2023 Publications

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Type of publicationReference
Journal articleNaidoo, K., Bengoa, M., Kraemer-Mbula, E., & Tregenna, F. (2023). Firm innovation and employment in South Africa: Examining the role of export participation and innovation novelty. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 59(2), 589-604.
Journal articleRock, J. S., Schnurr, M. A., Kingiri, A., Glover, D., Stone, G. D., Ely, A., & Fischer, K. (2023). Beyond the Genome: Genetically modified crops in Africa and the implications for Genome Editing. Development and Change, 54(1), 117-142.
Journal articleRock, J. S., Schnurr, M. A., Kingiri, A., Ely, A., Glover, D., Stone, G. D., & Fischer, K. (2023). The knowledge politics of genome editing in Africa. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 11(1).
Journal articleEly, A., Friedrich, B., Glover, D., Fischer, K., Stone, G. D., Kingiri, A., & Schnurr, M. A. (2023). Governing agricultural biotechnologies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany: A trans-decadal study of regulatory cultures. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48(6), 1292-1328.
Journal articleHarsh, M., Kingiri, A., Bal, R., Numi, A., & Mibey, S. (2023). Learning to build institutional capacity through knowledge-based partnerships between universities and industry: lessons for engineering ecosystems from computing in Kenya. Southern Journal of Engineering Education, 2, 124-156.
Journal articleBoni, A., Velasco, D., Molas-Gallart, J., & Schot, J. (2023). Evaluating transformative innovation policy in a formative way: Insights from Vinnova’s food mission experiment. Research Evaluation, 32(3), 577-590.
Journal articleShekar, K. C., & Nataraj, M. (2023). Subcontracting and enterprise development in India’s informal manufacturing sector. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 30(3), 448-474.
Journal articleOsei, D. B., Alagidede, I. P., & Agbodjah, S. (2023). Impact Investing in Ghana: A Multiple-Case Study. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1-21.
Journal articleHorvey, S. S., Osei, D. B., & Alagidede, I. P. (2023). Insurance Penetration and Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Panel Linear and Nonlinear Analysis. International Economic Journal, 37(4), 618-645.
Journal articleAdu, F., Alagidede, I. P., Osei, D. B., & Asamoah, M. E. (2023). Asymmetric effect of tax systems on poverty and inequality: Exploring the distributional impact of domestic resource mobilization systems in Ghana. Cogent Economics & Finance, 11(1), 2166211.
Journal articleEegunjobi, R. (2023). Do Service-oriented Seafood Products Hinder Export Performance? An Insight from Namibia. African Journal of Economic Review, 11(3), 119-141.
Journal articleEegunjobi, R. (2023). Seafood Export Performance Effects of Industrial Upgrading: Evidence from Namibia’s Industrial Policy. African Journal of Economic Review, 11(4), 108-127.
Journal articleNdakala, F., Kisuya, B., Wesangula, E., Oluka, M., Ayisi, J., & Daniels, C. (2023). A comprehensive assessment of antimicrobial stewardship; adoption and effectiveness in Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 100(7), 6038-6050.
Journal articleNdakala, F., Kisuya, B., Wesangula, E., Oluka, M., Ayisi, J., & Daniels, C. (2023). Tackling antimicrobial resistance in Kenya: policy and innovation for transformative change. East African Medical Journal, 100(11).
Journal articleIrene, J.; Daniels, C.; Kelly, M.; Irene, B.; Frank, R.; Okpara, K. (2023). A Social Identity Approach to Understanding Sustainability and Environmental Behaviours in South Africa. Preprints 2023, 2023110362.
Journal articlePenna, C. C., Schot, J., & Steinmueller, W. E. (2023). Transformative investment: New rules for investing in sustainability transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 49, 100782.
Journal articlePerez, C., & Lema, R. (2023). The Digital-Green Nexus is a Win-Win for the Planet and the Economy. Diplomatic Courier, 2023 (November), 52-54.
Journal articleAmendolagine, V., Hansen, U. E., Lema, R., Rabellotti, R., & Ribaudo, D. (2023). Do green foreign direct investments increase the innovative capability of MNE subsidiaries?. World Development, 170, 106342.
Journal articleBaker, L. (2023). New frontiers of electricity capital: energy access in sub-Saharan Africa. New Political Economy, 28(2), 206-222.
Journal articleMedase, S. K., & Abdul Basit, S. (2023). Trademark and product innovation: the interactive role of quality certification and firm-level attributes. Innovation and Development, 13(1), 1-41.
Journal articleMedase, S. K., Ahali, A. Y., & Belitski, M. (2023). Natural resources, quality of institutions and entrepreneurship activity. Resources Policy, 83, 103592.
Journal articleAmankwah-Amoah, J., & Medase, S. K. (2023). Extracting Innovation Value from Intellectual Property: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-35.
Journal articleMedase, S.K. and Savin, I. (2023), “Creativity, innovation and employment growth in sub-Saharan Africa”, African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Journal articleRoberts, B. J., Struwig, J., Gordon, S. L., Zondi, T., Hannan, S., & Gastrow, M. (2023). Generation of change? South African attitudes towards climate change in comparative perspective. Development Southern Africa, 40(2), 441-465.
Journal articleAdams, R., Alayande, A., Brey, Z., Browning, B., Gastrow, M., Kponyo, J. J., … & Uwizera, D. K. (2023). A new research agenda for African generative AI. Nature Human Behaviour, 7(11), 1839-1841.
Journal articleHolm, J. R., Hain, D. S., Jurowetzki, R., & Lorenz, E. (2023). Innovation dynamics in the age of artificial intelligence: introduction to the special issue. Industry and Innovation, 30(9), 1141-1155.
Journal articleEssex, S., Caprotti, F., de Groot, J., Phillips, J., Baker, L., Wolpe, P., & Reddy, Y. (2023). The ‘capability ’of South African energy governance to deliver urban sustainable transitions. Urban Research & Practice, 1-28.
Journal articleChipango, E. F. (2023). Why do capabilities need Ubuntu? Specifying the relational (im) morality of energy poverty. Energy Research & Social Science, 96, 102921.
Journal articleLim, J., & Lee, K. (2023). Does Innovation by Firms Still Create Jobs even after the Business Stealing Effect at the Sector Level? Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 26(2), 97-125.
Journal articleKastelli, I., Mamica, L., & Lee, K. (2023). New perspectives and issues in industrial policy for sustainable development: from developmental and entrepreneurial to environmental state. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 1-25.   
Journal articleLima, U. M., & Lee, K. (2023). Governance and Asymmetry in Global Value Chains of the Coffee Industry: Possibility for Catch-Up by Emerging Economies. Seoul Journal of Economics, 36(1)., 79-111.
Journal articleKang, R., & Lee, K. (2023). Trademarks, Own Brand Manufacturing, and Firm Growth at Different Stages of Development in Korea. Seoul Journal of Economics, 36(1).
Journal articleLee, K., & Lee, S. H. (2023). A Schumpeterian approach to entry barrier and firm profitability: cycle time of technology. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 32(7), 1019-1036.
Journal articleWong, C. Y., Sheu, J., & Lee, K. (2023). Assessing the quest of SMEs in pivoting for new technological ventures: comparing the patenting indexes of seven developed cities. Scientometrics, 1-36.
Journal articleKonte, M., & Tetteh, G. K. (2023). Mobile money, traditional financial services and firm productivity in Africa. Small Business Economics, 60(2), 745-769.
Journal articleWong, C. Y., Sheu, J., & Lee, K. (2023). Dynamics or dilemma: Assessing the innovation systems of three satellite platform regions (Singapore, Dublin and Penang). Eurasian Geography and Economics, 64(5), 589-628.
Book chapterLorenz, E., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2023). Measuring frontier technology adoption in developing countries. Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement, 260.
Book chapterKraemer-Mbula, E. (2023). Measuring innovation in the informal economy: current knowledge and open issues, in Gault, F., Arundel, A. and Kraemer-Mbula, E. (Eds) Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement 2nd edition, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Book chapterArundel, A., Kraemer-Mbula, E., & Gault, F. (2023). 23. Where are innovation indicators and measurement going?. Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement, 430.
Book chapterFagerberg, J., Kraemer-Mbula, E., & Lorenz, E. (2023). Evolutionary Economics and LDCs: An African perspective. In Handbook of Evolutionary Economics, pp.433 – 444. Routledge.
Book chapterKraemer-Mbula, E., de Beer, J., Ncube, C., Oguamanam, C., Rizk, N., Rutenberg, I. & Schonwetter, T. (2023). Collaborative Innovation and Networked Entrepreneurship in Africa, in Adesida, Karuri-Sebina, Resende-Santos & Muchie (Eds). Innovation Ecosystems in Africa: Solving the problems that we have, Amalion Publishers.
Book chapterBashir, S., & Daniels, C. (2023). Digital Skills in Africa: Prospects for AU–EU Collaboration. In Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation (pp. 184-198). Routledge.
Book chapterDaniels, C., Erforth, B., & Teevan, C. (2023). Digitalisation for Transformation: New Frontiers for Africa–Europe Cooperation. In Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation (pp. 1-16). Routledge.
Book chapterGastrow, M., & Adams, R. (2023). Digitalisation in Science and Technology Policy: Engagement, Alignment, and Misalignment Between the European Union and South African Data Protection and Privacy Frameworks 1. In Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation (pp. 156-167). Routledge.
Book chapterPenna, C. C., Alvial-Palavicino, C., Ghosh, B., & Schot, J. (2023). Transformative innovation policy. In Encyclopedia of Social Innovation (pp. 420-425). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Book chapterBaker, L.  & Burton, J. (2023). From the minerals-energy complex to a just transition? In The Evolving Structure of South Africa’s Economy: Faultlines and Futures (pp. 270-296). Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA).
Book chapterLudwig, U., Hipp, A., & Medase, K. (2023). The Influence of Technical Progress on Economic Growth in the GDR. In Roadblocks to the Socialist Modernization Path and Transition: Evidence from East Germany and Poland (pp. 63-90). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Book chapterGault, F. (2023). The Oslo Manual and standards. In Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement (pp. 12-17). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Book chapterCoburn, J., Yaqub, O., & Chataway, J. (2023). Targeting research to address societal needs: What can we Learn from 30 Years of Targeting Neglected Diseases?. In Handbook of Public Funding of Research (pp. 156-171). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Book chapterAtela, j., Ndege, N., & Pelling, M. (2023). A pro-poor science-policy interface in Africa. In E. Kraemer-Mbula, R. Hanlin, R. Byrne, C. Daniels, & A. Kingiri (Eds.), Transformative Innovation in Times of Change: Lessons for Africa from the 2020 Global Pandemic (pp. 244-278). African Minds.
Book ChapterAnn Numi, Josephat Okemwa and Ann Kingiri (2024) Reflections on fintech and COVID-19: lessons from Kenya. In Lakhwinder Singh & K J Joseph (eds). Reimagining Innovation System In The Covid-19 And Post-Covid-19 World. Routledge, London, New York, New Delhi
Edited volumeGault, F., Arundel, A., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (Eds.). (2023). Handbook of innovation indicators and measurement. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Edited volume

E Kraemer-Mbula, R Hanlin, R Byrne, C Daniels, A Kingiri (Eds) (2023). Transformative Innovation in Times of Change: Lessons for Africa from the 2020 Global Pandemic. African Minds: Cape Town.


Edited volumeDaniels. C., Erforth B., and Teevan, C. (2023). Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation: innovations in international affairs. Routledge: Abingdon.
Policy BriefKraemer-Mbula, E., Jupesta, J., Mishra, B. and Sadoff, C. (2023). Sustainable and Scalable Food, Water, and Land Systems through Technology, Innovation, and Inclusion, Think7 (April 2023). Available at:
Policy BriefHanlin, R., Kruss, G., Petersen, I., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2023). Giving direction to innovation policy: A transformative innovation policy approach. TIP-SA Policy Brief 1.
Policy BriefHanlin, R., Willians, G. Kruss, G., Petersen, I., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2023). A transformative theory of change: moving the evaluation of innovation. policy forward. TIP-SA Policy Brief 2.
Policy BriefKingiri Ann and Numi Ann (2023). Rethinking biotechnology deployment pathway: Insights for emerging applications like Gene editing. AfricaLics, October 2023.
Policy BriefACTS (2023). Transformative Innovation Policy (TIP): Significance of TIP approaches in shaping policy practices across Africa Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/images/Publications/Policy-Briefs/Transformative-Innovation-Policy-TIP.pdf
Research Reportde Jong, J. P., Mulhuijzen, M., Cowen, D. R., Kraemer-Mbula, E., Onyango, L., & von Hippel, E. A. (2023). Making the invisible visible: Informal innovation in South Africa. Available at SSRN 4515890., & von Hippel, E. A. (2023). Making the invisible visible: Informal innovation in South Africa. Available at SSRN 4515890.
Research ReportLema, R., & Rabellotti, R. (2023). Green windows of opportunity in the Global South. UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
Research ReportLema, R., & Rabellotti, R. (2023). The green and digital transition in manufacturing global value chains in latecomer countries. UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
Research ReportGentile, E., Lema, R., Rabellotti, R., & Ribaudo, D. (2023). Greening Global Value Chains: A Conceptual Framework for Policy Action. In Global Value Chain Development Report: Resilient and Sustainable GVCs in Turbulent Times (pp. 228-260). World Trade Organization (WTO).
Research Report

S Gavaert, L Pause, E Cezne, AL O’Connell, K Otsuki  (2023). Green Hydrogen in the Global South: Opportunities & Challenges. Utrecht University. Pathways to Sustainability, Energy in Transition.

Project Report.

Research ReportKingiri A. (2023). TIP Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya
Research ReportKingiri A. (2023). Gender on innovation: the case of renewable energy resources
Conference paperJohnstone, P., & Schot, J. (2023). Shocks, institutional change, and sustainability transitions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(47), e2206226120.
Conference paperHipp, A., Jindra, B., & Medase, K. (2023). Knowledge for the Plan: Productivity Effects of Inventorship in a Socialist Economy. In DRUID23 Conference.
Conference paperLema, R. (2023). Green Tech Global Value Chains: Are there windows of opportunity for developing countries? Globelics International Conference 2023, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
Conference paperLema, R (2023). Industrial Policy for the Green Hydrogen Economy, World Universities Network (WUN) Conference 2023, Maastricht Netherlands.
Conference paper

Kraemer-Mbula, E., Boni, A. and Onyango, C. (2023). Connecting innovation to human capabilities:

a case study of township innovators in South Africa. 8th Biennial Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, May 24-26, 2023. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.

Conference paperOsei, D. (2023). Digital infrastructure and innovation in Africa: Does human capital mediates the effect?. 20th Anniversary Globelics International Conference 2023, Kerala, India.
Conference paperHanlin, R. and Onyango, C. (2023). Emerging Technologies In South Africa: A Sectoral Innovation Systems Analysis . 20th Anniversary Globelics International Conference 2023, Kerala, India.
Working PaperM Ramirez, A Boni, I Wade, R Byrne (2023). How Does Transformative Innovation Policy Travel? Exploring Translations Across Physical and Cognitive Spaces in Experimental Policy Engagements. Available at SSRN:  http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4571712
Working PaperDaniels, C. (2023). Governance of digital for transformative change in Africa. Tayarisha Working Paper Series. Number 2023/007. Wits School of Governance.
Working PaperHipp, A., Jindra, B., & Medase, K. (2023). Nothing new in the East? New evidence on productivity effects of inventions in the GDR. Bremen Papers on Economics & Innovation.
Working PaperS Chang, H Kim, J Song, K Lee (2023). Role of Entrepreneurial Firms’ Imitation in Overtaking Industry Leaders: A Resource Allocation Perspective (September 29, 2023). Available at SSRN:
BlogTransCIIT (2023) Addressing climate entrepreneurial needs in Kenya for transformative innovation. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/addressing-climate-entrepreneurial-needs-in-kenya-for-transformative-innovation
BlogTransCIIT (2023) Reflections on the entrepreneur survey. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/reflections-on-the-entrepreneur-survey
BlogTransCIIT (2023) Reflections on the matchmaking event. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/reflections-on-the-transciit-project-matchmaking-event
BlogTransCIIT (2023) Reflections on the matchmaking process. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/professional-match-making-an-opportunity-to-advance-students-and-entrepreneurs-trajectories
BlogTransCIIT (2023) Overview of matched projects underway. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/overview-of-transciit-matched-projects-underway
BlogTransCIIT (2023) Reflections/stock taking on phase 2 to date. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/stocktaking-on-transciit-phase-2
BlogTransCIIT (2023) Reflections on matched project outcomes. Available at:https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/reflections-on-transciit-matched-project-outcomes
BlogTransCIIT (2023) Reflections on the showcase event. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/reflections-on-the-transciit-showcase-event
BlogTransCIIT (2023) Reflection on the whole of phase 2. Available at: https://www.acts-net.org/foresight-africa-blog/reflections-on-a-journey-with-climate-innovation-entrepreneurs-and-students
Video about TIP policy experiment

HSRC (2023) Video about the TIP policy experiment on “Living Catchments”. The video was completed by HSRC as part of our collaborative work under TIP-SA.

Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAedB8w03YI