Type of publication | Reference |
Journal article | Naidoo, K., Bengoa, M., Kraemer-Mbula, E., & Tregenna, F. (2023). Firm innovation and employment in South Africa: Examining the role of export participation and innovation novelty. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 59(2), 589-604. |
Journal article | Rock, J. S., Schnurr, M. A., Kingiri, A., Glover, D., Stone, G. D., Ely, A., & Fischer, K. (2023). Beyond the Genome: Genetically modified crops in Africa and the implications for Genome Editing. Development and Change, 54(1), 117-142. |
Journal article | Rock, J. S., Schnurr, M. A., Kingiri, A., Ely, A., Glover, D., Stone, G. D., & Fischer, K. (2023). The knowledge politics of genome editing in Africa. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 11(1). |
Journal article | Ely, A., Friedrich, B., Glover, D., Fischer, K., Stone, G. D., Kingiri, A., & Schnurr, M. A. (2023). Governing agricultural biotechnologies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany: A trans-decadal study of regulatory cultures. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48(6), 1292-1328. |
Journal article | Harsh, M., Kingiri, A., Bal, R., Numi, A., & Mibey, S. (2023). Learning to build institutional capacity through knowledge-based partnerships between universities and industry: lessons for engineering ecosystems from computing in Kenya. Southern Journal of Engineering Education, 2, 124-156. |
Journal article | Boni, A., Velasco, D., Molas-Gallart, J., & Schot, J. (2023). Evaluating transformative innovation policy in a formative way: Insights from Vinnova’s food mission experiment. Research Evaluation, 32(3), 577-590. |
Journal article | Shekar, K. C., & Nataraj, M. (2023). Subcontracting and enterprise development in India’s informal manufacturing sector. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 30(3), 448-474. |
Journal article | Osei, D. B., Alagidede, I. P., & Agbodjah, S. (2023). Impact Investing in Ghana: A Multiple-Case Study. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1-21. |
Journal article | Horvey, S. S., Osei, D. B., & Alagidede, I. P. (2023). Insurance Penetration and Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Panel Linear and Nonlinear Analysis. International Economic Journal, 37(4), 618-645. |
Journal article | Adu, F., Alagidede, I. P., Osei, D. B., & Asamoah, M. E. (2023). Asymmetric effect of tax systems on poverty and inequality: Exploring the distributional impact of domestic resource mobilization systems in Ghana. Cogent Economics & Finance, 11(1), 2166211. |
Journal article | Eegunjobi, R. (2023). Do Service-oriented Seafood Products Hinder Export Performance? An Insight from Namibia. African Journal of Economic Review, 11(3), 119-141. |
Journal article | Eegunjobi, R. (2023). Seafood Export Performance Effects of Industrial Upgrading: Evidence from Namibia’s Industrial Policy. African Journal of Economic Review, 11(4), 108-127. |
Journal article | Ndakala, F., Kisuya, B., Wesangula, E., Oluka, M., Ayisi, J., & Daniels, C. (2023). A comprehensive assessment of antimicrobial stewardship; adoption and effectiveness in Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 100(7), 6038-6050. |
Journal article | Ndakala, F., Kisuya, B., Wesangula, E., Oluka, M., Ayisi, J., & Daniels, C. (2023). Tackling antimicrobial resistance in Kenya: policy and innovation for transformative change. East African Medical Journal, 100(11). |
Journal article | Irene, J.; Daniels, C.; Kelly, M.; Irene, B.; Frank, R.; Okpara, K. (2023). A Social Identity Approach to Understanding Sustainability and Environmental Behaviours in South Africa. Preprints 2023, 2023110362. |
Journal article | Penna, C. C., Schot, J., & Steinmueller, W. E. (2023). Transformative investment: New rules for investing in sustainability transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 49, 100782. |
Journal article | Perez, C., & Lema, R. (2023). The Digital-Green Nexus is a Win-Win for the Planet and the Economy. Diplomatic Courier, 2023 (November), 52-54. |
Journal article | Amendolagine, V., Hansen, U. E., Lema, R., Rabellotti, R., & Ribaudo, D. (2023). Do green foreign direct investments increase the innovative capability of MNE subsidiaries?. World Development, 170, 106342. |
Journal article | Baker, L. (2023). New frontiers of electricity capital: energy access in sub-Saharan Africa. New Political Economy, 28(2), 206-222. |
Journal article | Medase, S. K., & Abdul Basit, S. (2023). Trademark and product innovation: the interactive role of quality certification and firm-level attributes. Innovation and Development, 13(1), 1-41. |
Journal article | Medase, S. K., Ahali, A. Y., & Belitski, M. (2023). Natural resources, quality of institutions and entrepreneurship activity. Resources Policy, 83, 103592. |
Journal article | Amankwah-Amoah, J., & Medase, S. K. (2023). Extracting Innovation Value from Intellectual Property: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-35. |
Journal article | Medase, S.K. and Savin, I. (2023), “Creativity, innovation and employment growth in sub-Saharan Africa”, African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. |
Journal article | Roberts, B. J., Struwig, J., Gordon, S. L., Zondi, T., Hannan, S., & Gastrow, M. (2023). Generation of change? South African attitudes towards climate change in comparative perspective. Development Southern Africa, 40(2), 441-465. |
Journal article | Adams, R., Alayande, A., Brey, Z., Browning, B., Gastrow, M., Kponyo, J. J., … & Uwizera, D. K. (2023). A new research agenda for African generative AI. Nature Human Behaviour, 7(11), 1839-1841. |
Journal article | Holm, J. R., Hain, D. S., Jurowetzki, R., & Lorenz, E. (2023). Innovation dynamics in the age of artificial intelligence: introduction to the special issue. Industry and Innovation, 30(9), 1141-1155. |
Journal article | Essex, S., Caprotti, F., de Groot, J., Phillips, J., Baker, L., Wolpe, P., & Reddy, Y. (2023). The ‘capability ’of South African energy governance to deliver urban sustainable transitions. Urban Research & Practice, 1-28. |
Journal article | Chipango, E. F. (2023). Why do capabilities need Ubuntu? Specifying the relational (im) morality of energy poverty. Energy Research & Social Science, 96, 102921. |
Journal article | Lim, J., & Lee, K. (2023). Does Innovation by Firms Still Create Jobs even after the Business Stealing Effect at the Sector Level? Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 26(2), 97-125. |
Journal article | Kastelli, I., Mamica, L., & Lee, K. (2023). New perspectives and issues in industrial policy for sustainable development: from developmental and entrepreneurial to environmental state. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 1-25. |
Journal article | Lima, U. M., & Lee, K. (2023). Governance and Asymmetry in Global Value Chains of the Coffee Industry: Possibility for Catch-Up by Emerging Economies. Seoul Journal of Economics, 36(1)., 79-111. |
Journal article | Kang, R., & Lee, K. (2023). Trademarks, Own Brand Manufacturing, and Firm Growth at Different Stages of Development in Korea. Seoul Journal of Economics, 36(1). |
Journal article | Lee, K., & Lee, S. H. (2023). A Schumpeterian approach to entry barrier and firm profitability: cycle time of technology. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 32(7), 1019-1036. |
Journal article | Wong, C. Y., Sheu, J., & Lee, K. (2023). Assessing the quest of SMEs in pivoting for new technological ventures: comparing the patenting indexes of seven developed cities. Scientometrics, 1-36. |
Journal article | Konte, M., & Tetteh, G. K. (2023). Mobile money, traditional financial services and firm productivity in Africa. Small Business Economics, 60(2), 745-769. |
Journal article | Wong, C. Y., Sheu, J., & Lee, K. (2023). Dynamics or dilemma: Assessing the innovation systems of three satellite platform regions (Singapore, Dublin and Penang). Eurasian Geography and Economics, 64(5), 589-628. |
Book chapter | Lorenz, E., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2023). Measuring frontier technology adoption in developing countries. Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement, 260. |
Book chapter | Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2023). Measuring innovation in the informal economy: current knowledge and open issues, in Gault, F., Arundel, A. and Kraemer-Mbula, E. (Eds) Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement 2nd edition, Edward Elgar Publishing. |
Book chapter | Arundel, A., Kraemer-Mbula, E., & Gault, F. (2023). 23. Where are innovation indicators and measurement going?. Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement, 430. |
Book chapter | Fagerberg, J., Kraemer-Mbula, E., & Lorenz, E. (2023). Evolutionary Economics and LDCs: An African perspective. In Handbook of Evolutionary Economics, pp.433 – 444. Routledge. |
Book chapter | Kraemer-Mbula, E., de Beer, J., Ncube, C., Oguamanam, C., Rizk, N., Rutenberg, I. & Schonwetter, T. (2023). Collaborative Innovation and Networked Entrepreneurship in Africa, in Adesida, Karuri-Sebina, Resende-Santos & Muchie (Eds). Innovation Ecosystems in Africa: Solving the problems that we have, Amalion Publishers. |
Book chapter | Bashir, S., & Daniels, C. (2023). Digital Skills in Africa: Prospects for AU–EU Collaboration. In Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation (pp. 184-198). Routledge. |
Book chapter | Daniels, C., Erforth, B., & Teevan, C. (2023). Digitalisation for Transformation: New Frontiers for Africa–Europe Cooperation. In Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation (pp. 1-16). Routledge. |
Book chapter | Gastrow, M., & Adams, R. (2023). Digitalisation in Science and Technology Policy: Engagement, Alignment, and Misalignment Between the European Union and South African Data Protection and Privacy Frameworks 1. In Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation (pp. 156-167). Routledge. |
Book chapter | Penna, C. C., Alvial-Palavicino, C., Ghosh, B., & Schot, J. (2023). Transformative innovation policy. In Encyclopedia of Social Innovation (pp. 420-425). Edward Elgar Publishing. |
Book chapter | Baker, L. & Burton, J. (2023). From the minerals-energy complex to a just transition? In The Evolving Structure of South Africa’s Economy: Faultlines and Futures (pp. 270-296). Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA). |
Book chapter | Ludwig, U., Hipp, A., & Medase, K. (2023). The Influence of Technical Progress on Economic Growth in the GDR. In Roadblocks to the Socialist Modernization Path and Transition: Evidence from East Germany and Poland (pp. 63-90). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. |
Book chapter | Gault, F. (2023). The Oslo Manual and standards. In Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement (pp. 12-17). Edward Elgar Publishing. |
Book chapter | Coburn, J., Yaqub, O., & Chataway, J. (2023). Targeting research to address societal needs: What can we Learn from 30 Years of Targeting Neglected Diseases?. In Handbook of Public Funding of Research (pp. 156-171). Edward Elgar Publishing. |
Book chapter | Atela, j., Ndege, N., & Pelling, M. (2023). A pro-poor science-policy interface in Africa. In E. Kraemer-Mbula, R. Hanlin, R. Byrne, C. Daniels, & A. Kingiri (Eds.), Transformative Innovation in Times of Change: Lessons for Africa from the 2020 Global Pandemic (pp. 244-278). African Minds. |
Book Chapter | Ann Numi, Josephat Okemwa and Ann Kingiri (2024) Reflections on fintech and COVID-19: lessons from Kenya. In Lakhwinder Singh & K J Joseph (eds). Reimagining Innovation System In The Covid-19 And Post-Covid-19 World. Routledge, London, New York, New Delhi |
Edited volume | Gault, F., Arundel, A., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (Eds.). (2023). Handbook of innovation indicators and measurement. Edward Elgar Publishing. |
Edited volume | E Kraemer-Mbula, R Hanlin, R Byrne, C Daniels, A Kingiri (Eds) (2023). Transformative Innovation in Times of Change: Lessons for Africa from the 2020 Global Pandemic. African Minds: Cape Town. |
Edited volume | Daniels. C., Erforth B., and Teevan, C. (2023). Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation: innovations in international affairs. Routledge: Abingdon. |
Policy Brief | Kraemer-Mbula, E., Jupesta, J., Mishra, B. and Sadoff, C. (2023). Sustainable and Scalable Food, Water, and Land Systems through Technology, Innovation, and Inclusion, Think7 (April 2023). Available at: |
Policy Brief | Hanlin, R., Kruss, G., Petersen, I., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2023). Giving direction to innovation policy: A transformative innovation policy approach. TIP-SA Policy Brief 1. |
Policy Brief | Hanlin, R., Willians, G. Kruss, G., Petersen, I., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2023). A transformative theory of change: moving the evaluation of innovation. policy forward. TIP-SA Policy Brief 2. |
Policy Brief | Kingiri Ann and Numi Ann (2023). Rethinking biotechnology deployment pathway: Insights for emerging applications like Gene editing. AfricaLics, October 2023. |
Policy Brief | ACTS (2023). Transformative Innovation Policy (TIP): Significance of TIP approaches in shaping policy practices across Africa Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/images/Publications/Policy-Briefs/Transformative-Innovation-Policy-TIP.pdf |
Research Report | de Jong, J. P., Mulhuijzen, M., Cowen, D. R., Kraemer-Mbula, E., Onyango, L., & von Hippel, E. A. (2023). Making the invisible visible: Informal innovation in South Africa. Available at SSRN 4515890., & von Hippel, E. A. (2023). Making the invisible visible: Informal innovation in South Africa. Available at SSRN 4515890. |
Research Report | Lema, R., & Rabellotti, R. (2023). Green windows of opportunity in the Global South. UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. |
Research Report | Lema, R., & Rabellotti, R. (2023). The green and digital transition in manufacturing global value chains in latecomer countries. UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. |
Research Report | Gentile, E., Lema, R., Rabellotti, R., & Ribaudo, D. (2023). Greening Global Value Chains: A Conceptual Framework for Policy Action. In Global Value Chain Development Report: Resilient and Sustainable GVCs in Turbulent Times (pp. 228-260). World Trade Organization (WTO). |
Research Report | S Gavaert, L Pause, E Cezne, AL O’Connell, K Otsuki (2023). Green Hydrogen in the Global South: Opportunities & Challenges. Utrecht University. Pathways to Sustainability, Energy in Transition. Project Report. |
Research Report | Kingiri A. (2023). TIP Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya |
Research Report | Kingiri A. (2023). Gender on innovation: the case of renewable energy resources |
Conference paper | Johnstone, P., & Schot, J. (2023). Shocks, institutional change, and sustainability transitions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(47), e2206226120. |
Conference paper | Hipp, A., Jindra, B., & Medase, K. (2023). Knowledge for the Plan: Productivity Effects of Inventorship in a Socialist Economy. In DRUID23 Conference. |
Conference paper | Lema, R. (2023). Green Tech Global Value Chains: Are there windows of opportunity for developing countries? Globelics International Conference 2023, Thiruvananthapuram, India. |
Conference paper | Lema, R (2023). Industrial Policy for the Green Hydrogen Economy, World Universities Network (WUN) Conference 2023, Maastricht Netherlands. |
Conference paper | Kraemer-Mbula, E., Boni, A. and Onyango, C. (2023). Connecting innovation to human capabilities: a case study of township innovators in South Africa. 8th Biennial Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, May 24-26, 2023. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. |
Conference paper | Osei, D. (2023). Digital infrastructure and innovation in Africa: Does human capital mediates the effect?. 20th Anniversary Globelics International Conference 2023, Kerala, India. |
Conference paper | Hanlin, R. and Onyango, C. (2023). Emerging Technologies In South Africa: A Sectoral Innovation Systems Analysis . 20th Anniversary Globelics International Conference 2023, Kerala, India. |
Working Paper | M Ramirez, A Boni, I Wade, R Byrne (2023). How Does Transformative Innovation Policy Travel? Exploring Translations Across Physical and Cognitive Spaces in Experimental Policy Engagements. Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4571712 |
Working Paper | Daniels, C. (2023). Governance of digital for transformative change in Africa. Tayarisha Working Paper Series. Number 2023/007. Wits School of Governance. |
Working Paper | Hipp, A., Jindra, B., & Medase, K. (2023). Nothing new in the East? New evidence on productivity effects of inventions in the GDR. Bremen Papers on Economics & Innovation. |
Working Paper | S Chang, H Kim, J Song, K Lee (2023). Role of Entrepreneurial Firms’ Imitation in Overtaking Industry Leaders: A Resource Allocation Perspective (September 29, 2023). Available at SSRN: |
Blog | TransCIIT (2023) Addressing climate entrepreneurial needs in Kenya for transformative innovation. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/addressing-climate-entrepreneurial-needs-in-kenya-for-transformative-innovation |
Blog | TransCIIT (2023) Reflections on the entrepreneur survey. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/reflections-on-the-entrepreneur-survey |
Blog | TransCIIT (2023) Reflections on the matchmaking event. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/reflections-on-the-transciit-project-matchmaking-event |
Blog | TransCIIT (2023) Reflections on the matchmaking process. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/professional-match-making-an-opportunity-to-advance-students-and-entrepreneurs-trajectories |
Blog | TransCIIT (2023) Overview of matched projects underway. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/overview-of-transciit-matched-projects-underway |
Blog | TransCIIT (2023) Reflections/stock taking on phase 2 to date. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/stocktaking-on-transciit-phase-2 |
Blog | TransCIIT (2023) Reflections on matched project outcomes. Available at:https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/reflections-on-transciit-matched-project-outcomes |
Blog | TransCIIT (2023) Reflections on the showcase event. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/reflections-on-the-transciit-showcase-event |
Blog | TransCIIT (2023) Reflection on the whole of phase 2. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/reflections-on-a-journey-with-climate-innovation-entrepreneurs-and-students |
Video about TIP policy experiment | HSRC (2023) Video about the TIP policy experiment on “Living Catchments”. The video was completed by HSRC as part of our collaborative work under TIP-SA. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAedB8w03YI |