UJ Marketing's Visiting and Distinguished Professors

Prof Nripendra P. Rana

Prof Nripendra P. Rana
Distinguished Visiting Professor
Google Scholar Professor Nripendra P. Rana

Prof Michael Ewing

Distinguished Visiting Professor
Google Scholar Professor Michael Ewing

Prof Jukka Ojasalo

Prof Jukka Ojasalo
​Visiting Professor (Finland)
Google Scholar Professor Jukka Ojasalo

Prof Daniel Maduku

​Distinguished Visiting Professor
Google Scholar Professor Daniel Maduku

Prof Linda Hollebeek

Professor Linda Hollebeek
Distinguished Visiting Professor
Google Scholar Professor Linda Hollebeek

Prof Robert Ebo Hinson

Professor Robert Ebo Hinson
Distinguished Visiting Professor
Google Scholar Professor Robert Ebo Hinson

UJ Marketing's scholars' most progressive research publications*

*Selected publications taken from Google Scholar based on number of citations and research themes.

2025 Publications

Relation between ethical sales behaviour and switching costs: a mediation of trust in medical schemes

T Mofokeng

International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing


Exploring the ‘Dark Side’ of AI-Powered Digital Assistants: A Moderated Mediation Model of Antecedents and Outcomes of Perceived Creepiness

DK Maduku, NP Rana, M Mpinganjira, P Thusi

Journal of Consumer Behaviour 2025 (0), 1–28

Mobile Marketing Research

Assessing the Determinants of Metaverse Adoption for E-Commerce Retailing

R Pillai, B Sivathanu, NP Rana, I Struweg

Journal of Computer Information Systems


Understanding mobile marketing adoption intention by South African SMEs: A multi-perspective framework

DK Maduku, M Mpinganjira, H Duh

International Journal of Information Management 36 (5), 711-723

Services Marketing Research

Use of e-government services: the role of trust

M Mpinganjira

International Journal of Emerging Markets 10 (4), 622-633

Service receivers’ negative emotions in airline and hospital service settings

DJ Petzer, CF De Meyer, S Svari, G Svensson

Journal of Services Marketing 26 (7), 484-496

Trials and tribulations: marketing in modern South Africa

DJ Petzer, CF De Meyer

European Business Review 25 (4), 382-390

The effect of service failure and recovery on airline-passenger relationships: a comparison between South African and United States airline passengers

TFJ Steyn, PG Mostert, CF De Meyer, LRJ Van Rensburg

Journal of Management Policy and Practice 12 (5), 105-114

Retail Research

The impact of marketing strategies on profitability of small grocery shops in South African townships

N Chiliya, G Herbst, M Roberts-Lombard

African Journal of Business Management 3 (3), 070-079

An investigation of perceived service quality in online shopping: A hierarchical approach

M Mpinganjira

Journal of Applied Business Research 31 (1), 115

Customer Relationship Marketing Research

Employees as customers An internal marketing study of the Avis car rental group in South Africa

M Roberts-Lombard

African Journal of Business Management 4 (4), 62-372

Customer satisfaction, trust and commitment as predictors of customer loyalty within an optometric practice environment

T Van Vuuren, M Roberts-Lombard, E Van Tonder

Southern African Business Review 16 (3), 81-96

Customer relationship management (CRM) in a South African service environment: an exploratory study

M Roberts-Lombard, L Du Plessis

African Journal of Marketing Management 4 (4), 152-165

Understanding online repeat purchase intentions: A relationship marketing perspective

M Mpinganjira

Management: journal of contemporary management issues 19 (2), 117-135

South African Higher Education Research

Work Integrated Learning benefits for student career prospects–mixed mode analysis

CM Govender, M Wait

South African Journal of Higher Education 31 (5), 49-64

The traditional internal marketing mix and its perceived influence on graduate employee satisfaction in an emerging economy

L De Bruin-Reynolds, M Roberts-Lombard, C de Meyer

Journal of Global Business and Technology 11 (1), 24-38

Comparative analysis of factors influencing the decision to study abroad

M Mpinganjira

African Journal of Business Management 3 (8), 358-365

Retaining Africa’s talent: the role of Africa’s higher education

M Mpinganjira

International journal of emerging markets 6 (2), 168-179