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Senate is the academic statutory structure in accordance with sections 19-28 of the UJ Statute. Senate is accountable (to Council) for all the teaching, learning, research and other academic functions and activities of the University and all other functions delegated or assigned to it by Council.

Senate provides academic leadership and is accountable to Council for regulating the University’s academic functions, which inter alia include all teaching, learning and research, subject to the provisions reflected in the Higher Education Act and the UJ Statute in accordance with sections 19-28 of the UJ Statute.

The focus is on all the strategic objectives and subsequent key performance areas and indicators related to the University’s core academic business.


  1. Vice-Chancellor and Principal, who serves as the Chairperson. When the Chairperson is absent for a meeting, they will appoint an MEC member to act as Chairperson.
  2. Two external members of Council appointed by Council.
  3. MEC members.
  4. Executive Deans.
  5. Full professors (permanent or on fixed-term appointment of at least three years, including full professors appointed in support divisions, excluding post-retirement appointees and visiting academics).
  6. Distinguished professors.
  7. SARChI Chairs (including those on post-retirement contracts).
  8. Executive/Senior Directors responsible for:
    8.1. Academic Development and Support.
    8.2. Library and Information Centre.
    8.3. Research Development and Support.
    8.4. Postgraduate Studies.
    8.5. Strategic Initiatives and Administration.
    8.6. Central Academic Administration.
    8.7. Division for Institutional Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring.
    8.8. Global Engagement.
    8.9. Student Affairs.
  9. Two representatives of the UJ Student Representative Council (UJ SRC) elected by the SRC.


Additional Members Determined by Senate
  1. Vice-Deans (who are not otherwise full professors).
  2. Heads of academic schools (who are not otherwise full professors).
  3. Heads of academic departments (who are not otherwise full professors).
  4. Heads/directors of Global Excellence and Stature (GES) flagship institutes (who are not otherwise full professors).
  5. Up to twenty academics from a diversity of designated groups (who are not otherwise members of Senate) nominated by the executive deans and appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal.
  6. One postgraduate student nominated by the MEC Academic Committee (MECA).
  7. One postdoctoral fellow nominated by the Senior Director: Postgraduate School in consultation with MECA.


  1. Heads of Faculty Administration.