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Past Events
The CALTSTEAM Research Centre hosted a Virtual Roundtable discussion on: Harnessing technology to preserve cultural knowledge in STEM.
This Event was scheduled as follows:
Date: 19 November 2024
Time: 10:00 -12:00 (SAST)
Venue: MSTeams
Purpose: the purpose of these roundtable discussion was to bring together leading scholars to explore and critically discuss the intersections of technology, culture, and STEM. The conversation was aimed at addressing three primary issues:
a) the role of emerging technologies such as digital archiving, VR, and AI, in documenting and preserving endangered cultural knowledge and practices.
b) examining the ethical considerations associated with using technology in cultural preservation.
c) the roundtable further addressed strategies to actively involve indigenous and local communities in the preservation process, ensuring that technology serves as an empowering tool for these communities rather than an external imposition.
Members participated in the roundtable:
- This roundtable discussion was facilitated by Prof Umesh Ramnarain who is the Director of the Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (CALTSTEAM).
- Prof Kasper Rodil is an Associate Professor at the Aalborg University, in Denmark – with over a decade of experience in co-designing systems with indigenous people, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Prof Kenneth Mlungisi Ngcoza is a C2 NRF-Rated Emeritus Professor in Science Education at Rhodes University, South Africa. His research interest includes science curriculum; transformative continuing professional development; Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS); Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and Citizenship Education.
- Prof Mishack T Gumbo is a C1 NRF-Rated and research Professor of Technology Education and Indigenous Technology Knowledge Systems Education in the Department of Science and Technology Education at UNISA, South Africa.
- Dr Moleboheng Ramulumo is a senior lecturer at North-West University. Her Research journey into education was shaped by her two sons who had speech delays as toddlers, as a result she embarked on exploring digital educational games to help them, sparking her interest in early science and mathematics education.
- Prof Mafor Penn is an Associate Professor and Researcher at the Centre for Advanced Learning Technology in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (CALTSTEAM) in the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (MSTED) at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Open Day: MPhil in Virtual and Augmented Reality in STEM Education
Date | Friday, 2 August 2024
Time | 15:00-17:00
Venue | B Ring – 301 (The CALTSTEAM Research Centre)
This event was targeting students who have completed their Honours degree in the following disciplines:
- Education
- Sciences: Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Sciences, Mathematical Sciences
- Engineering: Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering
- Arts: Architecture, Graphic Design, Industrial Design
For information on the MPhil in VAR, see MPhil VAR in STEM
Public Lecture presented by the esteemed Professor Timothy Teo from The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Education.
CALTSTEAM and the Department of Science and Technology Education in the Faculty of Education cordially invite you to attend a public lecture presented by the esteemed Professor Timothy Teo from The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Education. TOPIC: Building a Public Academic Profile: Unpacking the Elements.
Date: 12 June 2024
Time: 10:00-12:00 (SAST)
Venue: Ubuntu Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, Madibeng Building, University of Johannesburg’s Auckland Park Campus
RSVP: link here
Hybrid link: link here
Invite Public Lecture Prof Timothy Teo
Webinar: “Opportunities and challenges for advanced learning technologies in STEM Education: An African Perspective” (Prof Umesh Ramnarain)
Webinar presented by Prof Umesh Ramnarain (Director of CALTSTEAM) on ” Opportunities and challenges for advanced learning technologies in STEM Education: An African Perspective”
CALTSTEAM and the ICEST (International Conference on Education, Science and Technology, 2024) along with Centre for Research and Development, and the Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti, in Nigeria – cordially invites you to join the conversation led by Prof U. Ramnarain on the opportunities and challenges experienced when incorporating advanced learning technologies in STEM education within the African context.
Date: 24 June 2024
Time: 13:00 – 14:00
Venue: Google Meet
Writing for competitive Journals seminar: PhD & Master’s students
CALTSTEAM and the Department of Science and Technology Education in the Faculty of Education cordially invite all Masters and Doctoral students in the Faculty of Education to this online seminar presented by the esteemed Distinguished Visiting Professor: Timothy Teo from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
TOPIC: Writing for Competitive Journal.
Date: 14 June 2025
Time: 15:00- 16:30 (SAST)
Venue: Ms Teams
Short Learning Programme in Virtual and Augmented Reality in Science Teaching.
The CALTSTEAM research centre has offered and facilitated a Short-learning programme for science and other subject teachers where they were given opportunities to learn about Virtual and Augmented reality, experience these immersive and currently trending technologies in order for them to be able to effectively implement in their South African classrooms. This was a 6-months 2023 programme, where approximately 30 teachers across different schools from Gauteng province participated and graduated out of this programme.
Public Lecture by esteemed Professor Capps Daniel from the University of Georgia, United States.
Daniel Capps is an associate professor in Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education at the University of Georgia in the United States. His research focuses on understanding how to design learning experiences that will support teachers and students in learning about what science is and the different ways it is practices. Daniel’s research has been regularly supported by the National Science Foundation. In his most recent project, Deep structure Modelling (, he and his colleagues address the pressing need to organise science teaching and learning around “big ideas” that run more effectively through disciplines.
This public lecture was hosted by the CALTSTEAM Research Centre of the Department of Science and Technology Education, on the 13th of March 2024 (15:00 – 16:30) at Ubuntu Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, Madibeng Building, University of Johannesburg.
Symposium on AI for STEM Education (SAARMSTE 2024)
The research centre hosted a symposium at the SAARMSTE conference in January 2024 on “AI for STEM Education”. The symposium explored the application, challenges, and advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.
Open Day for UJ staff
An open day was hosted for UJ staff on 6 October 2022 on the use of VR and AR in higher education programmes. The open day provided insight and first-hand experience for staff on how VR and AR technologies could be integrated into their teaching. (see poster)
VARTEL International Conference
The International VARTEL (Virtual & Augmented Reality in Technology-Enhanced Learning) Conference took place from December 1–2, 2022. The conference will bring together top scholars and researchers from Europe, Southeast Asia, the United States, and Africa who share cutting-edge research. The organizers secured two world leaders in the fields of VR and AR, who presented keynote addresses. They were Professor Wouter van Joolingen from Utrecht University, Netherlands, and Professor Eleni Mangina from University College Dublin, Ireland. Professor Wouter’s keynote was on “Strengthening science education with augmented, virtual, and creative technology,” and Professor Mangina addressed the audience on “The new era of learning and training with XR technology affordances in education.”
Seminar on “How can Artificial Intelligence Support STEM Teaching and Learning?”
On March 15, 2023, Prof. Joseph Krajcik from Michigan State University presented a seminar on his work in using artificial intelligence (AI) as a partner to score open-ended explanation tasks and student-drawn models to provide immediate feedback to teachers and students and to suggest next steps that teachers and students can take to improve learning.
Workshop on “Virtual and augmented reality (VAR) for teacher education”
The Centre, in its commitment to community engagement, facilitated a workshop for teachers from UJMA on the use of VR and AR applications in teaching abstract science concepts.
Workshop on Video Annotation
Professor Kennedy Chan from the University of Hong did a workshop with BEd 4th year science methodology students on enhancing pre-service science teachers’ ability in “noticing” and using video annotation of micro-lessons.
Workshop on Learning Analytics for VR
The Centre hosted researchers from the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences who conducted a workshop on learning analytics for a virtual reality classroom.
Seminar on “Exploring the use of virtual and augmented reality for inquiry-based science learning” at NMU
Prof Ramnarain was invited by NMU to coordinate a seminar on VR and AR for inquiry-based science education. The seminar took place on 12 July 2023. At the seminar, he presented examples of applications that could be used in supporting inquiry learning.
SLP virtual and augmented reality (VAR) in science teaching.
CALTSTEAM hosted a short learning programme for science teachers. In the SLP, the teachers learnt about the affordances of VAR, how to use various applications in VAR, how to integrate VAR applications into their teaching practices; and how to critically select VAR applications for integration in science lessons. The SLP blended face-to-face workshops and online interactive sessions.
Free workshop on Augmented Reality using Unity 3D and Vuforia
The CALTSTEAM research centre, Faculty of Education in collaboration with Metaverse Research Unit has hosted a free training session aimed at using Augmented Reality as an educational tool. The workshop helped the attendees to develop skills on developing AR mobile applications.