Monitoring your students’ engagement on Blackboard

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As we are all concerned for the academic well-being of our students and whether they are coping and engaging with their learning material online, there is a simple way in which you draw a report to gauge progress on Blackboard . Please go throught the information below on how to draw reports in your module – indicating which students require assistance. These reports can also be used for providing Blackboard data to HODs.

To ensure that students are engaged in the online environment, and intervene where required, one can generate a quick report on Blackboard (Bb).


  • Go to the required module on Blackboard
  • Go to EVALUATION in the menu panel
  • For a quick view of activity, select PERFORMANCE DASHBOARD – this shows who logged in and when
  • For quick view of activities handed in or pending, select RETENTION CENTRE
  • For detailed view of all students and their activities; select COURSE REPORTS
  • Select OVERALL SUMMARY OF USER ACTIVITY (which displays user activity for all areas of the course, as well as activity dates, times and days of the week) by clicking on the dropdown arrow and click RUN – or select the type of report you require
  • For REPORT SPECIFICATIONS; here you can select an individual student – tick as per Grade Centre list presented. For the entire group, you do not need to select as the entire group is automatically selected
  • Select the period required – dates from when to when
  • Select file type (pdf, Excel, Word or HTML)


This gives sufficient detail (with graphs) to see which students are active, lagging behind, when they logged in and how much time they spent on an activity/section, etc. There are Bb videos available to clarify the different reports but here is link to clarify as well:

Blackboard: Tracking Student Access