana Publishers.
Edited volumeLee, J., Lee, K.  Meissner, D., Radosevic, S., & Vonortas, N. (Eds) (2021). The Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-up in Emerging Economies. Oxford University Press
Edited volumePyka, A., & Lee, K. (Eds.). (2021). Innovation, Catch-up and Sustainable Development: A Schumpeterian Perspective. Springer: Switzerland.
BookLee, K. (2021). China’s technological leapfrogging and economic catch-up: A Schumpeterian perspective. Oxford University Press.
Policy BriefC Daniels, R Byrne, S Pointel, R Hanlin, and A Numi (2021). Political Economy Insights for Science System Transformations in Sub-Saharan Africa, African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS). Kenya. Retrieved from: https://policycommons.net/artifacts/2005029/political-economy-insights-for-science-system-transformations-in-sub-saharan-africa/2757464/
Policy BriefKingiri, A., Mibey, S. and Numi, A. (2021). The Voice of the Industry in Capacity Building for Information and Communication Technology Development (CB4ICTD), ACTS Policy brief, 26 April 2021.
Policy BriefDaniels, D., Byrne, R. Hanlin, R. and Numi, A. (2021). Political economy insights for science system transformations in sub-Saharan Africa. Policy Brief @Sussex.
Research ReportMatusiak, M., Stancova, K. C., Dosso, M., Daniels, C., & Miedziński, M. (2021). Background paper: Overview of the existing STI for SDGs roadmapping methodologies. JRC Research Reports, (JRC123628).
Conference PaperKaplinsky, R. and Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2021). Innovation and Uneven Development: The Challenge for Low- and Middle-Income Economies. Freeman Centenary/Research Policy 50th Anniversary Conference. SPRU, University of Sussex, 10th September 2021.
Conference PaperTahir, S., Garba, T. and Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2021). The role of digital innovation in improving tax revenue generation of Sub-Saharan Africa countries. Paper presented at 7th International Conference on “The Shadow Economy, Tax Behaviour and Institutions” September 23-25, 2021, organised by the Research Centre for Law, Economics and Finance (RC LEF) at Brunel University London, UK
Conference PaperLorenz, E., Fagerberg, J. and Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2021). An Evolutionary Analysis of Transformative Change in LDCs: the cases of Kenya and Rwanda. Paper presented at the 17th GLOBELICS International Conference 2021. Costa Rica, 3-5 November 2021.
Conference PaperGaglio, C., Kraemer-Mbula, E. and Lorenz, E. (2021). Digitalization, innovation and productivity in South African Micro and Small Enterprises. Paper presented at the 17th GLOBELICS International Conference 2021. Costa Rica, 3-5 November 2021
Conference PaperLema, R., Kraemer-Mbula, E. and Rajas, M. (2021). Innovation in developing countries: examining two decades of Research. Paper presented at the 17th GLOBELICS International Conference 2021. Costa Rica, 3-5 November 2021
Working PaperByrne, R., Onjala, B., Todd, J. F., Onsongo, E., Kabera, T., Chengo, V., … & Atela, J. (2021). Electric cooking in Rwanda: an actornetwork map and analysis of a nascent sociotechnical innovative system. Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS), Longborough.
Working PaperFagerberg, J., Kraemer-Mbula, E., & Lorenz, E. (2021). An evolutionary analysis of transformative change in LDCs: the cases of Kenya and Rwanda (No. 20210623). Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo.
Working PaperPenna, C. C., Schot, J., & Steinmueller, W. E. (2021). The promise of transformative investment: Mapping the field of sustainability investing. Deep Transitions Working Paper Series DT2021-11.
Working PaperGatune, J., Karuri-Sebina, G., Kingiri, A., Lorenz, E. and de Boer, D. (2021). Different Strokes of the 4th Industrial Revolution: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic on technological change and prospects for Africa. UJ-TRCTI Working Paper Series (WP 2021-11). University of Johannesburg: South Africa.
Working PaperTing, M.B. and Naidoo, C.P. (2021). Uncertainty: A Trigger towards Transformative Policies and Innovation. UJ-TRCTI Working Paper Series (WP 2021-03). University of Johannesburg: South Africa.
Working PaperManyuchi, A.E. and Ouma-Mugabe, J. (2021). Unlocking Systemic Barriers to Health Innovations for COVID-19 in Africa. UJ-TRCTI Working Paper Series (WP 2021-04). University of Johannesburg: South Africa.
Working PaperLee, K. (2021). Revisiting Resource-based Development Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Era. UJ-TRCTI Working Paper Series (WP 2021-05). University of Johannesburg: South Africa.
Working PaperPetersen, I., Mustapha, N., Van Rheede, N. and Kruss, G. (2021). Harnessing Innovation in the Informal Food Services Sector: Insights for public policy in the age of COVID-19. UJ-TRCTI Working Paper Series (WP 2021-06). University of Johannesburg: South Africa.
Working PaperChakravarty, S. and Knorringa, P. (2021). Enabling Inclusive Technological Change through Transformative Policies: Frugal innovations from medical device manufacturing firms in South Africa. UJ-TRCTI Working Paper Series (WP 2021-07). University of Johannesburg: South Africa.
Working PaperSoumonni, O. and Sègla, A. (2021). Endogenous Pharmaceutical Innovation in the Era of COVID-19: Epistemological perspectives from Benin and South Africa. UJ-TRCTI Working Paper Series (WP 2021-08). University of Johannesburg: South Africa.
Working PaperAtela, J., Ndege, N. and Pelling, M. (2021). Science-policy Interface in the Pro-poor Response to COVID-19 in Africa: Lessons for post-COVID planning. UJ-TRCTI Working Paper Series (WP 2021-09). University of Johannesburg: South Africa.
Working PaperPark, J. (2021). Sustainable Development Finance and Investments in the Age of COVID-19: Theoretical and Policy Implications for Africa. UJ-TRCTI Working Paper Series (WP 2021-10). University of Johannesburg: South Africa.
Working PaperHedeshi, M. (2021). Industrial Recovery in post-COVID-19 Sub-Saharan Africa (WP 2021-12). University of Johannesburg: South Africa.
Opinion pieceChipango, E. (2021). Energy poverty in Zimbabwe takes many forms but policy only looks at one. The Conversation. 14th February, 2021. https://theconversation.com/energy-poverty-in-zimbabwe-takes-many-forms-but-policy-only-looks-at-one-154437
Opinion pieceChipango, E. (2021). Why renewable energy won’t end energy poverty in Zimbabwe. The Conversation. 29th April 2021. https://theconversation.com/why-renewable-energy-wont-end-energy-poverty-in-zimbabwe-159008
Opinion pieceChipango, E. (2021). How socio-economic conditions shape renewable energy uptake in Zimbabwe. The Conversation. 12th October 2021. https://theconversation.com/how-socio-economic-conditions-shape-renewable-energy-uptake-in-zimbabwe-168223
Opinion pieceChipango, E. (2021). Global energy targets don’t deal with people’s real problems in Zimbabwe. The Conversation. 8th November 2021. https://theconversation.com/global-energy-targets-dont-deal-with-peoples-real-problems-in-zimbabwe-169771
Opinion pieceChipango, E. (2021). Criminality isn’t the only way to see electricity theft in Zimbabwe. Here is why. 20th May 2021. https://theconversation.com/criminality-isnt-the-only-way-to-see-electricity-theft-in-zimbabwe-here-is-why-160493