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Name: Francois Durand
Location: D3 Lab 220 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Zoology Academic Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2456
About Francois Durand
I am a paleontologist and an ecologist, and have done research on cave and groundwater ecology. Over the past years, I have switched my attention to insects, sustainability and climate change.
Recent publications:
F Durand (2022) Insects and food security in South Africa in the light of climate change. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 62, 623-646
H Van Deventer, A Linström, JF Durand, L Naidoo, MA Cho (2022) Deriving the maximum extent and hydroperiod of open water from Sentinel-2 imagery for global sustainability and biodiversity reporting for wetlands. Water SA 48, 75–89-75–89
H Van Deventer, JB Adams, JF Durand, R Grobler, PL Grundling et al. (2021) Conservation conundrum–Red listing of subtropical-temperate coastal forested wetlands of South Africa. Ecological Indicators 130, 108077
F Durand (2019) Relocate the classroom for the survival of subject jargon in Afrikaans. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 59, 599-610
P Singh, A Nel, JF Durand (2017) The use of bioassays to assess the toxicity of sediment in an acid mine drainage impacted river in Gauteng (South Africa). Water SA 43, 673-683
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