Elected representation on Senate and Council from staff and students
Home » About UJ » Impact » SDG Impact » SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions » Elected representation on Senate and Council from staff and studentsSenate and Council: Elected Representation
UJ Council
UJ Council Charter
UJ Council Composition and Membership:
Elected Representation
Refer to page 3 (point 4.10) of the UJ Charter for Council Mar 2023:
“4.10 Two students elected by the UJ Student Representative Council (UJ SRC).”
Academic Employees
Refer to page 3 (points 4.7 and 4.8) of the UJ Charter for Council Mar 2023:
“4.7 Two members of Senate elected by Senate.
4.8 One academic employee (permanent and full time) of the University, who is not otherwise a member of the Senate, elected by the academic employees of the University.”
Non-Academic Employees
Refer to page 3 (point 4.9) of the UJ Charter for Council Mar 2023:
“4.9 One non-academic employee (permanent and full time) of the University, elected by the non-academic employees of the University.”
Management Executive Committee Members
Refer to page 3 (points 4.5 and 4.6) of the UJ Charter for Council Mar 2023:
“4.5 The Vice-Chancellor and Principal.
4.6 One member of the MEC nominated by the Management Executive Committee of the University and appointed by the Council.“
UJ Senate
UJ Senate Charter
UJ Senate Composition and Membership:
Elected Representation
Refer to page 2 (point 4.13) and page 3 (point 4.19) of the UJ Charter for Senate Mar 2023:
“4.13 Two representatives (students) of the UJ Student Representative Council (UJ SRC) elected by the UJ SRC.
4.19 One postgraduate student nominated by the MEC Academic Committee (MECA).”
Academic Employees
Refer to pages 2 and 3 of the UJ Charter for Senate Mar 2023:
“4.8 Executive Deans.
4.9 Full professors (permanent or on fixed-term appointment of at least three years, including full professors appointed in support divisions, excluding post-retirement appointees and visiting academics).
4.10 Distinguished professors on post-retirement contracts.
4.11 SARChI Chairs (including those on post-retirement contracts).
4.14 Vice-Deans (who are not otherwise full professors).
4.15 Heads of academic schools (who are not otherwise full professors).
4.16 Heads of academic departments (who are not otherwise full professors).
4.17 Heads/directors of Global Excellence and Stature (GES) flagship institutes (who are not otherwise full professors).
4.18 Up to twenty academics from a diversity of designated groups (who are not otherwise members of Senate) nominated by the executive deans and appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal.”
Non-Academic Employees
Refer to page 2 (point 4.12) of the UJ Charter for Senate Mar 2023:
“4.12 Executive/Senior Directors responsible for:
4.12.1 Academic Development and Support.
4.12.2 Library and Information Centre.
4.12.3 Research and Innovation.
4.12.4 Postgraduate Studies.
4.12.5 Internationalisation
4.12.6 Student Affairs.“
Management Executive Committee Members
Refer to page 2 (points 4.1, 4.3-4.7) of the UJ Charter for Senate Mar 2023:
“4.1 Vice-Chancellor and Principal (Chairperson).
4.3 Deputy Vice-Chancellors.
4.4 Chief Financial Officer.
4.5 Chief Operating Officer.
4.6 Registrar.
4.7 Senior Executive Director. “
Institutional Forum: Elected Representation
UJ Institutional Forum
UJ Institutional Forum Charter
UJ Institutional Forum Composition and Membership:
Elected Representation
Refer to page 2 (point 4.8) of the UJ Charter for the Institutional Forum Mar 2023:
“4.8 Two students elected by the University Student Representative Council.“
Academic Employees
Refer to page 2 (points 4.5 and 4.6) of the UJ Charter for the Institutional Forum Mar 2023:
“4.5 Two members of the Senate elected by the Senate.
4.6 Two members elected from the ranks of the full-time permanent academic employees not being members of the Senate, elected by the permanent academic employees not being members of the Senate.“
Non-Academic Employees
Refer to page 2 (points 4.3, 4.4 and 4.7) of the UJ Charter for the Institutional Forum Mar 2023:
“4.3 One member representing the senior management who is responsible for industrial relations and employment conditions at the University.
4.4 One member representing the senior management who is responsible for student affairs.
4.7 Two members elected from the ranks of the permanent non-academic employees (which members should be representative of different occupational categories of non-academic employees of the University), elected by the permanent non-academic employees.“
Other Permanent Employees
Refer to page 2 (points 4.9 and 4.10) of the UJ Charter for the Institutional Forum Mar 2023:
“4.9 Two members each of each recognised trade union who are permanent employees, elected by the trade union.
4.10 One member representing employees with disabilities, who is a permanent employee, selected by such permanent employees from their ranks. .“
Management Executive Committee Members
Refer to page 2 (point 4.1) of the UJ Charter for the Institutional Forum Mar 2023:
“4.1 Two members representing the Management Executive Committee.”