Accommodation policy for people with disabilities

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Reasonable Accommodation Policies for People with Disabilities

The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is committed to fostering an inclusive environment through its comprehensive Policy on Persons with Disabilities, established in 2011 and most recently reviewed in 2020. This policy outlines the university’s dedication to providing reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities, ensuring equitable access to academic and employment opportunities.

Key Provisions of the Policy

  • Inclusive Environment: UJ recognises the importance of accommodating diverse needs within its physical environment and institutional processes. The policy states: “Differences and diverse needs will be reasonably accommodated within the University’s physical environment, structure, available resources and institutional processes.” 
  • Workplace Accommodations: For employees, the policy emphasises the university’s commitment to providing necessary support: “The University commits itself to the reasonable accommodation of people with disabilities with regard to physical, medical and environmental aid to ensure enhancement of the person’s working conditions and performance.” 
  • Student Support: UJ is dedicated to addressing the unique needs of students with disabilities. The policy outlines a collaborative approach: “The special support needs and reasonable accommodation requests of students with disabilities are considered on the recommendation of professionals… Consultation occurs between the requesting student and the PsyCaD: Disability Unit.” 

Implementation and Funding

The university has established specific guidelines and procedures to operationalise this policy:

  • Human Capital Management Division: This division is responsible for assisting employees with accommodation needs, including the provision of assistive devices, within reasonable budget limits. 
  • Disability Unit (DU): Operating under the Centre for Psychological Services and Career Development (PsyCaD), the DU collaborates with students to facilitate academic accommodations. This includes providing study materials in accessible formats and offering assistive technology training. 

Through these dedicated structures and a clear policy framework, the University of Johannesburg ensures that individuals with disabilities receive the necessary accommodations and support, reflecting its commitment to inclusivity and equal opportunity.

Refer to pages 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 of the UJ People with Disabilities Policy:

Page 2 (point 1.4):

Differences and diverse needs will be reasonably accommodated within the University’s physical environment, structure, available resources and institutional processes.”

Pages 2-3 (point 4.5):

Within the workplace reasonable accommodation refers to ‘any measure that can ensure the entry and/or advancement of people with disabilities in the workplace’. The purpose is to enhance opportunities for qualified persons with disabilities to be, or to remain, employed at the University. Accommodations vary according to the disability and are determined on a case-by-case basis and must be ‘reasonable’ within the particular circumstances.”

Page 6 (point 6.8):


“The special support needs and reasonable accommodation requests of students with disabilities are considered on the recommendation of, professionals including registered medical and other health professionals registered with a professional body. Consultation occurs between the requesting student and the PsyCaD: Disability Unit who forwards requests to an ad hoc Committee, comprising of relevant professionals and faculty based experts for consideration and decision-making. The Committee’s recommendations are then communicated to the respective Executive Dean, Lecturers, and Faculty Administration for implementation. The measures put in place must serve the purpose for which they were intended and the University undertakes to apply resourceful and customised solutions to meet individual needs. All types of disabilities will be catered for as far as reasonably possible.”

Page 8 (point 7.2):


The University commits itself to the reasonable accommodation of people with disabilities with regard to physical, medical and environmental aid to ensure enhancement of the person’s working conditions and performance.”

Page 8 (point 8.1):


“As far as visitors, including parents, community members, other lecturing staff, and service providers are concerned, the University strives to create a disability friendly, accessible and non-discriminatory environment where people with disabilities have freedom of movement, they are treated with respect and internal role players are sensitive to their accommodation needs.”

Page 8 (point 10):


“People with disabilities are encouraged to come forward personally and to notify the University of any concerns, obstacles and needs associated with their disability, which requires the attention of the relevant decision makers within the University to attempt and find reasonable accommodations wherever possible.”

Refer to pages 5, 9 and 12 of the UJ Resourcing Policy:

Page 5 (point 3.6):

“Reasonable Accommodation” refers to modifications or alterations in the workplace to equip a suitably qualified person with a disability to perform their jobs optimally.”

Page 5 (point 4.4):

“The UJ wishes to encourage the recruitment of employees with disabilities and will make reasonable adjustments to all stages of the recruitment process as required in order for a successful candidate with a disability to participate.”

Page 9 (point 10.4):

Selection Panels should accommodate the needs of People with Disabilities.”

Page 12 (point 12.1.2b):

“if there is advanced knowledge that applicants have a disability, reasonable accommodation will be made during the interview.”

Student Concession Policy for Students with Disabilities

Student Concessions


These are accommodations granted to enable candidates with specific, whether temporary or permanent, disabilities to perform to the best of their ability without giving an added advantage over other candidates.


These are for students with disabilities who wish to apply for accommodations to help them perform optimally such as extra time support for tests and examination, enlargement, height adjustable tables, stop the clock etc.

Other Relevant and Related Documents:
National Government Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Legislation

Disability Support

UJ Disability Unit / Services

UJ Disability Unit / Services Social Media Platforms
UJ Disability Unit / Services Useful Links

UJ Committees for People with Disabilities

UJ Library Services for Students with Disabilities

UJ Sport for Students with Disabilities

Other Relevant and Related Links