Maternity policy
Home » About UJ » Impact » SDG Impact » SDG 5: Gender Equality » Maternity policyMaternity Policy
The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment that supports women’s participation, particularly through comprehensive maternity policies for both staff and students.
Maternity Provisions for Staff:
UJ’s commitment to supporting female employees during and after pregnancy is outlined in its Conditions of Service. Key aspects include:
- Maternity Leave Entitlement: Female employees are entitled to a maximum of four months’ maternity leave per birth. This leave can commence up to four weeks before the expected delivery date or earlier if medically advised.
- Remuneration During Maternity Leave: Employees with at least one year of service receive full pay during the four-month maternity leave, provided no additional leave is appended. Those with less than one year of service are granted four months of unpaid maternity leave.
- Postnatal Return to Work: Employees are prohibited from returning to work within six weeks of childbirth unless certified fit by a medical practitioner or midwife.
- Adoption and Surrogacy Leave: In alignment with the Labour Laws Amendment Act of 2018, UJ provides adoption leave of at least ten consecutive weeks for employees adopting a child under two years old. In cases of surrogacy, commissioning parents are entitled to commissioning parental leave of at least ten consecutive weeks.
Support for Pregnant Students:
Recognising the unique challenges faced by pregnant students, UJ has implemented the “Management of Pregnant Students” policy to ensure their academic progress and well-being. Key components include:
- Counselling and Health Services: Pregnant students have access to counselling and primary healthcare services through Campus Health Services. These services offer guidance on reproductive health, family planning, and referrals for antenatal care.
- Academic Adjustments: The policy allows for exemptions from certain academic activities, such as practical sessions or work-integrated learning, based on medical advice. This ensures the safety of both the student and the unborn child.
- Residence Support: For students residing in university accommodations, residence managers and life officers are equipped to provide appropriate support, ensuring a conducive living environment during pregnancy.
Through these comprehensive policies and support systems, the University of Johannesburg demonstrates its commitment to facilitating women’s active participation in academia and employment, ensuring that pregnancy and motherhood do not impede their progress or well-being.
UJ Maternity and Paternal Leave Policies
Other Relevant and Related UJ Policies and Documents
Refer to page 8 of the UJ Gender Equity Framework:
“The UJ Conditions of Service and Policies should be fair relating to gender equality and should:
> Provide maternity and paternity leave that is fair and equitable, taking into account LGBTI+, commissioning and adoptive parents as per the Labour Laws Amendment Act of 2018.”