Early Career/Emerging Researcher: Tips for Excellence Seminar

Invitation: The Postgraduate School, RCD unit invites you to an Early Career/Emerging Researcher:  Tips for Excellence Seminar presented by Professor Nnamdi Nwulu. Date: 26 April 2023 Time: 12:00-14:00 Target Group: PG Diploma, Honours, Coursework Masters, Research Masters, PhD Research students, Supervisors, Support staff, Academics, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Research Associate Fellows. Zoom Registration link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gUuvG0pPRX-sLSk9a-tcUA Once … Continued

UJ Library International Conference: IMAGINING SUSTAINABILITY – The Future of Academic Libraries depends on everyone. How can Libraries effectively craft a footprint into the future using a ‘sustainable thinking’ approach?

Invitation The University of Johannesburg Library, in partnership with the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), will be hosting an International Conference on IMAGINING SUSTAINABILITY – The Future of Academic Libraries depends on everyone. How can Libraries effectively craft a footprint into the future using a ‘sustainable thinking’ approach? ‘Sustainable Thinking’ is an idea that aligns … Continued

OpenAI/Chat GPT Presentation by Microsoft SA’s Asif Valley

The Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment in partnership with Microsoft South Africa presents a talk on OpenAI/Chat GPT presented by Microsoft SA’s National Technology Officer, Mr Asif Valley. Date: 20 April 2023 Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Meeting Link: https://bit.ly/3L88SkV About the presenter: Mr Asif Valley joined Microsoft South Africa in October 2016 and … Continued

WORLD CAFÉ – “Zebras: Are they just horses in striped pajamas?”

“An exploration into what makes zebras special, why they show so much variation and flexibility in how they respond to environmental variation and how their adaptability affects how they respond to human landscape impacts”. DATE Wednesday 26 April 2023 TIME 14:00 – 15:00 (SAST), 8:00 – 09:00 (US) ZOOM REGISTRATION LINK https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bhaauR07Tr6_BcByIU5LAQ Once you have … Continued

World Creativity & Innovation Week/Day

#ut-empty-space-67ce960d456c4 { height: 20px } @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1200px) { #ut-empty-space-67ce960d456c4 { height: 20px; display: block; } } @media (max-width: 767px) { #ut-empty-space-67ce960d456c4 { height: 20px; display: block; } } Speakers, Bios, Times and Dates 16 – 18 April 2024 Venue: University of Johannesburg Times and Dates : 16– 18 April 2024 World … Continued

Elsevier Researcher Development Workshop Series

INVITATION: UJ Researcher Development Workshop Series The UJ Library, in collaboration with Elsevier, is cordially inviting you to 2 online & 1 in-person workshop series during which you will learn about the available Elsevier products and effective strategies for use. Advance your research process with Scopus (ONLINE) Target audience: Academics, Postdoctoral Fellows, Masters and PhD … Continued

Graduate Employability in the 4IR: staying relevant in a fast-paced world

ABSTRACT Imagine a near future where robots or automated software can perform many of your current Engineering tasks. Such is becoming increasingly common in various fields, as we move further into the Fourth Industrial Revolution era. Join us to learn about modern skills young engineering graduates need to be confident about being employable in the … Continued

WORLD CAFÉ – Substance Use and Addiction among Youth: An evolving epidemic

The University of Johannesburg in partnership with the University of Iowa invites you to a conversation titled: WORLD CAFÉ – Substance Use and Addiction among Youth: An evolving epidemic DATE: Wednesday 22 March 2023 TIME: 16:00 – 18:00 (SAST), 9:00 – 11:00 (CST) ZOOM REGISTRATION LINK: https://bit.ly/3F9HCyZ Once you have registered, you will receive an … Continued

6th International Symposium on Electrochemistry

Dates: 03 – 06 April 2023 Venue: UJ School of Tourism and Hospitality, Bunting Road campus Address: 57 Bunting Rd, Cottesloe, Johannesburg, 2092 Conference website:  https://www.saci.co.za/ElecrochemSA/6th_home.html Thematic areas to be discussed: Sensors and Biosensors Electrochemistry for water treatment Electrochemistry for energy Electrochemistry for the environment Electrocatalysis Industrial Electrochemistry Electrochemistry of (nano)materials and computational electrochemistry Abstract … Continued

Artificial Intelligence (AI) DAY

You are invited to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) DAY hosted by the newly established Centre for Applied Data Science (University of Johannesburg) and TBS Education, France. DATE: 7 October 2022 TIME: 08:50 – 16:00 PLATFORM: MS Teams REGISTRATION LINK: bit.ly/tbsujaiday