Employment pay scale equity tracking

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Employment Pay Scale Equity Tracking and Measurement

UJ Gender Equity Framework

Refer to pages 4, 17, 19, 45, 46 and 47 of the UJ Gender Equity Framework on the existence of measures put in place to track and measure pay scale gender equity.

Page 19:

Activities: Address gender pay gap.
UJ Inputs: Continue to address wage gap between various Peromnes levels specifically where women are rated.”

Page 45:

UJ Outputs/Outcomes: Respond to all wage gap issues within the University
Impact: Eradicate salary/wage disparities among men and women.” 

Page 46:

UJ Inputs: Reports on reducing the wage gap.”

Page 47:

Activities: Ensure the implementation of the Employment Equity Act to eliminate gender and race wage disparity.”

UJ Job Evaluation Policy

Refer to pages 3-5 of the UJ Job Evaluation Policy:

Page 3 (point 1.1):

“Job evaluation is the process of systematically determining a relative internal value of a job in an organisation. It is a process whereby jobs are placed in a rank order according to overall demands placed upon the jobholder. It therefore provides a basis for a fair and orderly grading structure and underpins the University of Johannesburg’s (UJ) commitment to equal pay for work of equal value.”

Page 5 (point 5.1):

“Job evaluation is used as an objective process to determine the relative size or weight of jobs. As such, job evaluation is aimed at providing a defensible and equitable basis for determining and managing internal pay relativity between jobs.”

UJ Remuneration and Benefits Policy

Refer to pages 3 and 6 of the UJ Remuneration and Benefits Policy:

Page 3 (point 2(b)):

“The objectives of this Policy are to:

(b) achieve equity and fairness in remuneration and benefits.”

Page 6 (point 7.4):

7.4   Internal Equity

Internal equity between staff exists if such staff are paid within the approved remuneration range for a particular grade level. In the professional and support sector this is determined by a job evaluation process to regulate the relative weight of jobs in relation to other professional and support grades. Therefore, where two (2) staff members occupy the same position with the same job grade, internal equity exists between them if both are remunerated (as measured by TGP or TCTI) at no less than the minimum and no more than the maximum of the scale for the position.

Other Relevant and Related UJ Documents

UJ Institutional Transformation Plan

UJ Employment Equity Plan