Institutional Forum

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Institutional Forum

The Institutional Forum functions in accordance with the Higher Education Act (No. 101 of 1997), and the UJ Statute and the authority delegated to it by the Council.

The recommendations made and advice given by the Institutional Forum are submitted to the Council for consideration.

The Institutional Forum advises the Council as contemplated in Section 51 of the UJ Statute, in accordance with the vision, mission, core values, strategic goals, strategic thrusts and subsequent KPIs, the principles of corporate governance and the legal and management framework of the University.


The Institutional Forum consists of the following members:

  1. Two members representing the Management Executive Committee.
  2. Two members of the Council, elected by the Council, who are not employees or students of the University, one of whom is a Convocation representative on Council.
  3. One member representing the senior management who is responsible for industrial relations and employment conditions at the University.
  4. One member representing the senior management who is responsible for student affairs.
  5. Two members of the Senate, elected by Senate.
  6. Two members elected from the ranks of the full-time permanent academic employees who are not members of Senate, elected by the permanent academic employees not members of the Senate.
  7. Two members elected from the ranks of the permanent non-academic employees (whose members should be representative of different occupational categories of non-academic employees of the University), elected by the permanent nonacademic employees.
  8. Two students, elected by the University Student Representative Council.
  9. Two members of each of the recognised trade union(s) who are permanent employees, elected by the trade union.
  10. One member representing employees with disabilities, who is a permanent employee, selected by such permanent employees from their ranks.
  11. Such additional members as the IF may determine from time to time, up to a maximum of two, to ensure that the Forum fulfils its functions
  12. The Chairperson may invite persons who are not members to attend meetings, provided that they may participate in discussions but may not participate in decision-making.


Note: With the exception of the members contemplated in 2 and 8, all members must be full-time, permanent employees of the University.