Policy protecting those reporting discrimination

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Discrimination Reporting Protection Policies

The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is committed to fostering an environment where individuals can report discrimination without fear of educational or employment disadvantage. This commitment is enshrined in several policies designed to protect whistle-blowers and ensure a non-discriminatory atmosphere.

Whistleblowing and Eradication of Improper Activities Policy:

Established in 2013 and reviewed in 2015, this policy encourages the reporting of improper activities, including discrimination, by providing robust protections for whistle-blowers. It defines a whistle-blower as any individual—be it an employee, student, applicant, vendor, contractor, or member of the public—who makes a protected disclosure. The policy emphasises that whistle-blowers act as reporting parties and are not responsible for investigating the matter or determining corrective actions. Importantly, it underscores UJ’s zero-tolerance stance towards any form of retaliation against individuals who report misconduct in good faith. This ensures that those who come forward are safeguarded against any adverse educational or employment consequences.

Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies:

UJ has instituted comprehensive policies to combat discrimination and harassment, thereby fostering a culture of inclusivity and respect. The “Bullying, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Rape Policy” (2021) and the “Prevention and Management of Student Sexual Harassment and Rape Policy” (2018) are pivotal in this regard. These policies not only define unacceptable behaviours but also outline clear procedures for reporting incidents. They assure all members of the university community that reports of discrimination will be addressed promptly and without prejudice, reinforcing the institution’s dedication to protecting the rights and well-being of those who report such incidents. 

Confidential Reporting Mechanisms:

To facilitate the secure and confidential reporting of unethical conduct, UJ has established the “UJ Ethics Hotline.” This platform allows individuals to report concerns anonymously if they choose, ensuring that their identities are protected. The hotline is a testament to UJ’s proactive approach in encouraging the reporting of misconduct by providing a safe and confidential avenue for disclosures. 

Through these policies and mechanisms, the University of Johannesburg demonstrates a steadfast commitment to protecting individuals who report discrimination. By ensuring that whistle-blowers are shielded from any form of educational or employment disadvantage, UJ upholds its core values of integrity, fairness, and respect for all members of its community.

The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is steadfast in its commitment to fostering a safe and equitable environment for all members of its community, with a particular focus on protecting women who report discrimination. To this end, UJ has instituted comprehensive policies and frameworks designed to safeguard individuals from educational or employment disadvantages when they come forward with concerns.

Gender Equity Framework:

Established in 2021, the UJ Gender Equity Framework serves as a cornerstone in promoting gender equality and addressing discrimination. This framework outlines the university’s dedication to creating an inclusive atmosphere by implementing several key measures:

  • Reporting Mechanisms: The framework mandates the development of systems specifically for reporting incidents of discrimination, including those based on gender. These mechanisms ensure that women can report concerns confidentially and without fear of reprisal. 
  • Case Management Support: UJ provides effective support, advice, and assistance to both complainants and respondents through a structured case management system. This approach ensures that reports of discrimination are handled with the utmost sensitivity and professionalism. 
  • Emergency Assistance: In collaboration with internal and external stakeholders, the university offers emergency assistance for survivors of rape and sexual assault, underscoring its commitment to immediate and compassionate support. 

Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies:

UJ has implemented robust policies to combat discrimination and harassment, thereby reinforcing its commitment to a respectful and inclusive environment:

  • Bullying, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Rape Policy (2021): This policy explicitly prohibits any form of unfair discrimination, whether direct or indirect, on grounds including sex and gender. It provides clear procedures for reporting incidents and assures protection against victimisation for those who report such matters in good faith. 
  • Prevention and Management of Student Sexual Harassment and Rape Policy (2018): Focused on the student body, this policy outlines preventive measures and management strategies for incidents of sexual harassment and rape. It ensures that students who report such incidents are supported and protected from any adverse consequences. 

Non-Discrimination in Employment and Admissions:

UJ’s commitment to non-discrimination extends to its employment practices and student admissions:

  • Conditions of Service (2021): This document affirms the university’s rejection of unfair discrimination on various grounds, including sex and pregnancy. It ensures that female staff members are treated equitably and are protected when reporting discriminatory practices. 
  • Admission and Selections Policy (2022): UJ is dedicated to ensuring that no prospective student faces prejudicial treatment based on gender or sex. The policy guarantees that female applicants are assessed fairly and that any reports of discrimination during the admissions process are taken seriously and addressed appropriately. 

Support Structures:

To further bolster its protective measures, UJ has established dedicated support structures:

  • Gender Equity Unit: This unit is responsible for managing reports of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, harassment, and all forms of discrimination. It also develops systems for reporting incidents and provides mediation services, ensuring that women have access to comprehensive support when reporting discrimination. 
  • UJ Ethics Hotline: This confidential platform allows individuals to report unethical conduct anonymously, safeguarding their identities and protecting them from potential retaliation.

Through these policies and support systems, the University of Johannesburg demonstrates a profound commitment to protecting women who report discrimination, ensuring they do not face educational or employment disadvantages as a result of their courage in coming forward.

UJ Gender Equity Framework

UJ Whistleblowing and Fraud Prevention Policies

UJ Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies

UJ Student Grievance Policies and Procedures

UJ Staff Grievance Policies and Procedures