2020 Publications

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Type of publicationReference
Journal articleGwagwa, A., Kraemer-Mbula, E., Rizk, N., Rutenberg, I., & De Beer, J. (2020). Artificial intelligence (AI) deployments in Africa: benefits, challenges and policy dimensions. The African Journal of Information and Communication, 26, 1-28.
Journal articleDe Beer, J., Kraemer-Mbula, E., Ncube, C., Oguamanam, C., Rizk, N., Rutenberg, I., & Schonwetter, T. (2020). Introduction to thematic issue: collaborative innovation in African settings. The African Journal of Information and Communication, 26, 1-2.
Journal articleSchot, J. (2020). Interpreting COVID-19 through the lens of the second Deep Transition. Ökologisches Wirtschaften-Fachzeitschrift, (3), 19-21.
Journal articleYang, K., Hiteva, R. P., & Schot, J. (2020). Expectation dynamics and niche acceleration in China’s wind and solar power development. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 36, 177-196.
Journal articleSovacool, B.K., Hess, D.J., Amir, S., Geels, F.W., Hirsh, R., Medina, L.R., Miller, C., Palavicino, C.A., Phadke, R., Ryghaug, M. and Schot, J., (2020). Sociotechnical agendas: Reviewing future directions for energy and climate research. Energy Research & Social Science, 70, 101617.
Journal articleHaakonsson, S., Kirkegaard, J. K., & Lema, R. (2020). The decomposition of innovation in Europe and China’s catch-up in wind power technology: the role of KIBS. European Planning Studies, 28(11), 2174-2192.
Journal articleLandini, F., Lema, R., & Malerba, F. (2020). Demand-led catch-up: a history-friendly model of latecomer development in the global green economy. Industrial and Corporate Change, 29(5), 1297-1318.
Journal articleGosens, J., Binz, C., & Lema, R. (2020). China’s role in the next phase of the energy transition: Contributions to global niche formation in the Concentrated Solar Power sector. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 34, 61-75.
Journal articleLema, R., Fu, X., & Rabellotti, R. (2020). Green windows of opportunity: latecomer development in the age of transformation toward sustainability. Industrial and Corporate Change, 29(5), 1193-1209.
Journal articleMedase, S. K., & Abdul-Basit, S. (2020). External knowledge modes and firm-level innovation performance: Empirical evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 5(2), 81-95.
Journal articleMedase, S. K. (2020). Product innovation and employees’ slack time. The moderating role of firm age & size. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 5(3), 151-174.
Journal articleTing, M. B., & Byrne, R. (2020). Eskom and the rise of renewables: Regime-resistance, crisis and the strategy of incumbency in South Africa’s electricity system. Energy Research & Social Science, 60, 101333.
Journal articleCézanne, C., Lorenz, E., & Saglietto, L. (2020). Exploring the economic and social impacts of Industry 4.0. Revue d’économie industrielle, (169), 11-35.
Journal articleHolm, J. R., Lorenz, E., & Nielsen, P. (2020). Work organization and job polarization. Research Policy, 49(8), 104015.
Journal articleEly, A., Marin, A., Charli-Joseph, L., Abrol, D., Apgar, M., Atela, J., Ayre, B., Byrne, R., Choudhary, B. K., Chengo, V., Cremaschi, A., Davis, R., Desai, P., Eakin, H., Kushwaha, P., Marshall, F., Mbeva, K., Ndege, N., Ochieng, C., . . . Yang, L. (2020). Structured Collaboration Across a Transformative Knowledge Network—Learning Across Disciplines, Cultures and Contexts? Sustainability, 12(6), 2499. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12062499
Book chapterKraemer-Mbula, E., & Monaco, L. (2020). Informality and innovation: an avenue towards bottom-up industrialisation for Africa?. In Research Handbook on Development and the Informal Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Book chapter



Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2020). Gender diversity and the transformation of research excellence, in Kraemer-Mbula et al. (Eds) Transforming Research Excellence: New Ideas from the Global South, African Minds Publisher.
Book chapterDaniels, C., Schot, J., Chataway, J., Ramirez, M., Steinmueller, E., & Kanger, L. (2020). Transformative Innovation Policy: Insights from Colombia, Finland, Norway, South Africa and Sweden, in Cele, M.B.G., Luescher, T.M. & Fadiji, A.W. (eds). (2020) Innovation policy at the intersection: global debates and local experiences. Cape Town: HSRC Press.
Book chapterSchot, J. W. (2020). Constructive technology assessment and technology dynamics: the case of clean technologies. In The Ethics of Nanotechnology, Geoengineering, and Clean Energy (pp. 435-455). Routledge.
Book chapterEgbetokun, A., Atta-Ankomah, R., Jegede, O., & Lorenz, E. (2020). Introduction: Firm-level innovation in Africa: overcoming limits and constraints. In Firm-Level Innovation In Africa (pp. 1-14). Routledge.
Conference paperGwagwa, A., Kraemer-Mbula, E., Rizk, N., Rutenberg, I. and de Beer, J. (2020) Towards Integration of African Priorities into Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy Agendas, We Robot Conference 2020, 25th September 2020. University of Ottawa, Canada.
Conference paperLema, R. (2020).  Deepening or delinking? Innovative capacity and global value chain participation in the IT industry.  Annual Geography of Innovation Conference, Stavanger, Norway
Research ReportConinx I., Kilelu C., A Kingiri, S Kimenju and A Numi (2020). Counties as hubs for stimulating investment in agrifood sectors in Kenya; A review of aquaculture, dairy and horticulture sectors in selected counties. Wageningen, Wageningen Environmental Research, Report 3008.
Research ReportKingiri, A., van der Lee, J. and Agutu, F. (2020). Final policy analysis report: Policy research for enhanced implementation and enforcement of feeds, genetic resources and veterinary services quality standards in the Dairy sector in Kenya, ADIAS Policy Report.
Research ReportDaniels, C., Byrne, R., Hanlin, R., Pointel, S., & Numi, A. (2020). Updating the Case Studies of the Political Economy of Science Granting Councils in Sub-Saharan Africa: Full Report. International Development Research Centre. http://hdl.handle.net/10625/59313
Working PaperByrne, R., Onsongo, E., Onjala, B., Chengo, V., Fodio Todd, J., Ockwell, D., & Atela, J. (2020). Electric cooking in Kenya: an actor-network map and analysis of a nascent socio-technical innovation system. https://mecs.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Byrne-et-al-2020-Kenya-ISM-MECS-format-200809-1.pdf
Working PaperByrne, R., Onsongo, E., Onjala, B., Fodio Todd, J., Chengo, V., Ockwell, D., & Atela, J. (2020). Electric cooking in Tanzania: an actor-network map and analysis of a nascent socio-technical innovation system. https://mecs.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Byrne-et-al-2020-Tanzania-ISM-MECS-format-200809-1.pdf
Working PaperGjerding, A.N., Holm, J.R., Lorenz, E. & Stamhus, J. (2020), Ready, but challenged: Diffusion and use of artificial intelligence and robotics in Danish firms, Aalborg: Aalborg University Business School Working Paper Series, November
Edited bookKraemer-Mbula, E., Tijssen, R; Wallace, ML and R McLean, (2020). Transforming Research Excellence: New Ideas from the Global South, African Minds Publisher.