2022 Publications

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Type of publicationReference
Journal articleKaplinsky, R., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2022). Innovation and uneven development: The challenge for low-and middle-income economies. Research Policy, 51(2), 104394.
Journal articleGaglio, C., Kraemer-Mbula, E., & Lorenz, E. (2022). The effects of digital transformation on innovation and productivity: Firm-level evidence of South African manufacturing micro and small enterprises. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 182, 121785.
Journal articleSimon Ramaoka, T., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2022). Technology transfer and absorptive capacities in South Africa’s medical device industry. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 14(5), 1356-1368.
Journal articleArmstrong, C., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2022). Value creation and socioeconomic inclusion in South African maker communities. The African Journal of Information and Communication, 2022(29), 1-25.
Journal articleKingiri, A. N. (2022). Exploring innovation capabilities build up in the deployment of crop biotechnology innovation in Kenya. Innovation and Development, 12(2), 305-324.
Journal articleSchnurr, M. A., Rock, J., Kingiri, A., & Lieberman, S. (2022). Are genetically modified and genome-edited crops viable strategies for climate-change adaptation among smallholder farmers?. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 58, 101216.
Journal articleRock, J., Schnurr, M. A., Kingiri, A., Glover, D., Stone, G. D., Ely, A., & Fischer, K. (2022). Beyond the Genome: Lessons Learned from Genetically Modified Crops in Africa and the Implications for Genome Editing. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.92101
Journal articleSovacool, B. K., Daniels, C., & AbdulRafiu, A. (2022). Transitioning to electrified, automated and shared mobility in an African context: A comparative review of Johannesburg, Kigali, Lagos and Nairobi. Journal of Transport Geography, 98, 103256.
Journal articleAbdulRafiu, A., Sovacool, B. K., & Daniels, C. (2022). The dynamics of global public research funding on climate change, energy, transport, and industrial decarbonisation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 162, 112420.
Journal articleSovacool, B. K., Daniels, C., & AbdulRafiu, A. (2022). Science for whom? Examining the data quality, themes, and trends in 30 years of public funding for global climate change and energy research. Energy Research & Social Science, 89, 102645.
Journal articleKanger, L., Bone, F., Rotolo, D., Steinmueller, W. E., & Schot, J. (2022). Deep transitions: a mixed methods study of the historical evolution of mass production. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 177, 121491.
Journal articleYang, K., Schot, J., & Truffer, B. (2022). Shaping the directionality of sustainability transitions: the diverging development patterns of solar photovoltaics in two Chinese provinces. Regional Studies, 56(5), 751-769.
Journal articleMcLeish, C., Johnstone, P., & Schot, J. (2022). The changing landscape of deep transitions: Sociotechnical imprinting and chemical warfare. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 43, 146-159.
Journal articleGoyeneche, O. Y. R., Ramirez, M., Schot, J., & Arroyave, F. (2022). Mobilizing the transformative power of research for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Research Policy, 51(10), 104589.
Journal articleLall, S. A., & Park, J. (2022). How social ventures grow: Understanding the role of philanthropic grants in scaling social entrepreneurship. Business & Society, 61(1), 3-44.
Journal articlePark, J. (2022). How can we pay for it all? Understanding the global challenge of financing climate change and sustainable development solutions. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 12(1), 91-99.
Journal articleHolm, J. R., & Lorenz, E. (2022). The impact of artificial intelligence on skills at work in Denmark. New Technology, Work and Employment, 37(1), 79-101.
Journal articleMedase, S. K., & Wyrwich, M. (2022). The role of innovation for employment growth among firms in developing countries: Evidence from Nigeria. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 14(3), 610-619.
Journal articleRoberts, B. J., Gordon, S. L., Struwig, J., Bohler-Muller, N., & Gastrow, M. (2022). Promise or precarity? South African attitudes towards the automation revolution. Development Southern Africa, 39(4), 498-515.
Journal articleKim, J., & Lee, K. (2022). Local–global interface as a key factor in the catching up of regional innovation systems: fast versus slow catching up among Taipei, Shenzhen, and Penang in Asia. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 121271.
Journal articleAdibi, M., & Lee, K. (2022). Linking Innovation Systems, International Integration, and Investment Climate to Firm Productivity in Developing Countries. Seoul Journal of Economics, 35(4), 317-358.
Journal articleLee, H., & Lee, K. (2022). Institutions matter differently depending on the ownership types of firms: Interacting effects on firm productivity in China. The Singapore Economic Review, 67(04), 1185-1208.
Journal articleLee, K., Kang, R., & Park, D. (2022). How Industrial Design Matters for Firm Growth at Different Stages of Development: Evidence from Korea, 1970s to 2010s. Asian Economic Journal, 36(2), 101-126.
Journal articleKang, R., Jung, T., & Lee, K. (2022). Not patents but trademarks-based path of technological development of latecomers: Evidence from the Korean data. The Singapore Economic Review, 67(03), 1071-1088.
Journal articlePark, J. K., Lee, D. J., & Lee, K. (2022). The Determinants of foreign direct investment in R&D: Different inducement effects of private and public R&D in developed and developing host countries. The Singapore Economic Review, 67(03), 923-951.
Journal articleWong, C. Y., & Lee, K. (2022). Evolution of innovation systems of two industrial districts in East Asia: transformation and upgrade from a peripheral system and the role of the core firms, Samsung and TSMC. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 32(3), 955-990.
Journal articleHan, J., & Lee, K. (2022). Heterogeneous technology and specialization for economic growth beyond the middle-income stage. Economic Modelling, 112, 105853.
Journal articleCarrillo, J., Vallejo, B., & Gomis, R. (2022). COVID-19 and industrial resilience in the Global South. A case study on the auto parts sector in Mexico. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 22(1), 82-105.
Journal articleVan Reisen, M., Stokmans, M., Vallejo, B., Nakazibwe, P., & Baluka, Z. M. (2022). The Effect of Trauma Counseling Support and Social Protection on Enhancing Social Economic Resilience in Vulnerable Communities: A Natural Experiment in Northern Uganda. The European Journal of Development Research, 34(5), 2346-2372.
Journal articleChipango, E. F. (2022). Between a rock and a hard place: Negotiating gender, forest laws and capabilities for fuelwood access in Zimbabwe. Geoforum, 132, 42-51.
Journal articleChipango, E. F. (2022). Political ecologies of energy poverty in Zimbabwe. GeoJournal, 1-15.
Journal articleShekar, K. C., & Joseph, K. J. (2022). Determinants of innovation and interactive learning in informal manufacturing enterprises in India. Science and Public Policy, 49(3), 427-440.
Journal articleEegunjobi, R., & Ngepah, N. (2022). Dynamic relationships between seafood exports, exchange rate and industrial upgrading. Sustainability, 14(13), 7893.
Journal articleEegunjobi, R., & Ngepah, N. (2022). The determinants of global value chain participation in developing seafood-exporting countries. Fishes, 7(4), 186.
Journal articleWalwyn, D. R., & Hanlin, R. (2022). Broadening energy access for poor households in rural Malawi: How Pico solar, mobile money and cloud-based services are being combined to address energy exclusion. Frontiers in Energy Research, 10, 877307.
Journal articleDavies A, High C, Mwangome N, Hanlin R, Jones C. (2022) Evaluating and Engaging: Using Participatory Video with Kenyan Secondary School Students to Explore Engagement with Health Research. Frontiers in Public Health. Mar 17;10:797290.
Book chapterOgeya, M. C., Osano, P., Kingiri, A., & Okemwa, J. M. (2022). Challenges and opportunities for the expansion of renewable electrification in Kenya. In Lema et al (Eds) Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation (pp.46-70). Routledge.
Book chapterHanlin, R., Andersen, M. H., Lema, R., & Nzila, C. (2022). Renewable electrification and sustainable industrialisation. In Building innovation capabilities for sustainable industrialisation (pp. 1-18). Routledge.
Book chapterAndersen, M. H., & Lema, R. (2022). Towards a conceptual framework: Renewable electrification and sustainable industrialisation. In Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation (pp. 19-45). Routledge.
Book chapterHansen, U. E., Gregersen, C., Wandera, F. H., Kotschenreuther, N., & Hanlin, R. (2022). Centralised and decentralised deployment models: Is small beautiful?. In Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation (pp. 71-87). Routledge.
Book chapterHanlin, R., & Okemwa, J. M. (2022). Interactive learning and capability-building in critical projects. In Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation (pp. 138-159). Routledge.
Book chapterKarjalainen, J., & Byrne, R. (2022). Moving Forward? Building foundational capabilities in Kenyan and Tanzanian off-grid solar PV firms. In Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation (pp. 181-204). Routledge.
Book chapterBhamidipati, P. L., Gregersen, C., Hansen, U. E., Kirchherr, J., & Lema, R. (2022). Chinese green energy projects in sub-Saharan Africa: Are there co-benefits?. In Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation (pp. 205-223). Routledge.
Book chapterKingiri, A., & Okemwa, J. M. (2022). Local content and capabilities: Policy processes and stakeholders in Kenya. In Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation (pp. 224-248). Routledge.
Book chapterLema, R., Andersen, M. H., Hanlin, R., & Nzila, C. (2022). Renewable electrification pathways and sustainable industrialisation. In Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation (pp. 249-270). Routledge.
Book chapterBurton, J., Baker, L., Marquard, A., & Lehmann-Grube, P. (2022). From MEC to net zero: the role of the energy sector in a just transition. In A Just Transition to a Low Carbon Future in South Africa (pp. 117-151). MISTRA Publisher: Johannesburg
Book chapterAdeyanju, A. A., Tafirenyika, B., Eegunjobi, R., Kampungu, K. G., & Muzanima, J. (2022). Students’ online learning competencies in higher education institutions in Namibia. In Teaching and Learning with Digital Technologies in Higher Education Institutions in Africa (pp. 215-227). Routledge.
Edited volumeLema, R., Andersen, M. H., Hanlin, R., & Nzila, C. (Eds) (2022). Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation: Renewable Electrification in Developing Economies. Routledge: Abingdon.
Research ReportDaniels, C., Mba, J., & Teferra, D. (2022). Mapping research infrastructures to enhance the resilience of science systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. IDRC Technical Report.
Research ReportS Lim, K Lee, D Ndlela, KH Kim, J Yu, T Mushayandebvu (2022). Directions for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in Zimbabwe and the Republic of Korea (January 1, 2022). Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade Research Paper No. 22/RR/01, KIET Research Report 2022-01.
Research ReportXin, S., & Lee, K. (2022). The role of big businesses in entrepreneurship: A cross-country panel analysis using the GEM data. Manila: Asia Development Bank.
Conference paper

Hanlin, R., Holm Andersen, M., Kraemer-Mbula, E. and Kingiri, A. (2022) African innovation and development studies: the emergence of a new field. 5th AfricaLics International Research Conference

November 9 – November 11, 2022. University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon

Conference paperBoni Aristizábal, A., Molas Gallart, J., Velasco-Malaver, D. C., Fernández-Méndez, P., Terrazas Valdés, P., & Schot, J. (2022). Evaluating transformative innovation policy from a formative approach. Insights from two experimental engagements.
Conference paperTing, M.B. (2022). Hydrogen economy in South Africa, why the expectations?, 13th International Sustainability Transitions (IST) conference.
Conference paperWalwyn, D. (2022). Nature Connectedness and Discursive Spaces; Understanding Student Responses to Sustainability Education, 2022 IEEE IFEES World Engineering Education Forum – Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF-GEDC)
Conference paperRamirez, M., Boni, A., Wade, I., & Byrne, R. (2022). Building an Emerging Experimentation Framework for Transformative Innovation Policy through Variegated Representations of Space. Regions in Transition: Balancing Economic, Social and Environmental Priorities for Better Regional Futures, Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, 10-11 November, London.
Conference paperLema, R. (2022) The electric vehicle sector in Brazil, India and South Africa: Are there green windows of opportunity? UNU-MERIT Annual Conference, 29th September 2022.
Working PaperGaglio, C A, Kraemer-Mbula, E & Lorenz, E (2022). Digitalization, innovation and productivity in South African Micro and Small Enterprises. Working Paper Series, no. WP 2022-09, South African Research Chair in Industrial Development.
Opinion pieceHanlin, R. (2022). How can innovation and technology address social exclusion, equity and poverty?. The Mail and Guardian, 24th May 2022.
Opinion pieceTing, M.B. (2022).Just energy transitions needs a whole of society approach. Opinion piece, Mail and Guardian. 7th December 2022.
Opinion pieceChipango, E. (2022). Zimbabwean study challenges the idea that women are inherently close to nature. The Conversation. 24th August, 2022.
Opinion pieceChipango, E. (2022). Policies must reflect why Zimbabwe’s small tobacco farmers use trees for firewood. The Conversation. 17th April, 2022.
Blog PostUstyuzhantseva, O. (2022). Coal communities and the Just Energy Transition Investment Plan. December 6, 2022. Available at: