Horizon Junior Ladies Residence

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A warm welcome to the Un​iversity of Johannesburg and especially to Horison Ladies’ Residence where you will be living and learning for the next few years. It is, indeed a great pleasure to welcome you to our Residence where you will join others to form a big family of 330 ladies.

You have made the right choice by choosing Horison and the University of Johannesburg to develop yourself and prepare for the challenging world of work. Your ability to balance academic and other activities will ensure that you enjoy your university experience and develop your potential to the fullest.

Our logo depicts “The dawn of a glowing vibrant new era”. Our motto is “The trendsetters of excellence”. Horison is not just a building, but a “home away from home” that students are proud to be part of.

You will be involved in a number of fun-filled and exciting activities with your student leaders (House Committee and mentors). These will be explained to you on arrival. The activities are meant to assist you with your adjustment to academic work and life on campus and maximise your potential for success.

The Residence adopted the Navy culture which is in line with our values. The Navy protects the wealth of our country and instils discipline and respect among its members.


  • 2 TV Rooms
  • Free Laundry service
  • DSTV
  • Communal Kitches
  • Vending Machines
  • Wireless connections
  • 24 hour Security
  • Card Access

Contact Us

House Warden: Ms. Vonani Tshabane
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2065
Email:  vtshabane@uj.ac.za

Residence Assistant:  Ms. Lovedelia Kgopa
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 1264
Email:  lovedeliak@uj.ac.za