SARChI Chair Teaching and Learning: Seminar Series 2022 :Research on Education in Africa: Troubling Continuities and Omissions

SARChI Chair Teachingand Learning: Seminar Series 2022Professor Shireen Motala, SARChI Chair Teaching and Learning,University of Johannesburg, invites you to a seminarResearch on Education in Africa: Troubling Continuities and OmissionsPRESENTER : Prof Joel Samoff – Stanford University and University of JohannesburgDISCUSSANT: Dr Mukovhe Masutha – Ali Mazrui Centre for HigherEducation Studies, University of JohannesburgDATE : 19 … Continued

Research on Technology, Lecturer, Teacher, and Student wellbeing in times of crisis and disruptions

INVITATIONThe SARChI Teaching and Learning, University of Johannesburg, Centre for InternationalTeacher Education, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, and the Tata Institute of SocialSciences, Mumbai, India in conjunction with the UJ library invite you to the THIRD PART IN AFOUR-PART HYBRID SEMINAR SERIES:Research on Technology, Lecturer, Teacher, and Student wellbeing in times of crisis and disruptionsDATE:  … Continued

Embarking on a journey to success and enduring contentment as a professional business leader

INVITATION: Public Lecture The University of Johannesburg’s (UJ) Department of Accountancy cordially invites you to a public lectureTopic: Embarking on a journey to success and enduring contentment as a professional business leader.PANELLISTS:Prof Wiseman Nkuhlu: Chairman of KPMG SAMr Robert Zwane: SAICA Executive Director: Learning, Development and National ImperativesDATE: 4 October 2022TIME: 17:00 – 19:00VENUE: University … Continued

Student Welfare EXPO | Book Discussion: BARE IV by Jackie Phamotse

INVITATION TO A BOOK DISCUSSION:BARE IV by Jackie PhamotseJackie Phamotse is a writer, businesswoman, social activist andphilanthropist. Her work revolves around the narrative of womenand children in Africa. Her stories are raw, well researched and extremelythought-provoking.DATE: 15 September 2022TIME: 13:00VENUE: UJ Doornfontein Campus Library

How University Sport impacts students health, wellness and overall student experience.

INVITATION: University of Johannesburg Sport in collaboration with the Departmentof Sport and Movement Studies, cordially invites you to join us for the3rd Hybrid Sport Conference where we will be engaging in conversationson ‘How University Sport impacts students health, wellness andoverall student experience’. UJ is proud to boast an exceptional panelof both local and International speakers.DATE: … Continued

Kenya before and after the 9 August elections – analysis and way forward

Invitation The University of Johannesburg’s Centre for Africa-China Studies (CACS) in partnership with theUJ Library invites you to a webinar titled: Kenya before and after the 9 Augustelections – analysis and way forwardDATE :Tuesday, 6 September 2022TIME: 16:00 – 18:00 (SAST)VENUE:


INVITATION: STUDENT WELFARE EXPO | BOOK DISCUSSION UJ Library invites you to a conversation withUnathi Nkayi on her book: UNATHI – A Memoir, I KEEP LEARNINGDATE: 29 August 2022TIME: 13:00VENUE Chinua Achebe Auditorium, Level 6, Auckland Park Kingsway Campus LibraryFACILITATOR: Bongani_DramaTV & Radio Host, Producer, Opera Singer, Actor, Professional Compère, Researcher

Job search strategies for the age of AI in the 4IR

INVITATION: Career Services in collaboration with the UJ Library invites you to attend the third session of its Future of Work Series, inpartnership with Handshake, Pnet, LinkedIn, Career Junction, Ivy Careers and Jobox.Job search strategies for the age of AI in the 4IR“Learn practical tips and insights from our industry partners about job searching in … Continued