Public & Environmental Economics Research Centre

The Public and Environment Economic Research Centre (PEERC) at the University of Johannesburg was established in the year 2017. It was developed to conduct basic, applied and strategic research in environmental economics. Governments and development agencies have now recognized the vital role played by environmental assets in the quest for sustainable development. This increased focus to a healthy environment has clearly shifted the fiscal debates around the world to policies that promote effective incorporation of environmental concerns into development decision-making. Against this background, the University of Johannesburg with key strategic governmental and non-governmental partners established the PEERC, hosted by the School of Economics (SOE) within the College of Business and Economics (CBE).
With the general agreement that environment and development are no longer mutually exclusive, PEERC has the dual mission of knowledge creation and dissemination in the fields of public and environmental economics. PEERC aims at addressing key challenges in the economics of government, the environment and sustainable development. PEERC comprises of researchers and research associates that are specialists in public finance, governance, economics, econometrics, and in the fields of resource management and resource economics.