Invitation to the 5th Annual Thomas Sankara Public Lecture: Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want – Reality or Mirage?
Invitation to the 5th Annual Thomas Sankara Public Lecture
The Division of Student Affairs, Thomas Sankara Postgraduate Residence and the UJ Library
invite you to the Fifth Annual Thomas Sankara Public Lecture entitled:
Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want – Reality or Mirage?
PRESENTER: Professor Siphamandla Zondi – Director: Institute of Pan-African Thought and Conversation, UJ
RESPONDENT: Dr Moorosi Leshoele – University of the Free State
DATE: 10 October 2022
TIME: 12:00 to 14:00
VENUE: Hybrid option at Nadine Gordimer Auditorium (Level 5)
UJ Auckland Park Kingsway Campus Library / Zoom
Disclaimer: The University of Johannesburg encourages academic debate and discussion that are conducted in a manner that upholds respectful interaction, safety of all involved, and freedom of association as enshrined in the law, the Constitution, and within the boundaries of the University policies. The views expressed during events are expressed in a personal capacity and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Johannesburg.