Employment modern slavery policy

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Employment Modern Slavery Policies and Statements

The University of Johannesburg (UJ) demonstrates a strong commitment to combating forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour through a combination of policy adherence and proactive initiatives.

Policy Framework and Legislative Alignment

While UJ may not have standalone policies explicitly titled against forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking, or child labour, the university aligns its practices with national legislation, notably the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act 2013 and its accompanying National Policy Framework established in 2019. These legislative instruments provide comprehensive guidelines to prevent and address trafficking and related exploitative practices within South Africa. UJ’s adherence to these laws underscores its dedication to maintaining an ethical and lawful environment for all members of its community.

Proactive Awareness and Educational Initiatives

Beyond policy adherence, UJ actively engages in awareness campaigns and educational programmes to combat human trafficking and modern slavery:

Collaborative Awareness Campaigns: In February 2024, UJ’s Centre for Student Health and Wellness, in partnership with the Department of Social Development, ACT Africa, the Hawks, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), and the Department of Home Affairs, launched a comprehensive campaign to raise awareness about human trafficking. This initiative aimed to educate the university community about the risks, signs, and resources available to combat trafficking. Read more here >  UJ News Article | UJ launches awareness campaign to combat human trafficking | 23 February 2024

Through these combined efforts of policy alignment and proactive initiatives, the University of Johannesburg showcases its unwavering commitment to eradicating forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour within its sphere of influence.

National Government Department of Justice and Constitutional Development
South Africa Legislation

Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons:
Act and National Policy Framework

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