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Professor: Learning Technologies
Name: Geoffrey Lautenbach
Location: B Ring 431 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department Mathematics Science and Technology Education, Faculty of Education Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 3016
Curriculum Vitae Geoffrey LautenbachAbout Prof Geoffrey Lautenbach
Prof Lautenbach is a dedicated educator who believes that learning must take place through innovative use of authentic, collaborative, and tool-mediated learning activities. He is passionate about education and leads by example when working with education students and colleagues in the field. His research is meaningful, socially responsible, with a high theoretical and practical value. Researching what he does as a teacher drives his emerging perspectives on learning.
Prof Lautenbach is also the 2024 recipient of the Vice Chancellors Distinguished Award for Teacher Excellence. For details see:
Video: From 22:08
Prof Lautenbach is also dedicated to the conservation of the natural resources of this beautiful country, South Africa, and dedicates his spare time to voluntary work and educational projects within organizations such as the Botanical Society of SA, and the SANParks Honorary Rangers where he makes a contribution to national training within the organization.
Undergraduate teaching: Co-lecturer for Teaching Studies 1 A (which focuses on the role of the teacher in the 21st Century), which is presented in a blended mode, as well as the fully online Teaching Studies 3B, which has a distinct learning technologies focus (This was the first fully online undergraduate module in the university – 2017-present).
Postgraduate Teaching: BEd Honours Research Methodology in STEM Research, and selected modules in the Online Masters in ICT in Education.
Teaching in Research Methodology programmes: BEd Honours in STEM Education (Research Methodology for STEM Researchers); Faculty of Education Masters and PhD Programme.
Postgraduate Supervision: Professor Lautenbach supervises a number of postgraduate students at both Masters and PhD level in the field of Learning Technologies in Education. He has supervised 95 Masters and 8 PhDs to completion since 2003.
PhD Graduates
- Leone Michaels (PhD) 2023 – Postgraduate student support and academic success in the rapid transition to online teaching and learning during a pandemic (Co-supervisor)
- Wendy Baumgartner (PhD) 2022 – Design Principles for a pre-undergraduate foundation programme mathematics course informing academic growth (Co-supervisor)
- John Osode (PhD) 2021 – Learning management systems in higher education: The attitudes, expectations and experiences of academic staff at selected Nigerian higher education institutions
- Jameson Goto (PhD) – 2020 – Formative feedback for authentic learning activities in an online undergraduate module (Co-supervisor)
- Rina Durandt (PhD) 2019 – A strategy for the integration of mathematical modelling into the formal education of mathematics student teachers
- Erica Pretorius (PhD) 2015 – Learning communities for the professional development of science teachers (Co-supervisor)
- Nadia Rhodes (PhD) 2012 – Transforming Accounting Education: Closing the gap between Technology, Education and Accounting in higher education institutions
- Franceline Greyling (PhD) 2007 – The why and how of technology-assisted learning: Authentic professional development for higher education practitioners (Co-supervisor)
Selected recent publications in accredited journals:
- Finn, S. Goto, J. & Lautenbach G. (2025). Undergraduate student engagement in Business Studies learning activities at a South African private university. South African Journal of Higher Education. Accepted for publication, Vol 39.
- Osode, J.I., Lautenbach, G.V., & Goto, J. (2024). Factors influencing teaching staff’s adoption of Learning Management Systems in three Nigerian universities. African Journal of Teacher Education (AJOTE), 13(2). p108-136. ISSN 1916-7822. DOI:
- Michaels, L.C. & Lautenbach, G. (2024). Re-conceptualising student support in rapidly changing times. South African Journal of Higher Education, 38(4). p209‒220
eISSN 1753-5913
- De Beer, M & Lautenbach, G. (2024). Grade six educators using online formative assessment tools in social sciences during the COVID-19 pandemic. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 14(1).
- Baumgartner, W., Spangenberg, E.D., & Lautenbach, G. (2024). Relating motivation and learning strategies to algebra course results in a foundation programme. Pythagoras, 45(1) ISSN: 1012-2346, E-ISSN: 2223-7895. DOI:
- Goto, J., Batchelor, J. & Lautenbach, G. (2021). Factors that influence the acceptance and use of formative feedback in an online undergraduate module. The African Journal of Information Systems, 13 (3).
- Baumgartner, W., Spangenberg, E., & Lautenbach, G. (2021). Developing Algebraic Knowledge: Foundation Programme ex-Mathematical Literacy Students’ Perceptions. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 17(11). ISSN:1305-8223 (online).
- Lautenbach, G., & Randell, N. (2020). Through the COVID-19 looking glass: Coping skills for STEM educators in the time of a pandemic and beyond. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(6A), 1068-1077.
- Durandt, R. & Lautenbach, G. (2020). Strategic Support to Students’ Competency Development in the Mathematical Modelling Process: A Qualitative Study. Perspectives in Education. 38(1). p211-223. Available online at ERIC:
- Kennedy, D. M., & Lautenbach, G. (2020). A pragmatic approach to assessment in a time of crisis in South Africa. In C. McNaught & S. Gravett (Eds.), Embedding social justice in teacher education and development in Africa. Routledge.
- Durandt, R & Lautenbach, G. (2020). Pre-service Teachers’ Sense-making of Mathematical Modelling Through a Design-Based Research Strategy. In: Stillman G., Kaiser G., Lampen C. (eds) Mathematical Modelling Education and Sense-making. International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling. pp431-441. Springer, Cham. DOI Print ISBN 978-3-030-37672-7; Online ISBN 978-3-030-37673-4.
- Lautenbach, G. (2014). A theoretically driven teaching and research framework: learning technologies and educational practice. Educational Studies 40(4). pp.361-376. Routledge. ISSN 0305-5698. doi: 10.1080/03055698.2014.910445. Available Online at .
Selected recent publications as book chapters:
- Lautenbach, G. & Randell, N. (2024). The interface between human experience and the pedagogy of teaching complex, abstract STEM concepts online. In. Ramnarain U. & Ndlovu, M. (Eds.) Information and Communications Technology in STEM education: An African perspective. Taylor & Francis.
- Kritzinger, E. & Lautenbach, G. (2022). Cyber-safety awareness: Assisting schools in implementation guidelines. In Arai, K. (Ed.). (2022). Intelligent Computing, Volume 3 (Vol. 508). Springer Nature.
- Kennedy, D. M., & Lautenbach, G. (2021). A pragmatic approach to assessment in a time of crisis in South Africa. In C. McNaught & S. Gravett (Eds.), Embedding social justice in teacher education and development in Africa. Routledge.
- Durandt, R & Lautenbach, G. (2020). Pre-service Teachers’ Sense-making of Mathematical Modelling Through a Design-Based Research Strategy. In: Stillman G., Kaiser G., Lampen C. (eds) Mathematical Modelling Education and Sense-making. International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling. pp431-441. Springer, Cham. DOI Print ISBN 978-3-030-37672-7; Online ISBN 978-3-030-37673-4.
You can also download his Complete Doctoral thesis in PDF format. Please cite: LAUTENBACH, GV 2005: Lecturers’ changing epistemologies and pedagogies during engagement with information and communication technology in an education faculty. Unpublished Doctoral thesis. University of Johannesburg