Support for under-represented groups

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Under-represented Groups Support

UJ Staff Support Programmes

UJ Accelerated Academic Mentorship Programme (AAMP)

UJ Accelerated Academic Mentorship Programme (AAMP)

Refer to the
UJ Accelerated Academic Mentorship Programme (AAMP) Brochure:

What is AAMP?

“The Accelerated Academic Mentorship Programme (AAMP) is designed to provide mentorship, support, development opportunities and focused advice to a nominated group of permanent academic staff, thereby creating the conditions for these candidates to advance their academic career trajectories.

AAMP is one of several targeted initiatives that have proved to be successful in transforming UJ’s academic profile. AAMP was established to effect institutional change in terms of race and gender within the academic staff profile with a focus on professional and personal development of academics, enhancing their capacity to establish both national and international networks, develop their research profiles and leadership capacities. In these ways AAMP is envisioned as contributing to the eventual transformation of the UJ professoriate.”

UJ New Generation of Academics Programme (nGAP)

UJ New Generation of Academics Programme (nGAP)

“The New Generation of Academics Programme (nGAP) programme is a DHET initiative that provides universities with opportunities to grow a new cohort of academics, with particular attention paid to transformation in terms of race and gender. The funding provides for all remuneration and candidate development costs for the first three years and partial funding for remuneration and development costs for a further three years. After this period, the position is fully funded by the University. Each nGAP scholar has a mentor and is allocated a reduced teaching load to allow them to achieve higher degrees, produce research outputs, and pursue development opportunities in teaching and learning and research.”

UJ Future Professors Programme (FPP)

UJ Future Professors Programme (FPP)


About the FPP Phase 2 programme

The objectives of the Future Professors programme are to:

“Recruitment of promising senior lecturers onto a two-year programme. Black and women South Africa lecturers/ senior lecturers/ associate professors who are already showing signs of research and teaching leadership and employed in permanent positions in South African universities are prioritised for recruitment, in line with transformation imperatives in the sector. Provide participants with strong individualised and group mentoring support, specialised courses and an extended mobility opportunity abroad.

Prepare participants for professor positions and professorial duties through development in the scholarship of research, the scholarship of teaching and public scholarship at the level of professorial conduct

Ensure that participants are well prepared to compete successfully for professor positions at the end of the two-year programme participants are well prepared to compete successfully for professor positions at the end of the two-year programme and apply for NRF ranking at the appropriate level.”


UJ JBS Women’s Leadership Development Programme (WLDP)
UJ JBS Future Female Leadership Programme (FFLP)
UJ Research Leadership Programme (RLP)

UJ Research Leadership Programme (RLP)

“The RLP is a bespoke programme, specifically aimed at developing research leadership for outstanding female academics and researchers, at Senior Lecturer, Associate and Professor levels, to advance towards becoming internationally recognised scholars (equivalent of A & B NRF rated scholars).

For this programme, research leadership refers to academic prowess and stature that enables high-quality research performance. In this instance with a particular focus in developing requisite soft and hard skills, which include, among others, leading and managing large research grants and research teams, make research collaborations and networks work for you, planning and guidance for NRF rating, etc. The programme is envisaged to run for a period of 12 months and will comprise of five components:

> Research leadership skills development (5 workshops involving action-learning sets)
> Personal coaching (pending availability of funds) and professional mentorship
> One week international visit for professional networking and collaborations networking
> 180-degree personal assessment/feedback (Pre- and post-programme)
> Presentations and reflections on RLP and experience”

UJ Student Support Programmes

UJ Thuthuka Programme (Student Equity Programme)

UJ Thuthuka Programme


Purpose of the Thuthuka Programme

The UJ Equity programme assists students from disadvantaged communities in their accounting studies to obtain the CA (SA) qualification and contribute to the economic and social upliftment of South Africa.

There is a shortage of African and Coloured Chartered Accountants in South Africa. Although the number of African and Coloured students that study B Com (Accounting) at UJ has increased over the past years, an insufficient number of candidates successfully complete their studies to meet the market demand.

The students on the Equity programme are funded by SAICA’s Thuthuka Bursary Fund. Students enrolled on the Thuthuka Bursary are funded by a NSFAS loan for half of the costs, and the other half is funded by the firms and companies that contribute to the Thuthuka Bursary Fund. After completing their studies, Thuthuka allocates students to one of the firms for a training contract. Applications for the Thuthuka Bursary are open to matriculants.

SAICA’s Thuthuka Education Upliftment Fund combines 50% NSFAS bursary and 50% contribution from the firms and companies associated with the Thuthuka Fund. After completing their studies, Thuthuka allocates students to one of the firms for a training contract. Applications for the Thuthuka Education Upliftment Fund are open to matriculants.”

Acc Thuthuka Programme
UJ STEM MentHER Programme
Stem Menther Induction Invite 1300x700 Jun 2022

UJ STEM MentHER Programme


“School Principals and Educators are invited to nominate deserving Grade 12 female students in Gauteng to join the STEM MentHER programme, which guides and streamlines students into the STEM fields of study: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Successful candidates:

> are mentored by female academics and postgraduate students
> gain access to tailor-made programmes aimed at grade 12 students
> will become role models for other girls”

UJ Women for STEM Initiative

UJ’s ‘Women for STEM’ initiative prepares future leaders for tech-driven careers

According to the United Nations (UN), in the fourth industrial revolution, women still have less than two-third of the economic opportunity than men. The jobs of the future will be driven by technology and innovation, and if the gender divide in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is not bridged soon, the overall gender gap is likely to widen.

The University of Johannesburg (UJ), in collaboration with TechnoGirl Trust, unveiled the ‘Young Women for STEM in Africa’ platform – UJ’s newest initiative on Thursday, 04 July 2019 at the Auckland Park Kingsway Campus as part of this year’s Winter School. Reimagined and the upcoming Women’s day celebration in August.

School At Uj

inspire, motivate and fascinate : UJ’s STEM Education Programme prepares future leaders for technology-driven careers


Dr Tebogo Mashifana, UJ’s graduate that recently featured in the 2019 Mail & Guardian Top 200 YOUNG South Africans list, gave a keynote address and inspired young girls pointing out that she believes that the next generation of female engineers has an important role to play in using their creative and team skills to change perceptions of the industry. “I see future leaders when I see you, especially in the 4IR space. There is a need for females to be in STEM fields as these subjects are not difficult”.

TechnoGirl Trust, in partnership with the Department of Basic Education and UNICEF, established the TechnoGirl job shadowing programme in 2004 to specifically address the gender gap in STEM careers. This initiative identifies high school girls between the ages of 15 and 18 who are from disadvantaged communities, and who are interested in STEM careers.

“In collaborating with TechnoGirl Trust, this year’s #WinterSchool4IR is continuing our forward-thinking, pioneering groundwork that demonstrates how UJ is again showing leadership in innovative ways of contributing to the future of jobs,” said Liana Meadon, Senior Manager: Academic Development Centre.

This new UJ initiative is the brainchild of Prof Angina Parekh, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic, to close the gender gap in STEM fields and to get young women excited about career opportunities that they might not have considered previously.

Core to the institution’s mission to bring quality, approachable, hands-on STEM learning tools to every student, the STEM emersion day is an unique and first-of-its-kind innovative event accompanied by a curriculum that will focus on increasing gender diversity awareness for 36 Grade 11 and 12 young women from and around the city of Johannesburg.

“We, as an Institution of Higher Education, have implemented various interventions that directly speak to research findings and we have set ambitious targets in increasing the participation of women in STEM. However, this challenge is a societal one and needs all South Africans to pull together in encouraging and supporting women for careers in science, technology, engineering, maths and above all, innovation,” explained Ms Meadon.

“UJ is excited and honoured to have hosted these young women, the main idea of the ‘Young Women for STEM in Africa Day’ was to inspire, motivate and fascinate the selected group of VIPs to learn more about 4IR.”

The Programme was inclusive of the following:

> A workshop from Technolab where the young women will learn basic programming, basic circuits, and how to navigate a robot through a maze
> A virtual reality experience on Doornfontein Campus (DFC)
> A meet and greet opportunity with female STEM academics and UJ students currently studying towards careers in STEM
> A participation certificate


Students Infront Of Madibeng

UJ Association of Advancement of Black Accountants of Southern Africa (ABASA) Mentorship Programme
UJ Student Peer Mentoring Programme

UJ ADI Student Peer Mentoring Programme

“Student Peer Mentoring Programme (SPMP) that aims to grow and support the volunteer mentoring culture at UJ

Refer to page 36 of the
UJ Toolbox – A Handbook for Undergraduate Student Experience:

Peer mentoring programme

“The mentoring programme is designed to assist students to make the transition from school to university. The overall aim of mentoring is to provide the best possible academic experience for first-year students at the University of Johannesburg and consequently contributes to the reduction of student dropout and to enhance student success and throughput.”

UJ Peer Support Programmes

UJ Peer Support Programmes

Refer to pages 35, 36 and 40 of the
UJ Toolbox – A Handbook for Undergraduate Student Experience.

UJ Tutor Mentoring and Training Programme
UJ PsyCaD Student Counselling Services and Peer Buddies
UJ International Students Peer Support and Buddy System

UJ International Students Peer Support and Buddy System

Refer to page 36 of the
UJ Toolbox – A Handbook for Undergraduate Student Experience:

The Buddy System for International Students

“The University of Johannesburg Buddy System is a special programme that was established for the purposes of providing support to international students and ensuring cultural integration. All new international students are paired with a buddy for support in navigating the University systems and Johannesburg, in general. The duties of a buddy stretch further than just the new student. They introduce the new student to the culture of UJ and South Africa through social events and excursions. All buddies report to the Buddy Coordinator in the Division for Internationalisation. The Buddy Coordinator will take up matters with the Division for Internationalisation should the need arise. All buddies are trained in orientation matters, cultural immersion and mentoring.”

Refer to pages 21-23 of the
UJ International Students Pre-Arrival Guide:

The Buddy System

What is a buddy system?

“The University of Johannesburg Buddy System is a special programme that was established for the purposes of providing support to international students and ensuring cultural integration. All new international students are paired with a buddy for support in navigating the University systems and Johannesburg in general. The duty of a buddy stretches further than just the new student. They introduce the new student to the culture of UJ and South Africa through social events and excursions. All buddies report to a Buddy Coordinator in the Division for Internationalisation. The Buddy Coordinator will take up matters with the Division for Internationalisation should the need arise. All buddies are trained in orientation matters, cultural immersion and mentoring.”