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Representation and Visibility in the Graduate Community
- Publication of your institutional website address on the CGS website
- Access to the searchable online Membership Directory, which provides the names, titles, contact information, and academic fields of deans at member institutions
- Opportunities to advertise meetings, events and other items in GradEdge (fee-based)
Information and Best Practices
- Access to the CGS Dean’s Discussion List, the only online platform for information exchange dedicated solely to graduate education
- A subscription to the GradEdge newsletter and online access to the members-only archives
- One complimentary copy of each CGS publication at the time that membership is approved
- Exclusive electronic access to all CGS publications via the CGS website
Professional Development and Networking Opportunities
- Opportunities to solicit advice and information from experts in graduate education and CGS leadership
- Eligibility to be invited to serve on best practice committees
- Opportunities to participate in webinars led by graduate deans and experts on pressing topics in graduate education
- Invitations to special receptions and events
- Ability to advertise job postings on the CGS Career Portal
Reduced Rates
- Reduced member rates on CGS meetings, workshops, publications, benchmarking and consultation services, and advertisements in GradEdge.
- 50% off job announcements in the CGS Career Portal
Strong Global Strategic Positioning Opportunities for UJ School of Graduate Studies
The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is a professional association for those working in higher education across the Commonwealth, providing avenues for collaboration and cooperation between our members. Joining the ACU brings you into a network of like-minded organisations whose aim is to build and forge sustainable, mutually beneficial international partnerships.
ACU membership is open to institutions of higher education accredited by their respective national accreditation boards, in any of the 54 member states of the Commonwealth of Nations.
ACU member universities share Commonwealth values of democracy, freedom, peace, the rule of law, and opportunity for all. Moreover, thanks to a common language and many similarities in organisation and management, Commonwealth universities are able to network extensively and effectively through the ACU, sharing problems, solutions and good practice in a variety of higher education environments.
ACU member institutions also have access to a range of benefits and services.
Recruitment advertising
Global jobs search
ACU Insights
ACU Titular Fellowships
Low Cost Journals Scheme
Information and analysis
Bursaries and scholarships
A good level of gravitas
Opportunities present for Study Abroad and Global Reputation
Universitas 21 is the leading global network of research-intensive universities, working together to foster global citizenship and institutional innovation through research-inspired teaching and learning, student mobility, connecting our students and staff, and wider advocacy for internationalisation.
Collectively, its 27 members enrol over 1.3 million students and employ over 220,000 staff and faculty. Their collective budgets amount to over US$25bn and they have an annual research grant income of over US$6.5bn.
All Universitas 21 member institutions are research-led, comprehensive universities providing a strong quality assurance framework to the network’s activities
Researcher Engagement
Student Experience
Educational Innovation
Hong Kong
New Zealand
South Africa
South Korea
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
United States of America
At the Universitas 21 annual meeting, Presidents of our member universities review activities and achievements from the past year, set the strategic direction for the network over the forthcoming year and discuss issues of importance to their universities and to higher education more generally. This meeting extends over two days and the agenda is set in consultation with members and with academic input from experts.
Composed of a smaller number of Presidents from around the network, the Executive Committee meets virtually between annual meetings and has oversight for the network, its activities and its interactions with members as well as external bodies.
Each member university appoints a senior person to be its U21 Manager to be the liaison point between the university and the network and to promote and foster network engagement at institutional level. The U21 Managers meet up to five times a year, either face-to-face or virtually, both to exchange ideas and best practice, and also to provide guidance to the Executive Committee and the Presidents and thereby having operational oversight for network activity. The U21 Secretariat exists to support the management of the network and its activities. With expert support in the areas of Student Experience, Educational Innovation, Researcher Engagement and Leadership & Management, the Secretariat is a point of reference for members in all aspects of the network’s activities and supports collective activity and innovation.
Strong Gravitas
Smart Partnership
Opportunities present for extension of Global reputation, Internships, Study Abroad and bilateral/consortia collaborations
A European network of global minds
Membership comprises higher education professionals from all around Europe and beyond that form a vibrant community. Members come from almost every function within higher education; from international relations managers, student counsellors and study abroad advisors to admissions officers, credential evaluators, marketing and recruitment coordinators, rectors, teachers, and managers of international educational programmes. The Member Directory in the Member Centre is useful for connecting and developing partnerships at the click of a mouse. Members are listed by position, institution, or country.
Members receive free access to in-depth internationalisation knowledge base both in print and in the Member Centre of the website. Provided are specific aspects of policy, strategy and current case studies through Forum (the triannual member magazine), the EAIE Occasional Papers, as well as a host of other publications in the digital library. Members get free online access to the Internationalisation Handbook – an essential guide for anyone involved in internationalisation– and discounts on the Journal of Studies in International Education. In addition, every month members receive an informative e-newsletter covering the latest higher education news as well as insider EAIE updates.
Members participate and collaborate in Expert Communities. These communities are divided into Professional Sections (PSs) and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that problem-solve and share insights into some of the hottest topics in internationalisation, including management and leadership, research, international engagement, intercultural communication, marketing and recruitment and more. Members can select their area of interest by logging into the Member Centre.
As members of an internationally recognised Association, EAIE members get equipped to face today’s competitive reality. Furthermore, every year recognition is given to members for outstanding endeavours in the internationalisation of higher education. Nominations are made by fellow members and evaluated by the EAIE Awards Committee and the winners are awarded at the Annual Conference.
Strong Strategic Positioning
Opportunities for staff development, partnerships, graduate recruitment, global reputation
- Academic Staff Exchange Programme
The Academic Staff Exchange Programme is designed to foster inter-university cooperation through exchange of external examiners, staff exchange for teaching, participation in seminars, workshops and conferences and research cooperation. Universities may use the service to support invitations to staff from other universities for intensive teaching missions, usually lasting between one to three months.
The service may also be used to enable staff to participate in seminars, conferences and workshops in another African university outside their country or to facilitate research cooperation between African universities in different countries.
- Fellowships and Scholarships
As part of the effort to enhance student mobility in Africa, the AAU makes available fellowships and scholarships on a competitive basis to support students from AAU member universities wishing to study in an African university outside their country of citizenship or normal residence.
- On and off campus Special Issues Workshops
Over the years, the AAU has carried out a number of studies and conducted workshops and seminars on critical issues of higher education in Africa. In the process, considerable expertise on these issues has been accumulated both within the AAU Secretariat as well as among AAU resources persons in member universities.
On the invitation of a member university in good financial standing with respect to payment of membership subscriptions, the AAU will arrange to send to the university campus, at the AAU’s expense, one of its resource persons or Secretariat staff to conduct a seminar or workshop on an issue relevant to AAU programmes and expertise for the benefit of the members to that university’s community.
Information Exchange
The AAU has a Newsletter, which is published three times each academic year in English and French. The Newsletter carries news about African universities and features articles on higher education in Africa. It is circulated widely to universities and university libraries throughout Africa. Member universities are encouraged to send news about their activities for inclusion in the Newsletter.
The AAU engages in Online Publications of reports of workshops organised by its various Units such as ICT strategies and HIV/AIDS policies of universities, as well as official documents such as the AAU Strategic Plan, annual reports and press releases.
The AAU’s Roster of African Professionals (ROAP) is an online database that serves as a source of experts for AAU programmes as well as to members and partners, and gives international visibility to African expertise, to facilitate networking and collaboration among African professionals, and to enhance the AAU’s outreach capacity.
The AAU e-Courier diversifies AAU’s services to the HE community by filling the gap in regular updates on upcoming higher education events such as conferences, fellowships, job vacancies as well as promotional information on AAU products and services.
The Guide to Higher Education in Africa is published every two years and contains:
- a listing of member universities;
- information about their principal officers; and the programmes offered in the universities.
The AAU Homepage represents AAU’s presence on the Internet. It provides information about AAU and member universities, and some useful Internet resources as well as links to partner organisations.
Research reports and reports of workshops and seminars conducted by the Association are also published.
Short-term consultants and resource persons
In the course of the implementation of its programmes, the AAU uses many experts as short term consultants and resource persons to carry out studies and prepare papers for the Association, and as facilitators for workshops and seminars.
Member Universities are given the opportunity in the first instance to propose members of their staff for consideration for those assignments as and when the need arises.
Professional Staff of the Secretariat
The AAU has a Secretariat with a small international professional staff of highly qualified people from different African countries. Most have come from senior academic positions in member universities with some on leave of absence from their institutions. The international professional appointments are for limited terms, and member universities are given opportunity in the first instance to nominate candidates for consideration to fill vacant positions as they occur.
Cooperation with Other Organizations
Where appropriate, the AAU works in collaboration with other national and international organisations, including governments.
The AAU has affiliations with an increasing number of organisations within and outside Africa, and has signed Memoranda of Understanding with a number of others.
I. Organisations with which the AAU is affiliated
1. International Association of Universities (IAU)
2. Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
3. Association of Arab Universities
4. Association of Commonwealth Universities
5. Association of Partly or Wholly French-speaking Universities (AUPELF)
6. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
7. African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES)
8. International Foundation of Science (IFS)
9. Accorded Observer Status at the African Union (AU)
10. Accorded Observer Status at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
11. Accorded Observer Status at the United Nations University (UNU)
II. Organisations with which AAU has signed Memoranda of Understanding
1. Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)
2. National Association for Equal Opportunities in Higher Education (NAFEO)
3. New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)
4. African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
PROGRAMMES (2005-2009)
The AAU has selected “Networking of African Higher Education Institutions for the Renewal of the African University” as its general theme for its Core Programme (2005-2009). As with previous Core Programmes, a number of sub-themes are developed around the general theme, as follows:
Institutional Collaboration in Higher Education
- Study Programme on Higher Education Management in Africa
- Networking in Graduate Training and Research
- Quality Assurance
- Gender and Higher Education in Africa
- Staff Exchange and Academic Mobility
Leadership and Management
- Leadership Development in Higher Education
- Leadership and Management Research
Information and Communication Technology
- ICT Curriculum Development
- Networking of African HEIs – Bandwidth Programme
- Improving Access to African Scholarly Work
Commissioned Research
- GATS/WTO and Higher Education in Africa
- Management of HIV/AIDS in Institutions of Higher Education
- ADEA/Working Group on Higher Education
- Scholarships and Other Support Grants
Strong Africa Strategic Positioning
Opportunities for networking and partnerships
The International Education Association of South Africa (IEASA), a non-profit organisation, was established as a result of the need for universities and universities of technology in South Africa to respond to international educational trends.
If South Africa is to remain competitive within the global economic environment it is important that our higher education provides opportunities for students to obtain a global perspective to their studies .It also means that we open up international contacts which will benefit students, our tertiary institutions and will assist South Africa to be a competitor and participant in world markets.
Nationally strong strategic positioning
National consensus building, networking, benchmarking, policy lobbying, international marketing
Many of the world’s problems are global in nature and exceed the fragmented capacities of single institutions, countries and regions and, instead, require their combined efforts. SANORD therefore promotes academic networking, joint research, staff and student exchange and innovation in multilateral processes.
Networking. SANORD facilitates networking and meetings among leaders, researchers and students from Nordic and Southern African institutions to discuss and plan joint endeavours. Members get access to contact persons and research groups. SANORD assist with organising regular academic events including a major conference every second year.
Joint research. SANORD seeks to stimulate research for the creation and sharing of knowledge and understanding on issues of shared concern. Members drive the process of bringing together people, experience, expertise and equipment in multilateral and cross-disciplinary research groups. They identify academic fields and research topics where sharing of resources and expertise will expand the capacity and achievements of each member.
Facilitation and support. The SC), with the help of member institutions, develops the SANORD portal to provide information and facilitate the exchange among member institutions, research groups and individuals. To the extent allowed by resources from internal or external sources, SANORD stimulates activities by providing seed money for research, academic events, publications and so on.
Important Strategic Positioning with respect to the NORDIC world
Opportunities for networking, reputation building, funding, consortia building, partnerships, mobility
Key for International marketing, networking, Global reputation building