Conversation Series Headder

Learning to thrive in the “new normal” of post-COVID-19

The Executive Committee of Convocation at the University of Johannesburg held a virtual conversation to discuss the workplace culture post-COVID-19 in March this year. The panellist discussed their experiences in their industries.

The representatives considered how COVID-19 changed the way people live, work, think and engage with each other. They concurred that the “new normal” required investigation into how to navigate this new world efficiently. The knowledge gained needed to be passed on to future generations who might be exposed to other unprecedented events.

It was agreed that while we don’t have the answers to everything, challenges of this nature are essential for learning and engaging each other on living and thriving in the new normal.

Prof Tumi Diale (Vice-Dean Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor and Education Psychologist and President of Convocation) focused on change management in higher education studies and employee safety, Ms Zanele Modiba (Managing Director: The Alternative, personal development speaker, marketing specialist and Vice-President Convocation) shared her experience in small business and Ms Confidence Tshilande (Founder: Prestiio, CESA Young Engineer of the Year and professional civil geotechnical engineer, Convocation Executive Committee and UJ Council member) touched on the civil engineering sector, while Ms Nondumiso Mvubu (candidate town planner SACPLAN and Convocation Executive Committee Member) spoke about the benefits of working remotely.

ENCA business news anchor and award-winning journalist Rofhiwa Madzena performed the MC duties and facilitated the event.

March 3, 2022

Disclaimer: The University of Johannesburg encourages academic debate and discussion that are conducted in a manner that upholds respectful interaction, safety of all involved, and freedom of association as enshrined in the law, the Constitution, and within the boundaries of the University policies. The views expressed during events are expressed in a personal capacity and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Johannesburg.

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