Teacher Education

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Integrating Virtual and Augmented (VAR) in Science Teacher Education (BEd)

VR and AR are integrated with science methodology modules taken by pre-service teachers (PSTs)  studying towards the Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree. PSTs receive hands-on experience in the use of these technologies at the CALTSTEAM. PSTs also get to do microlessons in a VR classroom. 

 Short learning programme (SLP) for in-service teachers on virtual and augmented reality  in teaching

CALTSTEAM offers a Short Learning Programme (SLP) to qualified Life, Physical and Natural Sciences teachers on the use of virtual and augmented reality in science teaching. During the SLP, teachers learn about the affordances of VAR and how to use various VAR applications in their teaching of various science subjects.  They also explore how to critically select VAR applications for integration in science lessons.

Certificate course on “3D Modelling for AR”

CALTSTEAM offers a short certificate course on “3D Modelling for AR.” This practical course will introduce you to the basics of 3D modelling with Blender and AR (artificial reality) development. This course is intended to be a springboard for kickstarting your own AR/3D ambitions and research. Students will be challenged to produce their own 3D objects and to develop the skills and expertise needed to begin their own journeys in XR development and research.