Ultra-tough and in-situ repairable FRP composites” by Dr Everson Kandare (Australia)
The Department of Metallurgy, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, cordially invites you to a webinar entitled: “”Ultra-tough and in-situ repairable FRP composites” by Dr Everson Kandare (Australia)
[In this presentation, Dr. Everson Kandare will unveil an experimental study exploring a novel concept of co-braiding engineering carbon fibres tows with mendable thermoplastic polymer filaments, resulting in through-the-thickness toughened composite laminates with in-situ delamination damage repair capabilities. The influence of intra-ply integrated poly[ethylene-co-(methacrylic acid)] (EMAA) filaments on the interlaminar fracture toughness of carbon fibre/epoxy laminates was assessed using the Mode I double cantilever beam methodology. Additionally, the impact of pre-forming on fracture initiation and crack growth resistance was investigated. Findings indicate that the laminate pre-formed for 1 minute exhibited the highest fracture toughness properties. While longer pre-forming times did not lead to further improvements to interlaminar fracture toughness, composites with a 3D fused EMAA network revealed effective delivery of the healing agent into delamination cracks, resulting in over 100% recovery in steady-state fracture toughness following delamination crack repair.]
Time: 13:00pm – 14:00pm
Date: 5 September 2023
Click here to join the meeting
About the speaker
[Dr. Everson Kandare is an experienced academic and accomplished researcher with internationally recognized contributions to the field of multifunctional composite materials. He joined RMIT University in 2009 as a Research Fellow and progressed to his current position of Associate Professor within the School of Engineering’s Aerospace Engineering and Aviation discipline. Dr. Kandare is an accomplished researcher whose efforts in composite materials research have been recognised through prestigious nationally and internationally competitive awards notably the 2012 Victoria Fellowship and the RMIT Vice-Chancellor’s Research Fellowship. He is an integral member and current coordinator of the Advanced Composite Structures research group. Dr. Kandare’s research interests encompass wide-ranging areas, including multifunctional composite materials and structures, nanocomposites, thermal resistive materials, and computational modelling of multiphase composite systems. Dr. Kandare has authored over 110 research articles, the majority of which are Q1 journal publications. He has led or contributed to nearly AUD$10M of composite-related research projects and has a respectable H-index of 33.]
Facilitated by: Associate Professor in Mineral Processing (Extraction Metallugy), Prof Nheta Willie
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