Home » College of Business and Economics » Schools » School of Consumer Intelligence and Information Systems (SCiiS) » Centre for Applied Data Science »Webinar ‘AI DAY’ 2022
In celebration of the partnership between TBS Education (TBS) and the University of Johannesburg’s (UJ) Centre for Applied Data Science (CADS) within the School of Consumer Intelligence and Information Systems (SCiiS) at the College of Business and Economics (CBE), on 7 October 2022, we will be hosting the 2022 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Day.
The purpose of this event is to connect and showcase research, teaching/learning and praxis in AI.
Registration link:
Time: 08:50 – 16:00 (SAST)
Platform: MS Teams
08:50 – 08:55 | Welcome and Hi – Prof CARILLO Kevin, Head of The AI and BA Center of Excellence, TBS) Prof H Twinomurinzi (UJ) Opening remarks
08:55 – 09:00 | Opening remarks on CADS – Prof Mercy Mpinganjira
09:00 – 09:05 | Opening and Welcome – Prof Tshilidzi Marwala
09:05 – 09:20 | TBS Welcome – Prof Stephanie LAVIGNE
09:20 – 09:30 | The genesis of the AI day – Prof Fosso Wamba Samuel
09:30 – 09:50 | Data science in post-harvest agricutlure, Marketing, Smart Mobility & Learning –
Prof Josef Langerman (Facilitator)
Prof Fawole Olaniyi
Siyabonga Mhlongo
Dr Joash Mageto
Prof Luke Rose
09:50 – 10:10 | Break
10:10 – 10:40 | MIT – Julius Akinyemi
10:40 – 11:00 | Artificial Intelligence is Liberating Humanity – Dr Mark Nasila
11:00 – 11:30 | Trust in Artificial Intelligence – Insights and Practices at IBM – Guilhaume Leroy Melina (IBM)
11:30 – 12:00 | Preparing for Strategic AI – MLOps, when DevOps Meet Artificial Intelligence – Franck Gaillard
12:00 – 12:50 | Lunch
12:50 – 13:00 | The importance of international collaboration – Florence Ramillon
13:00 – 13:15 | Data Science Collaboration in Research – Prof Gelebe (SPU)
13:15 – 13:30 | Future of Work – Prof Victor Gekara – Smart Mobility – Australia
13:30 – 15:00
Using Competency modelling to identify key business analytics skills for organizations – A DELPHI STUDY – Prof Carillo Kevin
Transparent Machine Learning Models for Predicting Energy Retrofits in Residential Buildings – Serge Nyawa (TBS)
I like and share: A hybrid AI approach to understanding the antecedents of fake news dissipation behavior – Chaudhuri Neha
15:00 – 16:00
Vice Dean: CBE – Prof Kelvin Bwalya
DVC: Prof Saurabh Sinha
Meet and greet – connect
Speakers at the ‘AI DAY’
Prof Tshilidzi Marwala – Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Johannesburg (UJ)
Bio: Tshilidzi Marwala is a South African artificial intelligence engineer, a computer scientist, a mechanical engineer and a university administrator.
Marwala is the Rector Designate (Appointed on the 25 July 2022 to begin working on the 1 March 2023) of the United Nations University. Marwala is a vice-chancellor and principal of the University of Johannesburg. He was previously the deputy vice chancellor for research and internationalization as well as the dean of engineering at the University of Johannesburg and a professor of electrical engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand. He was a post-doctoral fellow at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine. He has served as a trustee of the Nelson Mandela Foundation and on a board of Nedbank.
One of the books he co-authored on modelling interstate conflict has been translated into Chinese by the National Defense Industry Press. His work and opinion have appeared in media such as New Scientist, Time, The Economist, and BBC. He has also given talks at Rhodes House, Royal Society, Cambridge Union, Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and Oxford Union. In 2016 Tshilidzi Marwala delivered the Bernard Price Memorial Lecture in South Africa. With Stephen Hawking and Guy Laliberté he was a judge of the YouTube Space Lab competition.
Prof Stephanie Lavigne – Director – TBS Education
Bio: Stéphanie Lavigne holds a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole. She has been Professor of Business Strategy at Toulouse Business School since 2003 and Academic Dean of the faculty since November 2014. Her research focuses on institutional investors, corporate governance, financial geography and the influence of shareholder structures on corporate strategy. She regularly publishes articles on these subjects in academic journals: Revue Française de Gestion, M@n@gement, International Business Review, Economic Geography… Published works: Géographies de la Finance Mondialisée (2009) and L’industrie des Fonds de Pension: Les investisseurs institutionnels américains (2005). She also participates in research contracts for the European Commission.
Prof Fosso Wamba Samuel – Associate Dean for Research (TBS)
Bio: Samuel Fosso Wamba is the Associate Dean for Research at TBS Education, France. He is also a Distinguished Visiting Professor at The University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He earned his Ph.D. in industrial engineering at the Polytechnic School of Montreal, Canada. He earned his Ph.D. in industrial engineering at the Polytechnic School of Montreal, Canada. He also holds two master’s degrees: one MSc in mathematics from the University of Sherbrooke in Canada and another MSc in electronic commerce (major: computer science) from HEC Montreal, Canada.
His current research focuses on the business value of IT., inter-organizational systems adoption, use and impacts, supply chain management, electronic commerce, blockchain, artificial intelligence for business, social media, business analytics, big data, and open data. He is a CompTIA RFID+ Certified Professional and the Academic Co-Founder of RFID Academia.
He has been recently recognized as the most influential scholar in big data analytics and enterprises based on the number of published articles and citations and among the 2% of the most influential scholars in the world based on the Mendeley database, which includes 100,000 top scientists. He ranks in ClarivateTMs 1% most cited scholars in the world for 2020, from the “Highly Cited ResearchersTM” list that identifies global research scientists who show exceptional influence-reflected in the publication of multiple papers frequently cited by their peers. He ranks in CDO Magazine’s Leading Academic Data Leaders 2021. Furthermore, his current Google Scholar h-index is 61, with 18,278 citations by September 30, 2022.
Prof Carillo Kevin – Head of The AI and BA Center of Excellence (TBS)
Bio: Professor in Information Systems at Toulouse Business School. He holds a doctorate from the University of Victoria in Wellington (New Zealand). His research focuses primarily on big data and data-driven business, virtual communities, free software, corporate social networks and mobility. A member of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), he regularly takes part in international conferences and is co-author of several press and academic articles.
Florence Ramillon – Director of International Relations and Development – TBS Education
Bio: Florence Ramillon is the Director of International Relations and Development of TBS Education. With more than 28 years of experience in higher education and 25 years of experience in field of International Relations she has been able to create and maintain an expansive network of International partnerships.
Within her current position, Florence is in charge of the international strategy for TBS which includes further developing and managing the network of partner universities as well as student and faculty exchanges for all campuses of TBS. She manages the international recruitment, supports the strengthening the internationalization of the school and its competitiveness on the international market. She also represents TBS at national, European and international events. Additionally, she has participated in conferences in many countries on the Global Business Education. She is also working on different accreditation projects such as EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA as well as other national audits. She was also a lecturer of Business Law, European Law and International Business Law.
Prof Saurabh Sinha – Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Internationalisation (UJ)
Bio: Prof Saurabh Sinha is an influential South African engineer and a Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Internationalisation at the University of Johannesburg. He was previously the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment at the University of Johannesburg. He formerly served as Director of the Carl and Emily Fuchs Institute for Microelectronics at the University of Pretoria, from which he graduated with a Ph.D. in electronic engineering.
Prof Kelvin Bwalya – Vice Dean of Research and Internationalisation – College of Business and Economics (UJ)
Bio: Prof Bwalya is an experienced researcher and consultant in applied aspects of computer information systems and information management. Research interests include business process as a service (BPaaS), block chains, ambient intelligence, Big Data and predictive analytics, business intelligence, and cloud and fog computing.
He has a PhD in Information Management (University of Johannesburg), Masters of Computer Science (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology – KAIST) and Bachelors in Electronics and Electrical Power Engineering (Moscow Power Engineering Technical University). He is also a member of the Board of Directors – Mosi-oa-Tunya University of Science and Technology – MUST and a member of various professional bodies and editorial teams . He has published 7 books and over 100 pieces of peer reviewed articles and has also managed research funds over US$500,000 in total.
Prof Mercy Mpinganjira – Director – School of Consumer Intelligence and Information Systems (UJ)
Bio: Professor Mercy Mpinganjira is the Director of the School of Consumer Intelligence and Information Systems at the University of Johannesburg. The School is home to three departments namely the Department of Marketing Management, the Department of Applied information Systems and the Department of Information and Knowledge Management.
Prof Mpinganjira holds a PhD (Management), an MBA and a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from University of Newcastle, Australia as well as a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Malawi. Her research interests are in the areas of consumer behaviour and digital marketing. She is the author of several books and book chapters and has published over 60 journal articles in peer reviewed journals including the Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing Journal of Business Research, European Business Review, Information & Management, Service Business, etc.
She has also presented her work as various national and international conferences including the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) conference, the American Marketing Association (AMA) conference and the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC).
She is a member of various professional bodies including the Southern Africa Institute for Management Scientists.
Prof Hossana Twinomurinzi – Head of the Centre for Applied Data Science (UJ)
Bio: Hossana Twinomurinzi BSc Hons (Mathematics), Masters (IT), PhD (IT) is a C2 NRF Rated Researcher and Professor with the Department of Applied Information Systems, University of Johannesburg. He is currently leading the Centre for Applied Data Science in the School of Consumer Intelligence and Information Systems. He is also Associate Editor for the African Journal of Information and Communication. His primary research interests are in Data Science, Digital Skills / Government / Development. He serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies and Reading and Writing: Journal of the Reading Association of South Africa. He has extensive management and executive experience having served in chief executive and senior management positions.
Dr Mark Nasila – Chief Analytics Officer – FNB South Africa
Bio: Dr Mark Nasila is the Chief Data and Analytics Officer of First Rand Risk, and a Singularity University SA Faculty. He is also a steering committee member of the National Institute for Theoretical Physics and Computational Sciences (NITheCS). As an experienced AI and data science expert, he ensures the techniques and methodologies he introduces into FNB are at the forefront of where banking is headed, both locally and internationally. He is the developer and the brain behind Manila, an AI system FNB has harnessed to reimagine its risk management and forensic due diligence processes. Dr Nasila has presented at local and international conferences, such as the: • Business-Tech Digital Banking Conference – SA • Chief Data & Analytics Officer forums in South Africa and the UK • European Simulation & Modelling Conference. He has published and written opinion pieces in Business Day, Mail & Guardian, TechCentral, Daily Maverick, CIO Talk Network,, Corinium Intelligence and the European Simulation & Modelling Association. He holds a PhD in Mathematical Statistics from the Nelson Mandela University, and is also an alumni of the SingularityU South Africa Executive programme. He was named one of the Corinium Global Intelligence ‘2020 Global Top 100 Innovators in data and analytics’.
Prof Aifheli Gelebe – Head of School at Sol Plaatje University
Bio: Prof Aifheli Gelebe is an Associate Professor in Chemistry and the Head of School at Sol Plaatje University. Previously, he was the Director of the School of Physical and Mineral Sciences within the Faculty of Science and Agriculture at the University of Limpopo. Professor Gelebe started his university life as a student at University of Venda where he obtained BSc majoring with Chemistry and Physics, followed by BSc Hons in Chemistry. He holds a PhD in Chemistry obtained from Rhodes University. The research topic of his PhD study was “Synthetic and Spectrometric studies of Benzodioxepinone Derivatives”.
In research, Professor Gelebe has contributed through publication of research articles in various scholarly journals; has supervised a number of MSc students; served as reviewer of research papers for some journals; served in numerous National Research Foundation (NRF) review panels for Masters and Doctoral Scholarships, Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers, Blue-Sky Programme, Thuthuka, Research Infrastructure Support Programmes, etc.; and has served as an external examiner for MSc and PhD candidates from a number of Universities within South Africa. Professor Gelebe also serves in Provincial committees created to advance the Human Resource Development Strategy. He is a member of the Premier’s Employment Growth and Development Advisory Council Technical Working Group, and member of the Provincial Mining Sector Committee
Guilhaume Leroy-Meline – Business Transformation Services CTO – IBM Consulting France
Bio: Transformation CTO at IBM France, Guilhaume helps companies since 16 years to get the best of exponential technologies like AI to create new services.
Prof Victor Gekara – School of Accounting, Information Systems and Supply Chains at RMIT’s College of Business and Law
Bio: Victor Gekara is a Professor in the School of Accounting, Information Systems and Supply Chains at RMIT’s College of Business and Law. He is a Nippon Foundation Fellow with a Ph.D. in political economy from Cardiff School of Social Sciences and a Master of International Transportation from Cardiff Business School.
Prof Gekara’s research and teaching focus on technology transformations in transport and logistics, technology management and the implications for work, employment, and workforce skills. His research is diversely located across Sociology of work, Political Economy and Management, in which he has developed and led several large-scale industry and government funded research projects. He is internationally recognised for his contribution in the form of high quality publication, influential industry research reports and other scholarly outputs.
As Director of the Global Transport and Logistics Research Group at RMIT University College of Business and Law, Prof Gekara leads a high performing group of senior and early career researchers, including higher degree by research students, who develop high quality research on a variety of related themes, and disseminate findings through high quality and impactful industry-led research events, in addition to academic publications.
Prof Neha Chaudhuri – Corresponding Author (TBS)
Bio: Neha Chaudhuri is Assistant Professor in Information Management at Toulouse Business School, France. Her PhD dissertation Management Information Systems from the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta explores multi-modal factors responsible for online misinformation. She has completed her Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering and Masters of Technology in Information Technology from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur. Her research interests are in deep learning, AI for business, data analytics, and online misinformation management and deep learning. Her research has been published in journals like Decision Support Systems along with proceedings of the IEEE as well as those of the IEEE as well as those in conferences like HICSS and WeB (pre-ICIS).
Serge Nyawa – Assistant Professor (TBS)
Bio: Serge Nyawa is currently an Assistant Professor at Toulouse Business School. He is interested in Financial Economics, Econometrics, Big Data and Social Media Analytics. His research includes financial systemic risk, estimation and forecasting of high dimensional covolatility matrices for portfolio allocation, risk management, asset pricing, Machine learning and Social Media Analytics.
Gildas Fresneau – Academic Relations Specialist EMEA Region – ETS Global B.V.
Bio: Gildas Fresneau is Academic Relations Specialist for the EMEA Region at ETS Global B.V. He first worked as a lecturer in European and International law at the French-Romanian College for European Studies from 2003–2005. Following that, he worked for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a Project Manager for academic cooperation programmes between French and foreign law schools (Romania, Afghanistan). From 2012 to 2015, Gildas was the attaché for academic and scientific cooperation for the French Embassy in Gabon, managing the local Campus France office and developing academic cooperation programmes. Gildas graduated with a Master’s degree in European Law from the University of Rennes, France in 2002. Within the EAIE, he is a Resource person for the Expert Community Cooperation for Development
Franck Gaillard – Cloud Solution Architect – Microsoft
Bio: Trained as a statistician, Franck Gaillard has been passionate since the beginning of his career for the analysis of the data in all its forms, whether structured or unstructured. After having enriched various experiences among leading actors on this subject (SAS, SPSS, IBM), Franck joined the Microsoft partner team as Cloud Solution Architect specialized in Machine Learning and artificial Intelligence.
Smart Mobility – Australia
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