Energy-efficient renovation and building

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Energy-Efficient Renovations and Buildings Policies and Documents

The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is committed to promoting energy efficiency in its renovation and construction projects. This commitment is articulated through several policies and initiatives that ensure all renovations and new builds adhere to established energy efficiency standards.

Energy, Resource, Waste, and Sustainability (ERWSus) Plan

UJ’s dedication to sustainability is encapsulated in its Energy, Resource, Waste, and Sustainability (ERWSus) Plan for 2022-2025. This plan outlines strategies to enhance energy efficiency across the university’s infrastructure. Notably, the plan includes the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems across all four campuses, contributing to a significant portion of the university’s energy needs. Additionally, UJ has implemented energy-saving measures such as LED lighting, occupancy sensors, and heat pumps in new and refurbished residences. These initiatives have collectively reduced energy consumption and the university’s carbon footprint. 

Compliance with National and Municipal Standards

UJ ensures that all construction and renovation projects comply with the South African National Building Standards and the City of Johannesburg’s building regulations. The UJ Campuses Maintenance Policy and Procedure Manual explicitly states that the South African National Building Standards and the City of Johannesburg Building Standards for occupancy will be applied to determine maintenance effectiveness. This adherence guarantees that all buildings meet or exceed the required energy efficiency standards. 

Spatial Development Framework (SDF)

The university’s Spatial Development Framework (SDF) further reinforces its commitment to sustainable development. The SDF guides the planning and implementation of infrastructure projects, ensuring they align with energy efficiency and sustainability goals. This framework promotes the integration of energy-efficient designs and technologies in all new constructions and major refurbishments. 

Carbon Reduction Initiatives

UJ has undertaken significant steps to reduce its carbon emissions through energy-efficient building practices. The installation of over 4,450 solar panels on campus rooftops since 2020 exemplifies this effort. These panels generate approximately 1,700 kilowatts of power, supplying close to 8.88% of the university’s annual energy consumption. This initiative not only reduces reliance on the national power grid but also demonstrates UJ’s proactive approach to environmental sustainability. 

Adoption of Green Building Standards

In alignment with municipal policies, UJ incorporates the City of Johannesburg’s Green Building Policy into its construction and renovation projects. This policy promotes resource-efficient design, construction, and operational practices for all new buildings. By adhering to these guidelines, UJ ensures that its infrastructure projects contribute to a sustainable and low-carbon urban environment. 

In summary, the University of Johannesburg has established comprehensive policies and frameworks to ensure that all renovations and new constructions adhere to stringent energy efficiency standards. Through strategic planning, compliance with national and municipal regulations, and proactive sustainability initiatives, UJ demonstrates its commitment to energy-efficient building practices.

UJ Campuses Maintenance Policy and Procedure Manual

Refer to pages 5, 8 and 10 of the UJ Campuses Maintenance Policy and Procedure Manual:

Page 5 (point 4.3.):

“In terms of building standards used to determine the occupancy readiness of any building the SA National Building standards and the City of Johannesburg Building standards for occupancy will apply and be used to determine maintenance effectiveness.”

Page 8 (point 4.9.):

“It is the responsibility of the Maintenance Division to ensure any building used by staff or students or the public as visitors to the institution meets the relevant building standards (see paragraph 4.3) before it may be re-occupied.” 

Page 10 (point 4.15.):

“In any case where there is a conflict between two or more standards the more restrictive of the standards will be applied – but in all cases the minimum requirement is that the SA National Building standards are applied. “

UJ Energy Plan

UJ Energy, Resource, Waste and Sustainability (ERWSus) Policy

UJ Spatial Development Framework (SDF)

UJ Sustainability Report

UJ follows the South African National Standards (SANS) on energy efficiency and energy usage in buildings as outlined in the documents and building regulations below.

Energy Efficiency Standards for Buildings:
South African National Standards (SANS) – National Building Regulations (NBR)

South African National Standards (SANS): Energy Efficiency in Buildings

South African National Standards (SANS): Energy Usage in Buildings

Other Relevant and Related Documents

National Energy Efficiency Strategy

UJ follows the South African National and Regional Standards on green building as outlined in the documents and building regulations and policies below.

Sustainable Standards for New Buildings:
South African National and Regional Standards – Green Building Policies

National Department of Public Works (DPW) Green Building Policy

Regional City of Johannesburg (CoJ) Green Building Policy